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Agni V Discussions


I doubt.

Rocket science needs support of rocket high IQers from different phases of fundamental research, design, manufacture, test, quality control, repreated tests, improvements, and maintainance... apart from general characters suhc as diligence, focus and discipline of related workforce... Many of these key factors of the value chain and industrial base is either missing or at primitive level of development stage.

Any Tom and Dick ( except India) can make a gun that shoots, yet only a few can make it shoot reliablely and accurately , thus a working gun - keys there is no evidence so far to suggest that Indians can ever master. Critical elements of success, being making a missle or a plane or a tank or a rifle or even a qualified bullet, are completely absent in Indian psych and therefore very likely genepool.

Isn't a missle just a much bigger derivative of a functional rifle/bullet?

It boils down to the same old question:

if you can't do a basic 2+4=6 as there is zero evidence coming out of India, how you suppose to claim being successful in derivatives?

Not a chance, really.
atleast you must have understood some thing
We reached moon before making an ICBM :P
Its a huge development. ICBMs are like muscles that you show off to the world hoping you would never have to use them. India has today knocked on the door of P5 + Israel - the high table. Pakistan is an albatross around India's neck propped up by America till the 80s and China in the late 90s and early 2000s. Today India has demonstrated capability which proves that its strategic interests and capability to protect them go beyond Pakistan stretching to China/ASEAN. On the other hand, Pakistan is hamstrung by Chinese unwillingness to transfer anything that hits beyond India. A little more range would mean Pak can hit Israel. This crosses a red line in the US which China, for reasons best known to itself, doesn't want to cross.
atleast you must have understood some thing
We reached moon before making an ICBM :P


Gotta admit it...all trolls are under flashbang effects. They fail to see what they're talking of.

While the 50 cent Army Runs amok


POSTS: 690 (>700)



Well, I would like to say congratulations, but I would rather do that when you made some social-economic breakthroughs. Have a nice day and go brag the whole day about your 'achievement' while it bring no food to anybody's mouth.

The last time we were rich and not so advanced in defence and weapons, some dutch & british & portuguese & french guys came and bled us for hundreds of years. This time while the poverty is being taken care of by a different very LARGE stash of money, we decided that there are no more people who are evidencly "concerned" with our poverty decide on another misadventure.

Good day to you too :)
Congratulations to DRDO and all Indians on this magnificent achievement!! :) Its definitely the news of the year!

Guys it should be remembered that Chinese have to make statements of India not being their enemy just for the sake of it. Do not read fear of Agni missile into it. There are many factors they would not like India to be their enemy, so chill.

Please be reasonable in your judgement.

can anyone tell whats this ? tribune says its AGNI-5... :o
10 nuke warhead maybe be too much..3 is a possibility...At least they should test MIRV.

What are we here for :lol:

Impossible to say until we know size of Indian warheads. Agni V's current warhead seems to be quite hefty in size and weight since it can carry only one.
nope i don't see how one can eat Dosa every single day

Not only Tambrams but mostly people from TN and other south states.

But all in the name of India....

so a team of South Indians developed this missile to defend a group of North Indians from a group of Han Chinese 5,000+km away from South India?

that's India for you[/QUOTE]

Usme kya hain,Channal Dal aur black daal hi to hain?
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