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After Google, Dell and GoDaddy mull pulling out

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partially by Internet Censorship

but mainly by Commercial Reason

Baidu occupies overwhelmingly higher market than Google in China

I have to say my hat off to Google for their decision of pulling out of mainland China. Their action won't do them any good in any way but they still made it. They do it truly for their belief. The belief that people should have the right to speak freely. As a Chinese, I think we should feel more responsible to stand up, asking for our own rights!

Yes, technically Google still has the access to internet of mainland China. But that doesn't mean they are not taking great risk. Chinese government has blocked Google once (which forced them to establish google.cn). The very same government is highly probable to block it again.

Dude, as said before, Google is still in China: Hong Kong, China.

Well, personally I think China should be more open. But it is kind of an open to its own citizens, to listen to their concerns and grievances, not to foreign garbage.

On the other side, do you think capitalists will sacrifice bloody profit for other people’s rights? Do you know what is definition of capitalism? It's profit, profit and more profit!

It is the business strategy that causes the move: Google simply failed in competition with players in mainland market! And funny you said "宁可舍弃巨大商业利益" :rofl:

China's total internet advertising market was worth about $1bn last year, with Google's revenues from the country amounting to about $250m-$300m.

This revenue figure represents about 1% to 2% of Google's total


Before Google moved to the mainland, it had perhaps 13% of the China search market.


by 2014 the Chinese market for internet advertising could grow to as much as $20bn, according to estimates.

BBC News - Google's rift with China is a calculated business risk

In 4 or 5 years' stay in China, Google the Giant only gets from 13% to 25%~30%. What a failure!

By exerting political pressures, Google wants to get back to the mainland if the Central Government of China wavers.

Hold fast CPC! This is the time to demonstrate to the people of China that you do have a spine, to demonstrate to the people of the world that you are not puppet of western capitalists! You are the only limited few in the world who refuse bending to some ridiculous Western Norms. Otherwise, you’d be really thrown into history dust can.
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GoDaddy said that, among its 1,200 customers with ".cn" Web addresses it has requested for documentation, only about 20 percent have provided the documentation.


Looks like GoDaddy has 80% clients are criminals or criminal suspects.

They registered as .cn then launch attacks on Google, Pentagon etc., and then complain about attacking from China.

Worse, they may attack Indian sites and that appears as attacks from China, and to make India China fight…

Hmm, ...pretty evil, eh?! :taz:
Looks like GoDaddy has 80% clients are criminals or criminal suspects.

They registered as .cn then launch attacks on Google, Pentagon etc., and then complain about attacking from China.

Worse, they may attack Indian sites and that appears as attacks from China, and to make India China fight…

Hmm, ...pretty evil, eh?! :taz:

So, this is the best u can come up with, grow up.

just by domain is starting with cn (china) India doesn't blame china. It is the IP address trace that proves the devil.
Dude, as said before, Google is still in China: Hong Kong, China.

We are talking about mainland China. BTW, Taiwan is a part of China, too.

On the other side, do you think capitalists will sacrifice bloody profit for other people’s rights? Do you know what is definition of capitalism? It's profit, profit and more profit!

Keep the definition yours.

It is the business strategy that causes the move: Google simply failed in competition with players in mainland market! And funny you said "宁可舍弃巨大商业利益" :rofl:

In 4 or 5 years' stay in China, Google the Giant only gets from 13% to 25%~30%. What a failure!

It's your logic huh? Don't you think it's ridiculous???

A 25%~30% share of a giant market like China is not good enough for you?

Quitting the largest market of the world which still has an enormous potential is a better choice for Google to take than staying?

Make some sense, OK? dude?

BTW, I use google a lot. I know some of my friends also like to use Google. And if you want to look up some thing in English, Google beats Baidu at any time.
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Nobody really believes it, but did you go to school in China? When you studied politics in school the text book says very clearly that communism is an ideology that cannot be achieved (for a very long time), what China currently has is a central planned market economy with a one party system. Do you feel like you are living in a communism society? what's "commu" about china now? In terms of socialism, the scandinavian countries have it even more extreme compared to China :D

What you are not happy about is essentially the one party rule system, but singapore is essentially a one party state as well and it managed to achieve democracy, what we need is gradual political reforms. This pressure has to come from within rather than without, people like us will gradually push for the boundaries of what is ok and what is not ok.

In my view, Communism is very similar to Religion(No offense to religious people, just my points). Traditional Religion want you to believe a story which (they say) happened a long time ago. In contrast, Communism want you to believe a story which (they say) will happen in an unforeseeable future. No matter what they initially originated for. They all eventually served as a tool to rule people.

But I don't think that those are definitely bad for some special society like for China 60 years ago. I do think maybe at the time go communism is the best option available for Chinese. But like all non-democracy system there are negative points. If you give the right of exclusively ruling a country to a small group of person, maybe it will work for a short time but in long term it's very dangerous. Take N.Korea as an example. they are still working on pursuing a kind of "perfect" society which is not going to work. And you can see when their leader made a mistake, their people have no right and chance to correct it.

Unlike N.Korea, China is very lucky for having some brilliant leaders after Mao, they chose a road of opening and reforming (which in essence is a Capitalism ruled by communists system). So far so good, but that doesn't mean a politic system worked fine (not really so fine) for the last 30 years will still be fine for the next 30 years. China is still not a country which can easily correct its mistakes if they made any. And a non-democracy politic system is infamous for it's unpredictable because it's policy only depends on several person. Besides, Communism truly has many other drawbacks. That's what I worried about for the future of my country.

In short, I'm not a person who believes that there exists a perfect politic system. Democracy is surely not perfect, even the majority could be wrong. But the thing is if we can't trust the majority then what can we trust? a group of person or a brilliant leader? I'd rather take my bet on the majority at any time.

We are talking about mainland China. BTW, Taiwan is a part of China, too.

Keep the definition yours.

It's your logic huh? Don't you think it's ridiculous???

A 25%~30% share of a giant market like China is not good enough for you?

Quitting the largest market of the world which still has an enormous potential is a better choice for Google to take than staying?

Make some sense, OK? dude?

BTW, I use google a lot. I know some of my friends also like to use Google. And if you want to look up some thing in English, Google beats Baidu at any time.



要说自我审查,还属google最麻烦,什么关键词都违法,比百度敏感多了,还不是为了讨好tg好赚钱。最后美国国会听证他们,政治活动家人权人士天天找茬,为了维护公司名誉玩扮清纯假退出。先是do evil for china,然后do evil for America

呵呵 对TG的愤恨如此之大,难道是传说中的轮子?还是民运人士?你说说哪个政党的业绩超过了TG的?就你轮子能管的好些,还是坐在华尔街(而并非华盛顿)的米帝能管得好些?口口声声说民主,但是不晓得米帝本身有多民主?貌似只有两个政党,并且两个政党之间的差别比可口可乐和百事可乐之间的差别还要小?表面上互相监督,争斗,但是暗地里互相勾结。他们贪了多少钱,知道不?绝对不是咱TG能比的,贪了还美其名曰“救市刺激金“。米国的所谓"lobbyist"是干嘛的?就是公开行贿的,你以为是啥?切,这种民主,谁要?


米帝给你多少钱了?看来不止5毛 =)
google,dell and godaddy,whats next?

i am sure the communist's r definitly not enjoying the show
Every one here is discussing the Economical Impact...and giving arguments like:

...we don't need Google
......what is Go daddy
..dell is cheap company

But not a single chinease dare to discuss the core reason:devil: behind thease announcements:devil:
Every one here is discussing the Economical Impact...and giving arguments like:

...we don't need Google
......what is Go daddy
..dell is cheap company

But not a single chinease dare to discuss the core reason:devil: behind thease announcements:devil:

Hehehe, oh we dare to discuss the political reasons behind it alright if that's what you are alluding to, in fact a lot of it, but it's done in chinese so you were not able to read it, I think they should conduct their conversations in English if possible so everyone know what we are talking about and objectively understand our struggles.
Every one here is discussing the Economical Impact...and giving arguments like:

...we don't need Google
......what is Go daddy
..dell is cheap company

But not a single chinease dare to discuss the core reason:devil: behind thease announcements:devil:

"It's the economy, stupid ! " - Bill Clinton

Communism was very similar to a religion in China back in Mao's era, not that any of us lived through it but when we watch the documentaries of millions of people holding those little red book written by Mao and memorizing it, that's a blind belief in something or someone without reasoning. (Again, I'd like to apologize to the Muslim, Hindu, Christian and Buddhism followers here, this is not meant to be an offensive parallel).

The difference now is that no-one blindly follow that little red book or those beliefs any more, in China in the day to day conversations and internet forums etc people constantly reason with each other's political beliefs just like what we are doing now. The CCP does not use the promise of this distant dream to rule its people if you think about it, itself has already made it clear that it's going down a different route.

The distant promise of achieving communism one day is a face saving measure such that it is not seen as an out-right denial of the original intention of its founders, whose picture is still hanging on the square, but it's nothing more than that. Just to be clear, communism is essentially an ideology that a society is so perfect, self-sufficient and its people are so selfless that they opt to do things in their lives that are not for monetary rewards but for their self-satisfaction and the greater good of their communities, it is not a synonym to dictatorship -- far from it! Karl Marx himself was a great philosopher and political economist, he wanted to theorize a perfect society not a backward dictatorial society.

As I said before, many chinese people's struggle today is with the lack of political choice not communism -- we only have one party that on the surface appears to be monolithic and make decisions that affects us all, you cannot officially voice your opinions about which direction our country is going, but we should be clear of two things:

1. The CCP is not as monolithic as it appears, there are many different views inside the CCP and they constantly have their debates just like what you would have for multiple political parties, and "outsiders" of the party such as prominent academics and think tanks frequently feed them ideas and participate in those debates, for example many of the national strategies in the CCP's 5 year development plans are proposed by or consulted with those academics or think tanks; another example is the Taiwan anti-secession law which has profound impact on China's future was not proposed by CCP but by a professor from Jianghan University (余元洲). This is not a simple dictatorship, this is a rule of the political/academic elites in China, the struggles between different ideologies and political opinions inside the party is very alive. This is different from North Korea.

2. The CCP is reforming itself over time albeit slowly, for example what we can say in China now is very different from what our parents could say when they were our age, you may not think it is enough but you do have more political freedom than before and this trend will continue in part helped by the collective Chinese people's voice such as yours demanding for more. Right now the CCP's core aim is to strengthen China and enrich its people for various geo and international political reasons, and to do this sometimes it needs the political power to make tough and long term decisions, if it had to compete for elections by 1.3b people every 4-5 years then it cannot afford those long term strategies.

I am not a CCP apologist, I'm just an observer of the chinese political system as someone who has lived in both "democratic" and "dictatorial" societies. By watching the actions of the CCP over the recent years I can't help by getting a feeling that because of the unique position that CCP is in (a single-party with strategic decisions not necessarily made by one man but a collective of intellectuals who don't have to worry about periodic public elections), it allowed China to play a very ambitious chess game domestically and more importantly internationally, and because of this it has managed to achieve what China is achieving now -- cheap labor is not the only reason, Africa has plenty of cheap labors, rest of Asia has plenty of cheap labors, why is China the most successful one?
google,dell and godaddy,whats next?

i am sure the communist's r definitly not enjoying the show

Hypocrite Google hasn't left. It's still in HK - one of the major gateways to Chinese mainland economy! In fact many mainland companies are listed in HK and have their HK offices and operations. :frown:

Dell denied that it has ever said so the very next day! And it clarified that "there is no ANY plan at the moment". So it went where? :bunny:

Even gograndpa doesn't register in my radar, godaddy? go who? :lol: :wave:
very informative posts by atlantis_cn and topjumper.................
personally,i like the idea of communism.....no classes,,,everybody of same stature,,,,everybody has a say at every decision.......surely an ideal society......finality of marxian communism......
but the ultimate question is---are human beings able(more concretely READY) to achieve this society.......

on google issue......
its politics playing...but it shouldn\'t bother china,as long as there is profit ,companies will continue to do business in china.....but then if they can get more profit somewhere else,they will not think twice before moving out.....
its money n nothing else.........
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