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After Google, Dell and GoDaddy mull pulling out

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:-) just wait till the trade war in april if the US brands TG as a currency manipulator my friend, this time it looks pretty serious, if the trade war starts then pull out your investments off the market if you have any and put it into swiss francs or aussie dollars etc, it can get very ugly... Let's hope it won't be brought upon us by the big mouthed politicians from both sides.
A full-on trade war could not come too soon - honest to goodness let them all pull out of China. The PRC will never mature otherwise. What's the point of living like a child forever?

As long as I have my Gmail ... Bing/Baidu all is cool :smokin:

As I said, time to make it - or go for an honourable break.

As for the neo-con empire - is it not your destiny PRC?
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Lol that's a canadian talking right there, you guys are never too involved in anything to care too much. A trade war would be very bad for TG and US as it goes on, your country may not fair too well either when the oil demand from US declines, but let's all wait and see. My fingers are crossed that the politicians won't be that stupid this time to take things to an extreme.
... Let's hope it won't be brought upon us by the big mouthed politicians from both sides.

Without real sacrifice there can't be real progress. After all, even the chicken hawks preach that. How else is this evil dollar hegemony going to end? How much longer must coolies export XXX for electrons that they have no say in appropriation?

If the People's Republic can't make it, then perhaps it should consider making way for somebody who can ...

Every nation has a duty to mankind - and to the creator of mankind. As old man S2 (I'm sure) would say in an occasion like this: you either embrace the duty, or the duty shall embrace you.
Lol that's a canadian talking right there, you guys are never too involved in anything to care too much. A trade war would be very bad for TG and US as it goes on, your country may not fair too well either when the oil demand from US declines, but let's all wait and see. My fingers are crossed that the politicians won't be that stupid this time to take things to an extreme.

Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better - I will not engage in a debate on who or what defines "worse" or "better".

It's simply an observation based on my personal reading of history, and it has nothing to do with Kanata, Amrika, or the "TG" per se ...

For TG to directly take on MD and replace it?? No my friend, that won't happen for a long time... :-) talking about "asymmetric warfare", TG will not try to rise via direct confrontations, if the trade war happens this time is because MD has cornered TG and it sees a no better way out. Actually it is very interesting that two days ago some prominent ceos of chinese companies like lenovo, some beijing bank etc collectively issued statements that argues a stronger RMB is good for china's economy (cheaper cost of raw material imports), this is the first time when senior company executives in china publicly advocate a policy that's different from TG's, I wonder if it is a good cop bad cop thing for TG to open a door for RMB appreciation (while saving face) just in case things get out of control with the US. It's going to be very interesting next month :-)
a rising RMB value is inevitable in the long run, and a MD deinvestment hurts no one except MD. its not like any of their companies sell irreplacable high tech equipment; they have an embargo on even precision machining tools (that are now manufactured in china). even our former archenemy XRB helped us more than MD ever will. markets can be found throughout the developing world and in other developed countries; MD isn't even our largest trading partner or export market. INDIA is an exceptional market for our goods, as its economy is rising fast, middle class growing, and people there need hardware to go with their software.

TC is wise for developing our industrial capabilities. without it, we'll just be a sheep for the slaughter. industry saves lives. they bs about pollution, but i'd rather die slowly of cancer than die quickly by a MD smart bomb through the window like the Iraqis did. obviously, directly confronting MD is a nono unless they attack first; XRB had the guts to take on MD but didn't have the numbers and technology, CCCP had the numbers and technology but not the guts, TC currently have neither.

once the dollar collapses in 10-20 years and hyperinflation grips the US, we should be ready for a military lashing out. the US politicians are not nearly as cowardly as the CCCP was; they may just launch the missiles if the government is on the verge of collapse.
so whats the actual position,some chinese member here was saying that dell dissmised its earlier statement that they r leaving china
So if I read this correctly...

Google does not censor FOR the Saudi government. Get it? Looks like the Saudi government who does the censorship.

So Google allow Saudis censor its unfiltered contents according to Saudi Law, while in China Google censored itself according to Chinese Law. What's the difference, kid?

Yes, you read it correctly. Yet it seems that your brain fails you. :lol:
So Google allow Saudis censor its unfiltered contents according to Saudi Law, while in China Google censored itself according to Chinese Law. What's the difference, kid?

Yes, you read it correctly. Yet it seems that your brain fails you. :lol:
My brain tells me you need a few more classes, youngster, specifically in logic. The issue is not merely about law. The Saudi censorship is like a parent controlling access to his house. His ISP can do nothing about it.


Now see if you can figure out the rest.
My brain tells me you need a few more classes, youngster, specifically in logic. The issue is not merely about law. The Saudi censorship is like a parent controlling access to his house. His ISP can do nothing about it.

The same purpose and end result via slightly different means!

Just a advice for you, junior, ever thought about changing ur brain?:azn:
My brain tells me you need a few more classes, youngster, specifically in logic. The issue is not merely about law. The Saudi censorship is like a parent controlling access to his house. His ISP can do nothing about it.

The same purpose and end result via slightly different means!

Just a advice for you, junior, ever thought about changing ur brain?:azn:

Kindly stop the time pass and please try to get a grip on what he was trying to say. They are not regulating google or any other sites, but building protection using firewalls and other tools to restrict or filter the information you recieve on your computer. Google can do nothing about it, their information is always available on the internet cloud. However china is directly intervining and regulating the business of google rather than doing what saudi had done.
My brain tells me you need a few more classes, youngster, specifically in logic. The issue is not merely about law. The Saudi censorship is like a parent controlling access to his house. His ISP can do nothing about it.

Speeder 2

The same purpose and end result via slightly different means!

Just a advice for you, junior, ever thought about changing ur brain?:azn:

gambit is much senior to you in age and knowledge u should respect that.

And as CPC harvests human organs, are u suggesting some of chinese brain of some prisoner????
gambit is much senior to you in age and knowledge u should respect that.

And as CPC harvests human organs, are u suggesting some of chinese brain of some prisoner????

Why don't you grow up and stop using red colour as it's reserved for mods?

Much senior in age? :undecided: How do you know for sure?

much senior in knowledge? Might be for certain millitary knowledge;

But general knowledge, and knowledge outside certain millitary areas? :disagree:

You have no clue whom you are dealing with! :smokin:
gambit is much senior to you in age and knowledge u should respect that.

And as CPC harvests human organs, are u suggesting some of chinese brain of some prisoner????

No, I think some you so called prisoners are much better than the illeteracy people which cover 40% of some coutry's population.:D
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