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Ahmadi man along with his Sunni neighbor shot dead in Orangi Town, Karachi


A man belonging to Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Zahoor Ahmed Kiyani, 46, was shot dead along with his Sunni neighbour Noorul Wahid in Mujahid Colony area of Orangi Town.

The police officials said that the deceased was sitting outside the house with his neighbour, when at least two armed men on a motorcycle came came up-close and shot him multiple times.

When the neighbour ran after the culprits to stop them from escaping, they shot him dead too.The bodies were taken to Abbasi Shaheed Hospital for autopsy and were later handed over to their families.

Kiyani was an employee of the Anti-Narcotics Forces and was posted to the Anti-Smuggling Unit in Pakistan Customs. On the other hand, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community spokesperson, Saleemuddin, condemned the incident and demanded the law enforcers to arrest the culprits. “Kiyani sahib had no enmity with anyone,” he said, adding, “He was killed by armed men on sectarian basis.” His friend was killed because he tried to resist the assailants, he added. The police have registered an FIR No. 386/13 against unidentified people and have initiated further investigation.

Source: RT

Bhai aik masumana sawal hai .........Why is the case people converted to Ahmadi religion once died....??

Why known Ahmadi personal are speare by evil Muslims....???
Cause Muslims do not believe in reincarnation unlike you qadianis. Your "prophet" declared himself the second advent of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, the messiah, the mahdi, and hell he threw krishna in there for the hell of it as well. :lol:

His claim to being Muhammad incarnate- In short, my prophethood is due to my being Muhammad and Ahmad and not by myself: I have been vouchsafed this rank because of my complete annihilation in the Holy Prophet, and thus the sense of the expression 'Khaataman Nabiyyeen (Seal of the prophets) is not at all interfered with. But the advent of an independent prophet like Jesus Christ will certainly be at variance with it. -http://www.alislam.org/books/misunderstandingremoved.html

He who differentiates between me and Mustafa has neither known me nor seen me. -Roohani Khazain vol 16, p.259

So now you see that is why it is hard for you to understand why the dead cannot be brought back because you have been taught the hindu concept of reincarnation. :coffee:

You sound so desperate. Sorry not buying your version of religion today.
Cause Muslims do not believe in reincarnation unlike you qadianis. Your "prophet" declared himself the second advent of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, the messiah, the mahdi, and hell he threw krishna in there for the hell of it as well. :lol:

His claim to being Muhammad incarnate- In short, my prophethood is due to my being Muhammad and Ahmad and not by myself: I have been vouchsafed this rank because of my complete annihilation in the Holy Prophet, and thus the sense of the expression 'Khaataman Nabiyyeen (Seal of the prophets) is not at all interfered with. But the advent of an independent prophet like Jesus Christ will certainly be at variance with it. -http://www.alislam.org/books/misunderstandingremoved.html

He who differentiates between me and Mustafa has neither known me nor seen me. -Roohani Khazain vol 16, p.259

So now you see that is why it is hard for you to understand why the dead cannot be brought back because you have been taught the hindu concept of reincarnation. :coffee:

I'm sorry but how is this quote you presented anything to do with reincarnation, or ahmadis believe in reincarnation. I think you've been spending too much time on alhafeez/khatmenabuwat academy websites. what he's saying is that all his blessings are due to his obedience to prophet Muhammad (saw).
Muslims are traitors to Christianity Jesus never told another prophet Muhammad saw would come ? If jesus taught islam than why drink wine and eat pork why did Muhammad saw die ? JESUS IS STILL ALIVE you should become a christian Islam is liar religion you must repent and leave before Jesus comes

Yes Muslims belief Christianity is false so call us traitors and you qadianis are traitors to Islam. Oh really? The bible has two contradicting views on wine, it has both negative view and positive. Here are the negatives

Proverbs 23:20f: "Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags."
Isaiah 5:11f: "Woe to those who rise early in the morning to run after their drinks, who stay up late at night till they are inflamed with wine. They have harps and lyres at their banquets, tambourines and flutes and wine, but they have no regard for the deeds of the LORD, no respect for the work of his hands."
Galatians 5:19–21: "The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: ... drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God."
Ephesians 5:18: "Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit."

AS for pork here you go- What Does the Bible Say About Eating Pork?
Leviticus 11:7-8
English Standard Version (ESV)
7 And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. 8 You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.

Now before you say this is old testament, remember the Christians use old testament references when they quote homosexuals being cursed so their inability to adhere to these laws from the old testament is just their hypocrisy.

Your last comment shows your desperation.
Fine, but remember this you have been told, the rest is up to you, whatever your fate is

told by a random guy on a forum.. lolz.. if I have to listen to every people of every religion... I will live in fear.. that I insulted some god or other..
chillx.. even if your god is truestest of the gods.. I have got charm working in my favour... :cheers:
we will see.. for all I know jews might be right. only they are chosen. :rofl:
Bhai aik masumana sawal hai .........Why is the case people converted to Ahmadi religion once died....??

Why known Ahmadi personal are speare by evil Muslims....???

huh English ager nahi ati na bolo, confusion hoti hai. I don't even know what u said lol
Bhai aik masumana sawal hai .........Why is the case people converted to Ahmadi religion once died....??

Why known Ahmadi personal are speare by evil Muslims....???

Construct your sentence properly. If one doesn't know English you could always use Urdu. Don't have to throw a bit of English with Urdu to sound very Sophisticated.:)
I'm sorry but how is this quote you presented anything to do with reincarnation, or ahmadis believe in reincarnation. I think you've been spending too much time on alhafeez/khatmenabuwat academy websites. what he's saying is that all his blessings are due to his obedience to prophet Muhammad (saw).

He who differentiates between the both is clear in his writings. So either you are lying or he was.
He who differentiates between the both is clear in his writings. So either you are lying or he was.

Not really, You made one part bold and ignored the whole paragraph. IF only you had actually taken into account what he said in the next few words, you would know what I'm saying. Ofcourse he who differentiates between the two is worthy of disbelief or do you accept that when your jesus returns it is not wajib on every person to accept him? And I don't want to debate religion, because then the mods will close this thread. This thread is about the killings of two innocent human beings because some twisted people think killing them will get to heaven.
huh English ager nahi ati na bolo, confusion hoti hai. I don't even know what u said lol

Construct your sentence properly. If one doesn't know English you could always use Urdu. Don't have to throw a bit of English with Urdu to sound very Sophisticated.:)

hmmm.....may I know the hell idiots you are to mock your nose.....that simple question was raised for OP not for you.....

BTW if you have the answer of that question please reply......my message is very clear...
You sound so desperate. Sorry not buying your version of religion today.

Sorry I am not trying to save you guys, I could care less rather your brethren made some absurd claims that need to be refuted.

Not really, You made one part bold and ignored the whole paragraph. IF only you had actually taken into account what he said in the next few words, you would know what I'm saying. Ofcourse he who differentiates between the two is worthy of disbelief or do you accept that when your jesus returns it is not wajib on every person to accept him? And I don't want to debate religion, because then the mods will close this thread. This thread is about the killings of two innocent human beings because some twisted people think killing them will get to heaven.

No because according to Hadiths that talk about Jesus' return he will pray behind the mahdi so everyone will realize he was always a Muslim. We Muslims already accept him for what he was. Then Christians who took him as lord will repent and Jews who refused to acknowledge him as anything will also make repentance. I agree but Ehsan brought up religion first and openly mocked Islam to boot or else I was just going to say RIP and leave this thread.
hmmm.....may I know the hell idiots you are to mock your nose.....that simple question was raised for OP not for you.....

BTW if you have the answer of that question please reply......

:lol: Keep writing in your broken English. Its good entertainment mate.

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