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Agni V Discussions

Chinese govt is quite conservative, or very polite I see.

Like what I said earlier, in reality it would take about a decade just to familiarise with re-entry tech that India doesn’t have.

…let alone a decade more, if not decades or ever, to have tech ready for miniaturation of nuke warhead which India has’t either.

Then only after those, you meet the real challenge: advanced materials science that could make the nuke warhead intact during re-entry. Only USA, China, Russia have this tech so far. I believe both UK and France are buying that from the states.

To say Agni V is an equivalent to China´s DF-4 of 1970s is an insult to the latter:

DF-4 is in fact streets ahead of Agni V even though categorily they belong to the same generation.

DF-4 were in service, secretly tested countless times, proved, and improved, with proper nuke warhead, and quite mature re-entry tech during late 70s, early 80s. None of those Agni V has.

DF-4´s accuray is staggering 10X better than Agni V´s!

If DF-4 is F-16 Block50, then Agni V is LCA Tejas on paper.

Agni V, I suspect, will eventually become another infamous Indian white elephant, just like Tejas, Aryan tank, etc.

I will tell you basic difference China missile based on liquid fuel and India Agni 5 is having solid fuel more advance.....

As long as it hits your capital I dont care anything :D
Looking at the reactions of Chinese members here, I can not stop smiling......this launch has realy really hurt and deflated their ego....

I think for their good health, they should get used to these developments at more freqeunt interval...
AGNI- V : What next ?? | idrw.org
AGNI- V : What next ??


.India dashed into Elite Group of Countries , in terms of Missile technology and current Agni -V put India into the big league , but what next is the question been asked , well current plans for the DRDO will be to have two more test of Agni-V variant with one year period time and next launch as per sources will be a canisterised based Agni-V .
Most crucial test which come after 2014 that will feature Agni-V with Multiple Independent Re-entry Vehicles (MIRVs) with each missile being capable of carrying 3-10 separate nuclear warheads.
MIRVs ensure a credible second strike capability even with few missiles.
Next Big thing in Indian Missile arsenal will be development of K-X series by DRDO, K-X, named after former President of India Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, is the next significant development under the K-X series by DRDO, K-X missiles will be India’s Submarine launched missiles , under development for INS Arihant class nuclear submarines . Under K-X series , DRDO is said to be developing three class of missiles under this secret project , that involves development of K-15 aka Sagarika , which is a submarine missile based on Shourya missile (Surface based) will range of 750 km and DRDO also have declared that more then 15 test of this missiles have been carried out in last few years .
K-4 is another missile supposedly based on Agni- III/IV missiles with range of 3500km to 4500km , and has been in key focus after successful testing
of K-15, another missile known as K-5 SLBM again alleged to be based on Agni-V is also under
consideration and development will start after Agni-V development is completed .

Next Major thing after Agni-V , might be another Missile coming from Agni Family , that will be Agni-VI , DRDO News letter of May 2011 had hinted about Agni- VI , Some reports claime that the ICBM is already named “Surya” and code named AGNI-VI, but no confirmation has been put forward by DRDO , but DRDO news letter mentioned that Shri Avinash Chander, current development head of Agni-IV and Agni-V will head three projects and third Project mentioned was 6000 km A6 system with multiple warheads (MIRV) capable of launching both from the ground and underwater.
@speeder 2

No I think china is in line for receiving another something like the 1967 "spanking":lol:

Chola incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Our troops kicked the crap outta your troops and chased them right back to their han-infested land in 24 hrs flat.:rofl:

The CPC wannabe mayors are doing a crappy job at best. Boasting of that obsolete DF-4 that
is nothing but a stolen soviet missile painted in chinese colors. scrath the paint on it and you will see russian color.

The DF-4 was an utter failure that was unacceptable at best for chinese communist leadership, it was a failure. Just like their SY-400 -


The chinese J-10 has crashed about 10-12 times according to a few reports. Making it actually worse than the MiG-21 when it comes to crash rate. No other plane has crashed so many times and killed so many people as this one, in such a short span of time -


^^click on the link to see a picture:lol:

This guy even does not realise >250 Arjun tanks are in production. Neither does he seem to know that its
armor is one the best around the world (way ahead of the type-99g) and its muzzle velocity is 1650m/s comparable
to the U.S. Abrams' velocity of 1750m/s.

Mr. Han's post has failed yet again as I know best.
Chinese govt is quite conservative, or very polite I see.

Like what I said earlier, in reality it would take about a decade just to familiarise with re-entry tech that India doesn’t have.

…let alone a decade more, if not decades or ever, to have tech ready for miniaturation of nuke warhead which India has’t either.

Then only after those, you meet the real challenge: advanced materials science that could make the nuke warhead intact during re-entry. Only USA, China, Russia have this tech so far. I believe both UK and France are buying that from the states.

To say Agni V is an equivalent to China´s DF-4 of 1970s is an insult to the latter:

DF-4 is in fact streets ahead of Agni V even though categorily they belong to the same generation.

DF-4 were in service, secretly tested countless times, proved, and improved, with proper nuke warhead, and quite mature re-entry tech during late 70s, early 80s. None of those Agni V has.

DF-4´s accuray is staggering 10X better than Agni V´s!

If DF-4 is F-16 Block50, then Agni V is LCA Tejas on paper.

Agni V, I suspect, will eventually become another infamous Indian white elephant, just like Tejas, Aryan tank, etc.

So........... Why are you woried mate. If you belive it is a worthless wepon then have a peacefull sleep. Your trolling is making us overconfident that this misile, even a failure and on paper is giving you sleepless night. I think it is 100% sucessfull in its objective, giving you sleepless night :rofl:
So........... Why are you woried mate. If you belive it is a worthless wepon then have a peacefull sleep. Your trolling is making us overconfident that this misile, even a failure and on paper is giving you sleepless night. I think it is 100% sucessfull in its objective, giving you sleepless night :rofl:

Thats the problem with the hans. They are afraid of pretty much anything ranging from an ant to a big lion.

They seem to be wetting their trousers thinking of A5 but are ever ready to post crap saying that they're not!
So much chinese attention for a few meters-tall missile! I wonder why!! :rofl:
^^ wooried? nah... i am enjoying myself watching a joke...

you try to hit Beijing with that stone-age crap? :no: it would more likely end up like a giant iron rock ( again, assumed Indian style "nuclear" warhaead evaporated long ago) in the streets of new delhi or Pune instead, as reliability issue of missles is completely absent in India, or let's say just like the reliability of Indian electricity supply..:rofl:
^^ wooried? nahh... i am enjoying myself watching a joke... you try to hit Beijing with that crap, it would more likely end up like a giant iron rock ( again, assumed Indian style "nuclear" warhaead evaporated long ago) in the streets of new delhi or Pune instead, as reliability issue of missles is completely absent in India, or let's say just like the reliability of Indian electricity supply..:rofl:

chinese talking about quality ??? :rofl::rofl::rofl: Biggest joke on the earth

Why your government fear to announce any missile launch date ??? even you know that

You hide your failure but we are not

How much tech detail about AGNI-5 provided by India, you cant even know even half of it for your junk missiles
Business Line : Industry & Economy / Economy : Production of Agni-V to begin in a year: DRDO chief
Production of Agni- V to begin in a year: DRDO chief

India has emerged as a major missile power with the successful launch of Agni-V ballistic missile and the production of the weapon system would start in a year’s time, DRDO chief, Dr V.K. Saraswat, has said.
“This launch has given a message to the entire world that India has the capability to design, develop, build and manufacture missiles of this class, and we are today a missile power,” Dr Saraswat said today after the launch of the 5,000 km range surface-to-surface Inter Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM).
The Defence Research and Development Organisation chief said that the missile launch was a major milestone in the defence preparedness of the country.
“We are going to conduct two more tests and that will be validation tests..., and then the production of this system will start. It is going to take a year maximum,” he said.
Dr Saraswat said that he expected the missile to be inducted into the armed forces in the next two years. He said the successful launch of Agni-V was just the beginning of a new series of missiles.
“We go from here to many other missiles which will have the capability for MIRV (Multiple Independently Targetable Re-entry Vehicle) for anti-satellite system, which will also be built using this technology for launching micro, mini and nano satellites to meet the requirement of the armed forces on very, very short notice,” he said.
Dr Saraswat said that barring some electronic components, the Agni-V was a completely indigenous product. “More than 80 per cent of the missile is indigenous, except for the electronic components which we import... Everything has been designed, developed and produced in our industry and our laboratory,” he said.
I do understand hindi a bit so I thought this video will suit well down here hehe (needed a friend recommendation though)

Please I am not trolling just my point of view determined musically please dont ban be again :toast_sign:
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To give a proper analogy to see the exact technological place of Agni V in today's world:

Agni V, technologically speaking, is akin to a "Mig-15 wannabe" in its first public debut as a technology demostrator with a post- WW2 era radar (read: accuracy) , a half fuel tank(read: distance), without missles (read: functional miniaturised nukes) and any modern electronics (read:re-entry tech and HUGE reliability issues), trying to boast being able to penetrate 21st century sky defended by S-400/ 500s and J-20s.

That is the GAP!

Do you really think that this "mig-15" stands a chance?

It's like seeing the first day of Tejas prototype flying and dream to wipe out F-22As with that...

Now somehow this "Mig-15" is a symbol of India's entry into the Elite Club of...

Indian style dilution has no bound.:rofl:
To give a proper analogy to see the exact technological place of Agni V in today's world:

Agni V, technologically speaking, is akin to a "Mig-15 wannabe" in its first public debut as a technology demostrator with a post- WW2 era radar (read: accuracy) , a half fuel tank(read: distance), without missles (read: functional miniaturised nukes) and any modern electronics (read:re-entry tech and HUGE reliability issues), trying to boast being able to penetrate 21st century sky defended by S-400/ 500s and J-20s.

That is the GAP!

Do you really think that this "mig-15" stands a chance?

It's like seeing the first day of Tejas prototype flying and dream to wipe out F-22As with that...

Now somehow this "Mig-15" is a symbol of India's entry into the Elite Club of...

Indian style dilution has no bound.:rofl:

You are back ! So you had enough time watch a youtube video on ICBMs in your busy schedule as a cook ! Whats up dude ? Not busy these days ? you should really venture into stand up comedy and make some extra bucks ! ICBMs are not your cup of tea. MAKING TEA IS :P
To give a proper analogy to see the exact technological place of Agni V in today's world:

Agni V, technologically speaking, is akin to a "Mig-15 wannabe" in its first public debut as a technology demostrator with a post- WW2 era radar (read: accuracy) , a half fuel tank(read: distance), without missles (read: functional miniaturised nukes) and any modern electronics (read:re-entry tech and HUGE reliability issues), trying to boast being able to penetrate 21st century sky defended by S-400/ 500s and J-20s.

That is the GAP!

Do you really think that this "mig-15" stands a chance?

It's like seeing the first day of Tejas prototype flying and dream to wipe out F-22As with that...

Now somehow this "Mig-15" is a symbol of India's entry into the Elite Club of...

Indian style dilution has no bound.:rofl:

How much you got paid for writing this ? I heard that Chinese government hires people to write crap.
To give a proper analogy to see the exact technological place of Agni V in today's world:

Agni V, technologically speaking, is akin to a "Mig-15 wannabe" in its first public debut as a technology demostrator with a post- WW2 era radar (read: accuracy) , a half fuel tank(read: distance), without missles (read: functional miniaturised nukes) and any modern electronics (read:re-entry tech and HUGE reliability issues), trying to boast being able to penetrate 21st century sky defended by S-400/ 500s and J-20s.

The SAMs like S-400 and S-500 surely cannot shoot down an ICBM, in order to tackle against Agni V you will need something like KKV or MKV. :coffee:
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