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After Himalayan avalanche, many in Pakistan call for patching ties with Ind

I haven't read the thread in full, but I've a pressing question on my mind to ask though. Why can't India and Pakistan both withdraw from Kashmir, relinquish both their claims and allow the Kashmiris to set up an independant state? To be honest, it appears that neither side is really enjoying any benefits by having Kashmir. Its definitely a drain on both economies for sure. Also, if both sides relinquish their claims over Kashmir, it would speed up the peace process won't it?

If we were to with draw why we occupied it in the first place. Indians from all corners of the country have given up their lives in Kashmir defending it against PA and PA backed proxies. What answer will GoI give to the families of that martyrs?

While we have kept our side of the Kashmir 'clean through special provisions in the constitution, Pakistan have actively encouraged migration to Kashmir from her other parts. So if Kashmir becomes one the odds are hugely in favor of Pakistan. Also I believe that this whole Pak love for Kashmir is nothing more than their desire to control the water resources.
After Himalayan avalanche, many in Pakistan call for patching ties with Ind

Indians shouldn't leave Siachen.

Don't repeat the mistake of 48 and Kargil.

The moment we leave Siachen it will be captured by PA.

Indians shouldn't leave Siachen.

Don't repeat the mistake of 48 and Kargil.

The moment we leave Siachen it will be captured by PA.


What mistake of 48, I believe you got the sequence of the digits wrong. It's 84 and it was the Indian Army that moved it's men up to the heights under the guise of a high altitude training exercise. NOT Pakistan.

If we were to with draw why we occupied it in the first place. Indians from all corners of the country have given up their lives in Kashmir defending it against PA and PA backed proxies. What answer will GoI give to the families of that martyrs?

While we have kept our side of the Kashmir 'clean through special provisions in the constitution, Pakistan have actively encouraged migration to Kashmir from her other parts. So if Kashmir becomes one the odds are hugely in favor of Pakistan. Also I believe that this whole Pak love for Kashmir is nothing more than their desire to control the water resources.

It seems someone made a boob out of you. Only Kashmiri born can settle in Kashmir. No one else can settle in Kashmir. Infact, to visit past Garri Dupatta you need a special permit from the AJ&K Government. So your argument is flawed.
What mistake of 48, I believe you got the sequence of the digits wrong. It's 84 and it was the Indian Army that moved it's men up to the heights under the guise of a high altitude training exercise. NOT Pakistan.

It seems someone made a boob out of you. Only Kashmiri born can settle in Kashmir. No one else can settle in Kashmir. Infact, to visit past Garri Dupatta you need a special permit from the AJ&K Government. So your argument is flawed.

Do you consider G&B as Kashmir?
Do you consider G&B as Kashmir?

We used to, but post 1973, it was recognized as a 'Special Administrative Region' and then in 2009, it was given provincial status although no amendment was passed ratifying the status, so legally, G&B remains a 'Special Administrative Region' with a Chief Minister and Assembly.
If we were to with draw why we occupied it in the first place. Indians from all corners of the country have given up their lives in Kashmir defending it against PA and PA backed proxies. What answer will GoI give to the families of that martyrs?

While we have kept our side of the Kashmir 'clean through special provisions in the constitution, Pakistan have actively encouraged migration to Kashmir from her other parts. So if Kashmir becomes one the odds are hugely in favor of Pakistan. Also I believe that this whole Pak love for Kashmir is nothing more than their desire to control the water resources.
If that so then india will need more soldiers, cuz as long whether in Siachan is getting more worst then ever and then your soldiers are still finding it hard to control Kashmir with force. Watever you think still doesn't meant to us, Mostly Bhartis are blind by their Haterd.. If we really don't loved kashmir then we already have given up on it.. But its a part of Pakistan and until unless India carry on its forceful occupation, it will only continue to destablize india. Well ! for Pakistan, may be their are few forces who want Pakistan to give up, But its not as easier as they thought.. and those powers are even facing hard time now.
What mistake of 48, I believe you got the sequence of the digits wrong. It's 84 and it was the Indian Army that moved it's men up to the heights under the guise of a high altitude training exercise. NOT Pakistan.

No I mean 48.

After the ceasefire and matter went to UN, both armies agreed to vacate their respective (captured / holded) posts till UN observers come. Same reason cold.

The moment India vacated the posts Pakistan Army / jihadi's captured and till today all those posts / land is with Pakistan which was won by Indian Army.

Don't trust the pakistan.if GOI did that then it will be great and dumb mistake.They will do the same thing that was happened in kargil.never ever trust these ****'s.if the our govt agreed to vacate the soldiers from the siachen region.Then it will be the disgraceful to the souls of our solders who lost their lives in the kargil war.
If that so then india will need more soldiers, cuz as long whether in Siachan is getting more worst then ever and then your soldiers are still finding it hard to control Kashmir with force. Watever you think still doesn't meant to us, Mostly Bhartis are blind by their Haterd.. If we really don't loved kashmir then we already have given up on it.. But its a part of Pakistan and until unless India carry on its forceful occupation, it will only continue to destablize india. Well ! for Pakistan, may be their are few forces who want Pakistan to give up, But its not as easier as they thought.. and those powers are even facing hard time now.

Part of Pakistan :woot: where did you get that Idea from?

Kashmir was a separate region, the King of Kashmir acceded to India.. lol at your foolish ignorance, maybe you need some history lessons!!
^ Let's not bring topic of history here. Its one of embarrassing subject in a pakistani's education. ('71) ;)
^ Let's not bring topic of history here. Its one of embarrassing subject in a pakistani's education. ('71) ;)
True that, anyways keep up the good work guys living in a delusion that India wants your territory. Their successive govts have fooled them into believing that India wants to occupy Pakistan when they have attempted to do the opposite..
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