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After Vote, Pakistan’s Strongest Ally Should Be India

Funny that an Indian poster is having virtual orgasm about Kargil and military rule.

I mean if it was a rabbid rabit Islamist Mullah. Perhaps perhaps it makes sense.

But an Indian????

-- Allah meri Tauba.

Sarcasm Fauji Bhai Sarcasm :D

So you are in denial that there are Hindu extremists in India?

Nothing like the girl school blowing and women market places blowing Pathan Talibs.

Or those cutting off the heads of your soldiers.

Let's not worry about people who don't concern you. You have more pressing concerns closer home.
Nothing like the girl school blowing and women market places blowing Pathan Talibs.

Or those cutting off the heads of your soldiers.

Let's not worry about people who don't concern you. You have more pressing concerns closer home.

:lol: so you are mincing your words and shying away from accepting the truth about Hindu extremists.
On the contrary, lately it has been Pakistanis that are plagued by terrorism that has roots in India from Baluchistan to Karachi. The response to that can not be silence and patience on our end indefinitely and at some point in time, the patience may give way to a befitting response. Unless, ofcourse, India ceases criminal and terrorist activities throughout Pakistan and sincerely moves ahead with Pakistan, as per the first part of your post.
Well, even if what you say is correct that India is supporting terror in Pakistan (For which you have NIL evidence) you must remember it was the Pak Establishment that formed the LeT, JeM and other assorted groups to fight their proxy war in Kashmir.

What then did you expect India to do? Lie down and enjoy it? So it is likely (Though no proof) that India decided to pay you guys back with the same coin! You started it. Now it is payback time!
Would love to see saffroni Hindu extremists forming Indian Govt in next elections

At the time you are busy ranting about Saffronites and that they are evil... read what your friends from across the border have to say:

Democracy can improve Indo-Pak relations: BJP - Business Line


So you are in denial that there are Hindu extremists in India?

Extremists and right wing organizations are a global phenomenon madam... just like Seculars... right wingers do exist in any form of national storyline.
Lo ji ...Kachha Pyaj gayab...

the moment right wingers said something positive about India Pakistan relationship.... people ran away.

You would debate endlessly to prove that there are right wingers in India ...and when these right wingers say positive things about India Pakistan you run away to find next negative news byte.
Originally Posted by FaujHistorian said:
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Sir my dear sir.

You are living in the 50s.

The latest plan of India building 200+ dams will practically stop all the water.

200 dams? you need to stop following "Zahid hamid"

Sindh TAS agreement was that India will not build storage dams.

All dams india has built to date are ROR Hydel projects. So there goes your BS

Well that piece of paper has been torn away by Indian Baboos.

Please educate yourself on this. Please educate yourself.

I should be the one saying that to you

thank you

You are welcome!

So FaujHistorian, are you going to address this? Indus water treaty has given pak 80% of Indus/tributary waters and yet it whines about ROr hydel projects by india, which are allowed by the treaty.

Should we tear up the treaty? start with one which shares the water equally?
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