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Ahmadinejad again passes remarks on Holocaust, 9/11

Again the Wipe off the Map, the Media twisted Dr. Ahmadinejad words, if Iran wanted to wipe out Izrael that means Palestine would be wiped out ? why would Iran Destroy their third holiest site in islam ? Al Aqsa mosque ? Seriously people need to think.

I think I figured you out---When it came to your religion and life you chose big PAPA USA to run to .... i.e. you have posted here several times how you are afraid of being persecuted as a Christian in Syria w/ the latest Arab spring there.

You have also shoiwn disdain for Islamic run countries that do not tolerate your religion (Christianity)---- However, the very country you ran off to save you hide--- you never fail to support anyone who opposes it on every other issue besides your Christianity.

who else has noticed this- when it comes to his religion sandbag Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran , Iraq what have you ( you seen him bashing those countries here)--- but if the topic is not about his religion - he reverts back to the typical anti-American that we see from folks out of the middle east?

Just saying...I study people and think it’s fascinating to read between the lines.
Your quote of PM Begin is distorted, he meant only Arafat (and History proved him to be right).

Unfortunately in every society there are sick people like the one you quoted, but they hardly represent the overwhelming majority of the Israeli public. To portray Israel through this people who never had any influence or power in the government or even elected to any public position is worst than a lie.

Of course, in Arab and Muslim public the situation is completely different: The consensus is hatred towards Israel, Anti-Semitism, and declaration to destory it completely.

In free elections in pakistan religous parties rarely if ever get more than 1 to 3% votes yet america israel and the west choose to label all in pakistanis as some religous fanatics cos we dont agree with their strain of the truth. Religouse parties poll higher in israel than pakistan you have your nutters too yet you arnt labelled so. Why this double standards. I abhor injustice anywhere whether it be against jew or any other religion but I will not be lectured to by the likes of you

---------- Post added at 10:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:49 PM ----------

I think I figured you out---When it came to your religion and life you chose big PAPA USA to run to .... i.e. you have posted here several times how you are afraid of being persecuted as a Christian in Syria w/ the latest Arab spring there.

You have also shoiwn disdain for Islamic run countries that do not tolerate your religion (Christianity)---- However, the very country you ran off to save you hide--- you never fail to support anyone who opposes it on every other issue besides your Christianity.

who else has noticed this- when it comes to his religion sandbag Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran , Iraq what have you ( you seen him bashing those countries here)--- but if the topic is not about his religion - he reverts back to the typical anti-American that we see from folks out of the middle east?

Just saying...I study people and think it’s fascinating to read between the lines.

Study yourself and ask yourself why when Zionism classes people hindus and other religions as lesser humans why you keep kissing israeli zionist axxs
In free elections in pakistan religous parties rarely if ever get more than 1 to 3% votes yet america israel and the west choose to label all in pakistanis as some religous fanatics cos we dont agree with their strain of the truth. Religouse parties poll higher in israel than pakistan you have your nutters too yet you arnt labelled so. Why this double standards. I abhor injustice anywhere whether it be against jew or any other religion but I will not be lectured to by the likes of you

The hatred towards the US and Israel in Pakistan is shared by all sections of the public which believe all kinds of conspiracies theories that has nothing to do with reality and advocates Anti-Semite ideas about the Jews controlling the world and about imaginable Israeli atrocities.

So there is no double standard - in Israel this lunatics are a neglected minority, in Pakistan they dictate policy.
If supporting Israel is Crime, Then Ahmadinejad is doing 100 times bigger crime by supporting Assad family who killed 1,00,000+ of own people. Ask any person from Saudi Arabia or Turkey.
When a hideious man like this Iranian criminal threatens to eliminate another country and deny the greatest atrocity of our time and support conspiracy theories about 9/11 all the representatives of all nations should have left the hall in protest.

It's clear you don't want him to speak, they didn't because they don't want to listen to the USA and Izrael am I right ? He spoke and whatever your opinion was he deserves to speak.

---------- Post added at 05:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 PM ----------

If supporting Israel is Crime, Then Ahmadinejad is doing 100 times bigger crime by supporting Assad family who killed 1,00,000+ of own people. Ask any person from Saudi Arabia or Turkey.

100,000 lol now your just making up lies, ahmadinejad told Dr. Assad to speak to the protestors seeing the ME isn't your best topic I suggest you reasearch what happens before you open your mouth. yeah Saudi Arabia and Turkey are real credible lolz.
The hatred towards the US and Israel in Pakistan is shared by all sections of the public which believe all kinds of conspiracies theories that has nothing to do with reality and advocates Anti-Semite ideas about the Jews controlling the world and about imaginable Israeli atrocities.

So there is no double standard - in Israel this lunatics are a neglected minority, in Pakistan they dictate policy.

You are beginning to talk cr*p.

Look simple.

Israeli religious parties as a % get more votes than Pakistani religious parties - why cant you accept it?
European killing jews is no mitigation for zionists killing Palestinians. Your sympathy is selective and racist. I have sympathy for any innocent person losing life be it Hindu, Muslim or Jew.
The hatred towards the US and Israel in Pakistan is shared by all sections of the public which believe all kinds of conspiracies theories that has nothing to do with reality and advocates Anti-Semite ideas about the Jews controlling the world and about imaginable Israeli atrocities.

So there is no double standard - in Israel this lunatics are a neglected minority, in Pakistan they dictate policy.

Don't be offended mate. Many people say many things. But it doesn't mean it's truth or it makes any difference. Try to ignore such things. Those who matters, don't say such things. There are billions of human beings on earth, who really cares. There are millions of Indians who support Israel.

Many people have double standard. Few people consider Dr. Assad as nationalist, Few consider Gadaffi as good man, Few consider Israel as bad.

Try to live with it. Don't take seriously because it doesn't make any difference.
Don't be offended mate. Many people say many things. But it doesn't mean it's truth or it makes any difference. Try to ignore such things. Those who matters, don't say such things. There are billions of human beings on earth, who really cares. There are millions of Indians who support Israel.

Many people have double standard. Few people consider Dr. Assad as nationalist, Few consider Gadaffi as good man, Few consider Israel as bad.

Try to live with it. Don't take seriously because it doesn't make any difference.

Can we get back to the thread please, i'll make a syria news thread and you guys can rant on it as much as you like really I'm open to everyone, but lets no derail this thread.
It's clear you don't want him to speak, they didn't because they don't want to listen to the USA and Izrael am I right ? He spoke and whatever your opinion was he deserves to speak.

You misunderstand me.

It is most important to let this scum to speak as much as he likes in the UN and in any other international forum - so that everybody will have no elisions about the primitive and barbaric ideas of the Iranian leadership.

However, I expect that this Anti-Semite will not get apllause for his lies and his dark ideas and that whenever he expresses them all civilised nations should leave the hall in protest, so he would know that he enjoys zero support for his fascist ideas.
100,000 lol now your just making up lies, ahmadinejad told Dr. Assad to speak to the protestors seeing the ME isn't your best topic I suggest you reasearch what happens before you open your mouth. yeah Saudi Arabia and Turkey are real credible lolz.

Now, Saudi Arabai and Turkey are wrong ? Tomorrow, You will say Hama massacre is not truth ?

You have right to support Dr. Assad. But More people died in Syria than Israel. This is fact !!

Why people don't talk of Syria ?? Isn't this double standard ???
You misunderstand me.

It is most important to let this scum to speak as much as he likes in the UN and in any other international forum - so that everybody will have no elisions about the primitive and barbaric ideas of the Iranian leadership.

However, I expect that this Anti-Semite will not get apllause for his lies and his dark ideas and that whenever he expresses them all civilised nations should leave the hall in protest, so he would know that he enjoys zero support for his fascist ideas.

Nope, why consider him scum your showing your hatred how is this man a scum ? sir your revealing to much emotion listen I understand you, lol to think your suppose to be my eternal enemy lol you don't seem like a bad guy, However this is the UN not matter how bad you are yes you have a right to talk about it.
Don't be offended mate. Many people say many things. But it doesn't mean it's truth or it makes any difference. Try to ignore such things. Those who matters, don't say such things. There are billions of human beings on earth, who really cares. There are millions of Indians who support Israel.

Many people have double standard. Few people consider Dr. Assad as nationalist, Few consider Gadaffi as good man, Few consider Israel as bad.

Try to live with it. Don't take seriously because it doesn't make any difference.

Why are you off thread? Either start another thread or stay on topic.
Why are you off thread? Either start another thread or stay on topic.

This is not off-topic. Related with same Ahmadinejad. He is not credible person. His views doesn't make truth. Ask any person from Turkey.
Now, Saudi Arabai and Turkey are wrong ? Tomorrow, You will say Hama massacre is not truth ?

You have right to support Dr. Assad. But More people died in Syria than Israel. This is fact !!

Why people don't talk of Syria ?? Isn't this double standard ???

Yeah go look up on what SA does to it's own people, Turkey is just talking BS, Hama was 30 years ago, it destroyed the Muslim Brotherhood who would have turned Syria backwards. Nope more people in Israel have died then in Syria, just more BS you have , actually people do talk of syria, we have had plenty of talk about us from all countries now, You have really now Idea of what your saying , I've have said I will open a thread about Syria and you can talk as much as you like now lets stop derailing this thread shall we ?
The hatred towards the US and Israel in Pakistan is shared by all sections of the public which believe all kinds of conspiracies theories that has nothing to do with reality and advocates Anti-Semite ideas about the Jews controlling the world and about imaginable Israeli atrocities.

So there is no double standard - in Israel this lunatics are a neglected minority, in Pakistan they dictate policy.

Oh you pesrsonally conducted these polls in pakistan did you. I note that I asked you to address a number of isssues in particular I stated that European killing of jews does not mitigate killing of palestinians by zionists. I notice your complete silence on the other modern victims of the world that being palestinians. Shame on you Zionist

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