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After jailing Kashmiri lobbyist Fai, US is being fussy over its CIA agent?

Is America blaming a double game?

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No. Finding Osama in Pakistan was the job of Pakistan authorities.

Eliminating Polio was the job of Indian Government. So all those individuals who went out of their way to help the govt. achieve this goal were actually doing something extra-judicial, right?

Is there anything called a noble cause or not? Something that every citizen of a country can devote himself to, of his own volition, without being explicitly told to do so by the government?

If not, then what is the difference between humans and robots?

Americans are not supposed to be inside Pakistan.

Says who? There's no written agreement anywhere, as you yourself accept later in this post of yours. Many arms of American government have been active in Pakistan since WoT began both with and without your authorities' consent.

It's a different thing that that consent was not in the form of a written contract.

So it's a free-for-all. It always was. Your guys deliberately left the loop open.

A very minor part of our role. Note OUR role within the premises of Pakistan.


...or shall I call it a partial truth?

If supporting the American cause was not your purpose of getting into this war, what on Earth did you get involved in the WoT for?

Musharraf accepted Richard Armitage's terms on a phone call. The purpose, as was stated at that time, of starting this war was one and only; to help the Americans find Osama by extending them all help you could.

No we were finding him on our side. If any assistance was, it was from Americans to us. Role was ours and from competent authorities within Pakistan.

LIE. You were not just finding him. You were actively looking for him with the Americans. You were looking within your premises alright ut you were doing all you could to help the Americans look for him inside Afghanistan as well.

Permitting NATO supplies through Pakistan was a part of this very effort.

Permitting US drones inside Pakisatn was also a part of this very effort.

Positiong your forces on the AfPaK border so that Osama could not cross into Pakistan from Tora Bora was also a part of this stated objective.

You know what? This is what you sound like, "I'm sorry for I impregnated you. However, to make you pregnant was never the stated cause of our getting married."

It's ludicrous,

No, we lost them giving support to the American operation in Afghanistan.

...which in itself was for the search of Osama. C'mon, man don't talk like a kid. I expect better of you.

No, there is not a single resolution out there whereby we declared finding Osama a part of Pakistani national doctrine.

What on Earth did you commit yourself to WoT for, then?

He helped CIA. CIA has killed many in Pakistan, one famous case of Raymond Davis. CIA has an illegal presence within Pakistan.

Illegal? How exactly? Two countries who are stated allies in a war; isn't it but natural for one country's agency to be working in another?

Or were you so innocent that at no point did you know that CIA had been operating inside your country for the past decade?

No he didn't.

You misrepresented the facts or severely lack the education needed to be commenting on these matters. You choose.

Asim, the only one who seems to be lacking in logic is you. You're defending your preposterous official position just for the sake of it.
What I can't fathom is that of all the charges the Pakistanis could have labelled against him, how could they label him a traitor?

Wasn't finding Osama the primary purpose of this entire war?

Wasn't findign Osama the reason the Americans are inside Pakistan and Afghanistan?

Wasn't finding Osama a cause that pakistan had committed itself to?

Wasn't trying to find Osama something that the Pakistani agencies had been assisting the Americans in?

Hasn't Pakistan, in its own words, lost 40000 civilians and soldiers for the very stated puurpose of finding Osama?

wasn't it the national objective of Pakistan to find Osama as long as it was engaged in the WoT?

How on Earth could then Pakistan accuse a citizen of being a traitor for helping that this very be-all-end-all goal was achieved?

He only did what was his stated national objective.

You can prosecute him for misusing his medical practice, may be even cancel his license to practice. But how the hell can you call him a traitor when you have yourselves plunged your entire country into a war for achieving that very objective?


Of course you cant , hypocrisy has always been a strong suit of your lot ...

Yes it was , achieved after spending trillions and killing a person who was a nobody at the time of his death ... Terrific !

Since the beginning , its been solely the Pakistani authorities that have apprehended AQ and Taliban terrorist and then if they deemed it necessary , handed over to US authorities ... No exception ... US and Pakistan have shared intelligence that is it ... Never before , did the Americans act directly to capture a terrorist in Pakistan NEVER !

Dont try to make it like our National Duty or doctrine ... It was a mere goal of WoT like countless others nothing more !

Really ? Who ever said that we lost 40k people just to find Osama ? :azn: Has the WoT ended after Osama died ? :azn:

No , it wasn't ... Wont help you in any way to make it yourself ... Stated national objective ? Are you smoking crack ?

Pakistan can , because its citizen provided information to a foreign spy agency and collaborated instead of sharing the same with its national agency ISI ...

We can prosecute him for misusing his medical practice too ... Make it that way and increase the punishment to 2-3 years more ... I would love to see him appeal to SC if ever chooses to end his life ...
Eliminating Polio was the job of Indian Government. So all those individuals who went out of their way to help the govt. achieve this goal were actually doing something extra-judicial, right?

Is there anything called a noble cause or not? Something that every citizen of a country can devote himself to, of his own volition, without being explicitly told to do so by the government?

If not, then what is the difference between humans and robots?

Yes it is , as long as it doesn't betray the same country that gave you everything ... There is a big difference between the two scenarios you have mentioned ... Can you differentiate between eliminating polio and treason ? :azn: If not , do not bother to write a whole novel !

Humans do not repeat the same thing again and again ... Something which your lot is doing continuously since this new development took place ... Comprehendo , amigo ?

Says who? There's no written agreement anywhere, as you yourself accept later in this post of yours. Many arms of American government have been active in Pakistan since WoT began both with and without your authorities' consent.

Actually , there's no written or unwritten consent allowing the citizens of Pakistan to provide sensitive information to foreign agencies instead of their own and that too for greed !

LIE. You were not just finding him. You were actively looking for him with the Americans. You were looking within your premises alright ut you were doing all you could to help the Americans look for him inside Afghanistan as well.

You know what? This is what you sound like, "I'm sorry for I impregnated you. However, to make you pregnant was never the stated cause of our getting married."

Yes , we were finding him but on a official level or Are you another one who thinks that even state can commit treason against itself? :rofl: ... Why are you repeating things which we all know again and again ?

Not if she was involved in infidelity :lol: And the son isn't your's :P

Illegal? How exactly? Two countries who are stated allies in a war; isn't it but natural for one country's agency to be working in another?

Yes we are , a common citizen isn't ... In the end , all remains the duty of the state ...
Illegal , because only the ISI can decide what information to share with the Americans ... We are not giving a free hand to everyone , Pakistan has caught , apprehended and turned over hundreds of high value terrorist to US before and rewarded citizens for information leading to their capture ... There was no reason they wouldn't have done it this time ... Osama wasn't precious , he was nothing more than a prisoner in solitary confinement at the time of his death ... Didn't even have proper control of AQ ... Why couldn't the damn doctor just pass the info to ISI ? Are we incapable of capturing a terrorist ? :azn:
The US caught him on a technicality.

I mean if this was enforced on other lobbyists we'd see a lot more Bhartis and Israelis going to jail.
You dont know how lobbying works, do ya? I repeat once again, lobbying the US Congress is NOT illegal. There are many Kashmiri lobbying groups, along with (surprisingly FYI) Khalistani, Palestinian etc lobbying groups. Their finances are legitimate and so are their agendas. However, Fai took money from ISI, took directions from ISI to influence US lawmakers' opinions and did not declare the fundings. THAT is illegal in US. Comprende?

Kaali dal mein sab kuch kaala hi rehta hein!
You dont know how lobbying works, do ya? I repeat once again, lobbying the US Congress is NOT illegal. There are many Kashmiri lobbying groups, along with (surprisingly FYI) Khalistani, Palestinian etc lobbying groups. Their finances are legitimate and so are their agendas. However, Fai took money from ISI, took directions from ISI to influence US lawmakers' opinions and did not declare the fundings. THAT is illegal in US. Comprende?

Kaali dal mein sab kuch kaala hi rehta hein!

And this Doc Afridi provided his services to CIA for free?
The US don't give a damn about Afridi, they are just using this to throw more empty dirt on Pakistan. Most sane people don't take a hypocrite seriously. The US trains and harbours terrorists within it's borders which it has been doing for years.
And this Doc Afridi provided his services to CIA for free?
Prove that the doc took money.
Given the circumstances, the Doc probably did not know what the consequences of his actions would be. In all probability, it was a real vaccination camp in the area and only the Doc's handlers would have known what to look for in the clinical data.
Prove that the doc took money.
Given the circumstances, the Doc probably did not know what the consequences of his actions would be. In all probability, it was a real vaccination camp in the area and only the Doc's handlers would have known what to look for in the clinical data.

However after being ordered to focus his efforts on one house in the days before the May 2 raid to kill bin Laden, he asked his CIA handler "Peter", via satellite phone, for a payment of $10,000 (£6,400).

"He knew they were looking for someone. When the search homed in on one house he asked for more money, which he was paid," said Brigadier Qadir.

Pakistani doctor 'had no idea Osama bin Laden was the target' - Telegraph
You got an explanation that you didn't deserve, and yet you're derailing the thread, so now you'll get the infraction that you do deserve.

Without a doubt, the usage of tribal law justice system was a mistake, he should have been tried in the high court at least.

If nothing else, I am curious to know how many others have been tried by ISI under tribal justice and this will definitely open a can of worms for ISI. I think they should do the right thing and have a higher court take up the matter, promptly. He deserves jail time no doubt, but everyone deserves a fair trial.

News to me, so in Pakistan you have different laws that you can choose depending on what you like?

Kashmir issue and Bahrain's uprising are two soar issues where America has had to make political sacrifice
it has had to turn a blind eye although whatever is happening there is against its own principles.

both India and Bahrain got the get out of jail card because of its Naval fleet parked in one country and to prime the other to do its bidding in South Asia specially against China

How this is related to topic?
Prove that the doc took money.
Given the circumstances, the Doc probably did not know what the consequences of his actions would be. In all probability, it was a real vaccination camp in the area and only the Doc's handlers would have known what to look for in the clinical data.

Its already proven :azn: I know you guys only look for selective biased news ...

Doctor took money whether or not he knew they were looking for someone , from a foreign agency , provided his services to them and helped them instead of his country's own authorities ... On legal grounds , that is considered treason !

The end result or " unintended consequence " is irrelevant ... Simple ?

Prove that the doc took money.
Given the circumstances, the Doc probably did not know what the consequences of his actions would be. In all probability, it was a real vaccination camp in the area and only the Doc's handlers would have known what to look for in the clinical data.

Its already proven :azn: I know you guys only look for selective biased news ...

Doctor took money whether or not he knew they were looking for someone , from a foreign agency , provided his services to them and helped them instead of his country's own authorities ... On legal grounds , that is considered treason !

The end result or " unintended consequence " is irrelevant ... Simple ?
But people comparing this with dr.Afridi's sentence need to answer one simple thing, If Pakistani authorities have supposedly helped US by providing intelligence on Osama, then why the hell is the person who is the reason the world is rid of a monster been sent to 33 yrs of prison???
Apparently such 'simple things' have to be explained to people with this irrational anti-Pakistan prejudice - A State, or certain State institutions, are authorized to cooperate with other States on various issues, and they undertake such cooperation by taking care that national security is not compromised in the process, and that the cooperation remains limited to the mutually agreed upon issues.

An individual acting without the knowledge and authority of the State, in knowingly assisting a foreign intelligence agency, is committing a crime, since such an individual could advertently or inadvertently compromise national security and damage the State.

Resorting to such ludicrous arguments to criticize the imprisonment of Afridi illustrates how weak the arguments against Pakistan on this issue are.
Appreciate you catching this, but then he will get 2,3 years max?
If all he was doing was taking money to 'legally lobby' on behalf of the US, perhaps.

But since he took the money from an intelligence agency to conduct espionage (and the fact that he did not know that he was helping look for OBL makes it worse since he could have been assisting the CIA in any manner of anti-Pakistan activitiy), his crime is a lot worse, treason in this case.
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