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AH-1W Super Cobras are in service for Turkish Army

I can testify to that as my own country have fought a mountain insurgents intrusion, attack helos do more than you can even begin to imagine in such conflicts. In our instance we used the Apaches to level the insurgents into tiny smithereens.

Our apache being black in color was nicknamed by the insurgents as "The black she-devil(Al-Jinyyah Al-sowda)" and the name was stuck to it in our military as well :lol:

Yh they help a lot, but the mountains in our case is some massive long mountains they live in the mountains like 20km inside they have some hideouts unbelievable, they live like animals in them. My uncle who is now a retired ex army men said it was like freezing cold, mountains so high up that it was like the sky is next to them.
Someone put killuminati out of his misery. :undecided: no hope for that guy

I would go on explaining how impossible it is to hide from FLIRs in woodland but it won't make any difference.
Someone put killuminati out of his misery. :undecided: no hope for that guy

I would go on explaining how impossible it is to hide from FLIRs in woodland but it won't make any difference.

We already had a discussions about flirs and believe me those 80's flirs cant trace the warmth of a humanbody thats hided under woods. Its a complete cover for these terrorist. Why you think that the Chechens are so strong agains Russian army? Dude, they use the forest as their cover otherwise they would already traced out by Russian satelite views.
We already had a discussions about flirs and believe me those 80's flirs cant trace the warmth of a humanbody thats hided under woods. Its a complete cover for these terrorist. Why you think that the Chechens are so strong agains Russian army? Dude, they use the forest as their cover otherwise they would already traced out by Russian satelite views.
If that was the case they wouldn't be called flirs...
We already had a discussions about flirs and believe me those 80's flirs cant trace the warmth of a humanbody thats hided under woods. Its a complete cover for these terrorist. Why you think that the Chechens are so strong agains Russian army? Dude, they use the forest as their cover otherwise they would already traced out by Russian satelite views.

Forward looking infrared - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I dont think you know very well what a FLIR means in the first place...

The Specs on Supercobras FLIR the AN/AWS-1(V)1 Night Targeting System...

AN/AWS-1(V)1 Night Targeting System

The Only reason why the Chechen did well was because of the Fact the Russian main helicopter force (Mill Mi 24 Hind) Didnt even had FLIR Capable Helo, The only received 14 Mill Mi-24PN Which had FLIRs and the production for Mil-Mi 28 Havoc just started recently...

Mil Mi-24 variants - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You guys really think that PKK is stupid? PKK is a terrorist organisation that uses guerilla tactics and just buying attack helo's to give so called support are nonsense because they know us very good and they know how to attack and hide immidiatly. Those choppers are pretty useless if you have very high mountains camouflaged with many trees and caves.. And the dangerzone border is about 300 + km.

How many attack choppers does Turkey have at the moment that are stand by and can serve within a time limit of 5 - 10 minutes to support its soldiers?

30 years we updated our stocks to make improvement on fight agains terror but without any result. If you spend more than 300 billion dollar on this without any result, than you really have to chage mentality and strategy. Thats why i dont support these useless retard things.

I want to say this first. We are not sheep, of course we will question anything that does not make sense and not serve our country. That is why I understand your argument (I really want to think and convince myself you are saying like that because you support our country and do not want to waste our money). In this case, you are missing an important thing. When terrorists attack the karakols, there is only way to help them: from air. because of the location of karakols. I do not know if you remember the ambush of Aktutun, the ambush of Hantepe, the ambush of Gedikli etc. however, TSK was criticized because the help from the air did not arrive there on time. Why, because we do not have enough helos to support our troops (weather difficulties were another obstacles). There are lots of temporary karakols there, and mostly terrorist attack them. When ambush happen either you have to fly F-16 or helos to help the troops. And sending a helo is cheaper and more effective. You are saying that terrorist smart and they attack and hide. You are wrong. When they attacked to Aktutun, for example, they attacked 6 hours (those MF also recorded and put it on youtube, you can watch if you want). So basically, we need quick attack helos, and it is urgent. Until we get the T-129 we need Super Cobras.
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