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After Himalayan avalanche, many in Pakistan call for patching ties with Ind

We will never forget Kashmir or our martyrs. We will never make peace with Indians until we achieve what our martyrs set out to do. We will hold the Indian's back as we have been doing from fulfilling their potential. In due course imo in our lifetime we will see the Pakistani flag flying not just on peoples houses in Kashmir but official buildings of the Pakistan gov.

Lets be pragmatic.

India can never give up Kashmir by dialogue. How will GoI justify the Indian public ? The same theory applies to Pakistan as well.

The other option for you is to take it by force. For that you will have to be ready for an all-out war. But you must keep in mind the consequences of such a move. Well, you would like to have Kashmir but you might end up loosing some other part of your Pakistani mainland.

So, the only logical solution is to convert the LOC into international boundary and rein down on your JuD, LeT and company and ask them to "forget Kashmir" and do something meaningful for Pakistan instead.
Pakistan will have to make some compromises if it wants to stop its economy from this continuous bleeding.

India, well, we are in a position of strength and we can afford the costs. So why not?
Pakistan will have to make some compromises if it wants to stop its economy from this continuous bleeding.

India, well, we are in a position of strength and we can afford the costs. So why not?

Well Pakistan is not dying to make up with India! Where did you get that impression? Our thinking is that we must have peace in our neighborhood. Now that must not be construed as a position of weakness.
India is never going to come down from Siachen unless the AGPL is authenticated,dilineated and demarcated. That is reality.

Rest are all unwanted fluff.
Well Pakistan is not dying to make up with India! Where did you get that impression? Our thinking is that we must have peace in our neighborhood. Now that must not be construed as a position of weakness.

Desire for peace is definitely not a sign of weakness.

However, the cost that is to be paid for that peace is something that both Indians and Pakistanis have to ponder over.

As of now, India and Indian economy can very well afford this cost. Can't really say that about Pakistan and Pakistani economy.
LoL ask the family members of the martyrs, they are proud that our boys were defending our motherland, against our eternal enemy, the people are sad, and want the situation to end, but they are not at any cost willing to let even an inch go to the enemy.

Not even an inch will go to the enemy?? Do u guys hold any inch in siachen??
What we think and believe is let the Kashmiri people decide what they want. Its easy for international global warriors to talk big on the net - the truth of the matter is if you allowed the people decide you would see the true feelings are.
Peace can only be made when both parties are prepared to give and take.
Your poor quality attempts of trolling isnt really an advert for this is it - isnt it?

And what exactly is pakistan thinking of giving in return of kashmir..oh I forgot the moment we ask this we become cheap money minded hindu baniyas..on a different note we dont want to see the kashmiris being crushed by the punjabi muslims as they did to the bengalis and currently doing to the shias and balochis...so on humanitarian grounds we let them live in our lamd kashmir and bonus is indian army willguard them tooo..
Both countries fighting idiotically over some ice.. Wasting life and money which could be used to help their economies. Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are really stupid people. The British divided a great nation.
The news piece is an absolute pile of .......T. There was only a suggestion to initiate an agreement between both forces to abandon the Siachen region because weather is the mutual enemy there. How media manipulates things? Like this,.... it was a monkey when the first heard, it became the king kong when the 100th heard. Pathetic!
Ḥashshāshīn;2819523 said:
Both countries fighting idiotically over some ice.. Wasting life and money which could be used to help their economies. Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are really stupid people. The British divided a great nation.

Wtf are you talking about?
Ḥashshāshīn;2819523 said:
Both countries fighting idiotically over some ice.. Wasting life and money which could be used to help their economies. Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are really stupid people. The British divided a great nation.

where does Bangladesh fall into this topic? do you even know where the Siachen glacier is located?
Ḥashshāshīn;2819523 said:
Both countries fighting idiotically over some ice.. Wasting life and money which could be used to help their economies. Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are really stupid people. The British divided a great nation.
Fact hard to digest . Other examples include Germany and Korea . The former was a good example for peaceful settlement . Korea may even follow the same path . But we Indians(India,Pakistan,Bangladesh) have high ego . We will keep on fighting what ever may happen .
Fact hard to digest . Other examples include Germany and Korea . The former was a good example for peaceful settlement . Korea may even follow the same path . But we Indians(India,Pakistan,Bangladesh) have high ego . We will keep on fighting what ever may happen .

Bcs one likes it or not..religion is the greatest dividing force ever invented by man.
Bcs one likes it or not..religion is the greatest dividing force ever invented by man.

Well, India doesn't fight for religious reasons. India only fights to protect her territory. Can't speak for the other countries mentioned.
Well, India doesn't fight for religious reasons. India only fights to protect her territory. Can't speak for the other countries mentioned.

Yes they are fighting for religion.

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