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After Egypt, Al Saud sees Pakistan a leading Salafist Caliphate

That ratio is steadily dropping, massive preaching by organisations such as the Salafist aligned setups and other extreme and intolerant offshoots of the tableeghi jamaat are slowly and steadily converting the Pakistani people into an extreme and violent majority.

Sir unfortunately their is no such thing as sufism Sir what matter is Quran and Sunnah Sir nothing else all other things would be judged in light of Quran and Sunnah and Salafis are not offshoot of Tableeghi Jamat Tableeghi guys are the most peaceful they run away from Jihad also don't get involved in politics Salafis are basically are close to thoughts of Imam Ibn Tamiya and in modern times to some extent Syed Qutab Shaheed Sir @Aeronaut
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While Pakistani nation remains hung in illusion and lives in a state of anarchy and the atmosphere of fear and Terror; our brotherly House of Al Saud; the big brother is busy opening its coffer in order to side line US in Greater Middle East, where huge sums of monies is being dished out in Egypt, Syria and Lebanon to establish Salafist Caliphate. It is also disbursed at large scale in Pakistan where score of religious parties and groups are benefitted to run Islamic Madrassas. In training camps of Madrassas militants are imparted special training for violent Salafist Jihad that they strongly believe that only coercion and use of force may help relieve the people of Pakistan to bring them in Salafist fold to embrace …the true Islam.

At the same time Pakistanis are also lead to believe to see themselves a victim of onslaught of US ‘War on Terror’ for our indulgence in Afghan war. While the state remains engulfed in the fog of ‘War on Terror’, the shadow Salafist Forces like Lashkr e Jhangvi and TTP remain engaged in brutal killing through bomb blasts and target killings to coerce n subjugate the people and erode government writ, leaving no option for the powerless governing bodies, except to submit and to renounce or abdicate.

In Egypt; there are much more brutal and malicious actions being carried out where Al Saud is seen successful in diverting the winds of ‘Arab spring’ in their favour. Supposedly US game in Egypt is being taken over by Saudi King who is looking forward to install a Salafi Nour party in power. After deposing President Marsi, the expected dissolution of Brotherhood on the charges for instigating killing, as claimed by interim government, that government was forced to make moves in killing of thousands of Egyptians in order to restore order in the country. Interim government is bent upon declaring Brotherhood a Terrorists organisation, following which Egyptian Salafist Nour Party which secured one fourth of votes in last elections, is the party that Saudi King has opened his Purse for.

Qatar has gone quite on helping Brotherhood whereas Saudi king has raised their aid money to facilitate the Egyptian Interim Military government from $5.6 billion to the tune of 12 Billion.

AS Salafist Nour party is likely to drum up majority after Brotherhood are placed defunct; first 'Egyptian Salafist Caliphate' is in making.

On the other hand US likes to sees its interests served by maintaining the peace between Egypt and Israel, keeping Egypt as an ally against so called Islamic terrorism, and protecting Christians. US may not afford to sever ties to the army that runs the country. In these goals, Egypt's military, no matter the brutality with which it behaved on Wednesday or on the following days against the Brotherhood, is an ally.

In recent weeks, the leadership of the E.U. and members of Obama’s Cabinet were in regular contact with General Sisi, imploring him not to use violence. He took a casual attitude toward these admonishments. Already, in July, the security forces had killed more than a hundred demonstrators, and the sole U.S. sanction had been to delay the delivery of four F-16 fighter jets. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates were, meanwhile, propping up General Sisi with many billions more than the Americans have ever offered. And, when last week’s slaughter came, John Kerry swallowed the bile of outrage and insisted that the United States could still make inroads with the Egyptians if given a chance. President Obama in his statement although did cancel a joint military exercise with the Egyptians in Sinai desert but again avoided using the word “coup” to describe the coup. He called it “the military’s intervention.” America lends some 1.3 billion dollars as package of armed military assistance to Egypt annually.

Earlier the moment Egypt's army was faced on Wednesday, with thousands of backers of the Muslim Brotherhood encamped in Cairo, challenging its rule. The slaughter that ensued, 600 dead on the first day and thousands wounded, means there was no going back. The die was cast. ‘The Egyptian army had crossed the Rubicon’ says Pat Buchannan.

Two years ago, the United States celebrated an Arab Spring that began with the overthrow in Tunis and Cairo of dictators who had been US loyal allies. US then became the champions of free elections in Egypt, as US had been the champions of free elections in Palestine, until Hamas swept the board in Gaza. That has been the US character.

Previously the World thought that Egypt was just divided between secularists and fundamentalists, whose visions are irreconcilable but now with deposing of president Morsi on the dictates of Al Saud; the scenario is entirely changed where even US is finding itself side tracked.

In Egypt, US has never been in need of any covert operation as US administration has always been dealing direct, on one to one bases with Military but in Pakistan the scenario is different. American CIA and Saudi ‘Al Mukhbaraat Al Amma’ , both are the most active agencies in this regard. In the wake of Afghan war on Terror and presence of Fugitive, Taliban and Al Qaeda in the sanctuaries found along the western borders; a thick fog of war along the border remains suspended where Al Mukhbaraat find free hand to remain busy for their covert operations against people and government of Pakistan.

Supposedly in Pakistan, in general, CIA works on two fronts:

<>War Front: To chase Afghan war Fugitive of Afghani Taliban and Al Qaeda fighting against US lead allied forces in Afghanistan and to go after their sanctuaries found in side Pakistan used by them for alighting. CIA also uses Drones to attack these fugitives for which it hires local peoples with in Pakistan to set up and operate a network of human intelligence.

<> Home Front is a wide spread front and believably CIA has established well netted network with in Pakistan. CIA believably works on following lines (1) To carry out covert operations with an aim to deplete Pakistan (2) to cast aspersion as Pakistan is the epicentre of terrorism (3) to create an atmosphere of fear where Pakistan Nuclear assets are seen as vulnerable to any Terrorists attack. (4)To spread despondency and make believe the people, the eminence of dis-integration of country for which with the help of Indian RAW, separatist forces like Baluchistan Liberation Army are hailed and funded(5) to hinder or stop all possible economic and resources development agreements with our neighbour by which country may attains economic development, i.e. with China and Iran.

Saudi Arabia finds Pakistan a most suitable country to generate a viable force as Pan Islamism Front force and help create a Mega Salafist Islamic block extending from Pakistan to Turkey, Middle East and North Africa in the West. How fascinating it may look on the face of it but ironically Salafist believe in violent jihad

Pakistan is selected as breeding ground for the groups rooted in a network of seminaries "madrassa” proven to be the most trust worthy setups. These institutions are closely associated with Saudi Arabia's financial and religious projects for the Muslim world as a whole and are paid generously.

Al Saud targets Pakistan to be transformed as Fortress of Islam after deposing the present system of government through violent Jihad by local proven brutal forces Like lashkr e Teyyaba , Lashkar e Jhangvi and TTP; ready to pounce and cease and replace the present form of government and ruling elites with Fundamentalists Salafist order of the caliphate.

This is the tale of appalling reality of Saudi-sponsored mayhem and bloodshed, and more, especially because that bloodshed flows of Muslims at the behest of the so-called Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques; Mekka and Madina.


I have never ever read earlier such an idiocy thing ...............
Sir unfortunately their is no such thing as sufism Sir what matter is Quran and Sunnah Sir nothing else all other things would be judged in light of Quran and Sunnah and Salafis are not offshoot of Tableeghi Jamat Tableeghi guys are the most peaceful they run away from Jihad also don't get involved in politics Salafis are basically are close to thoughts of Imam Ibn Tamiya and in modern times to some extent Syed Qutab Shaheed Sir @Aeronaut

First you did not read my post properly. Secondly , you are totally incorrect on Sufism.. We've had this argument before.. but this is the example I was giving. Pakistans character is dead.
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First you did not read my post properly. Secondly , you are totally incorrect on Sufism.. We've had this argument before.. but this is the example I was giving. Pakistans character is dead.

I think he was referring to Salfisim and not Sufism since he mentioned Imam Ibn Tamiya.
Only way this can happen is via an islamist coup within Pakistan Army.other than that i believe the Saudi's would be wasting their money

I also think so, many people forget that punjabi, sindhi and baloch muslims are very practical and pragmatic folks, they use their brains more than their emotions. Only pashtuns are emotional and can be easily indoctrinated using religion, the rest of ethnic groups even though take pride in their muslim credentials but never ever step beyond a threshold line.
And I thought that the Saudis and Pakistanis love each other!

If what is said in the OP is true, then it's not only Pakistan that's heading for mayhem and social upheaval, but the entire Asian continent too. The aim of the House of Saud is to finally build a fundamentalist Islamic Caliphate that rules the world where the King will reign supreme!

But I think this is a little over the top. Sensationalism at it best!
Patriots writes
I have never ever read earlier such an idiocy thing ...............

Dear sir,

Yes I know Idiocy is very relative term which starts from absurdity to aberration but mostly it revolved around dementia that most ignorant people suffer. Sooner knowledge is imparted people go wise...
Saudi Arabia, which has always had close ties with Pakistan&#8217;s military and powerhouses, has said the country won&#8217;t interfere in Pakistan&#8217;s domestic affairs.

Islamabad, July 5/Nationalturk &#8211; After backing the military coup in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, which has always had close ties with Pakistan&#8217;s military and powerhouses, said the country has nothing to do with domestic affairs of Pakistan.

&#8220;We have no agenda with regard to Pakistan&#8217;s domestic affairs. We want to make it clear that Saudi Arabia has nothing to do with domestic affairs in Pakistan,&#8221; Saudi envoy to Pakistan Dr Abdul Aziz Ibrahim bin Saleh Al-Ghadeer told reporters during a function at Saudi mission, in Pakistan capital yesterday.

Assuring Pakistan of Saudi Arabia&#8217;s full support, he said, &#8220;We stand with our brethren in Pakistan in every thick and thin. Ever since Pakistan came into being in 1947, the ties between the two countries been gaining strength. We are one nation with two countries&#8221;.

Some political leaders and activists in Pakistan are not happy with Saudi Arabia&#8217;s stand over backing the military coup in Egypt. The Egyptian military ousted elected president Morsi in a coup on Wednesday.

They fear that in case Pakistan military makes such an effort to dislodge elected government of Nawaz Sharif, Saudi Arabia can back the army and thus give legitimacy to the &#8216;military coup&#8217;.

&#8216;Saudi govt enjoyed strong ties with Pakistani people&#8217;

The envoy said Saudi government had always enjoyed best ties with people of Pakistan irrespective of any government. &#8220;Many governments came into power in Pakistan but Saudi-Pakistan relationship kept on flourishing on the people-to-people level&#8221;.

When asked whether Saudi government is making behind-the-scene efforts to get Pakistan&#8217;s former military ruler General (Retd) Parvez Musharraf released from prison, he said &#8220;It is the internal affairs of Pakistan and I don&#8217;t want to comment on it&#8221;.

There have been speculations that Saudi Arabia&#8217;s King is making behind-the-scene efforts to press Nawaz Sharif to release Musharraf and send him into exile, preferably in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi government had always had good relations with Pakistan&#8217;s military and whoseoever was in power in the country. Whenever, Pakistan government is in trouble, the behind-the-scene efforts are held in Saudi Arabia to resolve the issue.

&#8216;No schedule finalized for Pakistan PM&#8217;s visit to kingdom&#8217;

Asked when will Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif visit Saudi Arabia, Al-Ghadeer said no schedule has been finalised about his visit to Saudi Arabia as yet.

He, however, said economic cooperation would come under discussion when Nawaz visits Saudi Arabia. &#8220;The Pakistan PM can discuss any subject with King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, who views Pakistan&#8217;s leader as his brother,&#8221; he said and rejected media reports that Saudi government was to offer any economic package to Pakistan.

After backing military coup in Egypt, Saudi says won
Interesting! Never really thought that some people here are naive by nature.
And I thought that the Saudis and Pakistanis love each other!

If what is said in the OP is true, then it's not only Pakistan that's heading for mayhem and social upheaval, but the entire Asian continent too. The aim of the House of Saud is to finally build a fundamentalist Islamic Caliphate that rules the world where the King will reign supreme!

But I think this is a little over the top. Sensationalism at it best!
Abbay, when were you in Pakistan last time........ :woot:

Pakistanis are mostly Hanafi
for their plan in Pak , Salafis have to be imported from out side which is 2 much costly coz of heavy duty taxes :undecided:

Oye drop the "Sir/Sir" routine, I'm frankly getting very tired of it. You preach like a Wahabi fundo, now be a nice lad and threaten like one too...... so how many jackets do you have ready at home for J-Had (Mission Green Kingdom)??? :D

Sir unfortunately their is no such thing as sufism Sir what matter is Quran and Sunnah Sir nothing else all other things would be judged in light of Quran and Sunnah and Salafis are not offshoot of Tableeghi Jamat Tableeghi guys are the most peaceful they run away from Jihad also don't get involved in politics Salafis are basically are close to thoughts of Imam Ibn Tamiya and in modern times to some extent Syed Qutab Shaheed Sir @Aeronaut
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saudi arabia is where is Islam began, but they are the most anti islamic nation on the planet, how ironic, muslims are sleeping

anyways, I think pakistan is already a slave of saudis, nothing new really, I hope our nation open it's eyes

Master never apply slave rules on himself. For Pakistan future it is necessary to follow the foot step of Turkey and throw religion out of state. Pakistan, Iran, Iraq and Turkey should form a strong ME Secular block to oppose GCC Islamic fundamentalism!

Al Arabiya
A fight broke out between Saudis and Egyptians attending prayers at a Riyadh mosque on Friday after a Saudi cleric was reported to have blasted Egyptian Defense Minister General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi during a sermon.

Pan-Arab newspaper al-Hayat reported the incident at the al-Ferdous Mosque, while a 46-second video of the fight went viral on YouTube showing a Saudi man taking off his traditional headdress and hitting another man, who was reported to be Egyptian.
According to al-Hayat, the Egyptian was initially angered when the Saudi cleric blasted General Sisi, the man who played a leading role in the overthrow of Egyptian Islamist President Mohammad Mursi in July.

The report said the Saudi cleric had been praying for the downfall of both Syria&#8217;s Bashar al-Assad and General Sisi, prompting uproar from the Egyptians who were in attendance.

An Arabic hashtag on Twitter &#8220;#Ferdous_Mosque_Fight" has attracted users on the microblogging site to voice their views on the incident, reported a blog post on Global Voices Online.
One Twitter user @iar_98, named Ibrahim al-Rasheed, wrote: &#8220;The people of Egypt are more knowledgeable of their affairs and it is of bad taste for this preacher to employ himself as a guardian over Egyptians.&#8221;

Others attacked the Saudi clergyman for talking politics.

&#8220;Next time, those praying should break the preacher's jaw so that he learns his lesson and stops including his political opinion in sermons,&#8221; a Twitter user posted.

Another user, commenting on the incident using the hashtag, said the violence was unacceptable.
&#8220;No to violence. Political differences should be peaceful, and resorting to violence and excusing it, by any side, is unacceptable.&#8221; @waleedSulais posted.
&#8220;Cursing others is unacceptable and beating up whoever objects to that is vile. People have dignity,&#8221; he added.
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Master never apply slave rules on himself. For Pakistan future it is necessary to follow the foot step of Turkey and throw religion out of state. Pakistan, Iran, Iraq and Turkey should form a strong ME Secular block to oppose GCC Islamic fundamentalism!
God's bliss :bounce: & I will gladly deport you to your secular state :lol:
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God's bliss :bounce: & I will gladly deport you to your secular state :lol:

You are welcome as well for a glass of you know what you cant have in Saudi :cheers: :P


Egypt to Erdogan: We do not need lectures from a &#8216;Western agent&#8217;

Al Arabiya

An Egypt presidenctial spokesman on Tuesday said that Egypt does not need lessons on patriotism from a &#8220;Western agent,&#8221; in response to Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan&#8217;s recent statements on Egypt.
Ahmed el-Mossalamany denounced recent statements from the Turkish PM and told Egyptian newspaper al-Masry al-Youm that foreign agents won&#8217;t break Egypt.
In remarks broadcast on Turkish television early on Tuesday, Erdogan scolded Western democracies for failing to condemn what he described as a military coup that deposed Egypt&#8217;s elected Islamist President Mohammad Mursi.

The Egyptian newspaper reported that Turkish news agency Anadolu quoted Erdogan describing the current events in Egypt as an obvious military coup, in which many were killed without mercy.
The prime minister was also quoted referring to Islamic and Gulf states that support the current situation in Egypt as &#8220;Yusuf&#8217;s brothers,&#8221; in reference to the story of Islam&#8217;s Prophet Yusuf and his brothers.
He was quoted saying: &#8220;If we remain silent over the military coup in Egypt, we will not have the right to say anything, we will have fallen into the same trap.&#8221;
The Turkish premier also blamed Israeli influence. &#8220;What do they say in Egypt? &#8216;Democracy is not the ballot box,&#8217;&#8221; he said. &#8220;Who is behind this? Israel.&#8221;
Erdogan urged the U.N. Security Council to intervene in the Egypt crisis.
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OrionHunter and Dear Friends,

Taking it granted that next year American's withdrawal from Afghanistan is certain and US will be moving out much bruised, having no victory at hand: Al Saud thinks that probably they would be able to side-line the defeated super power and will be able to establish a Pan Islamic domain of their own through violence, terror and coercion. I think Al Saud is sadly mistaken.

I do see the Suez War of 1956 scenario repeated in saudia; when after WW II Jamal Abdul Nasser of Egypt had nationalised the Suez Canal for which US President Eisenhower were to return.
Egypt was totally destroyed, defeated and subjugated to remain at the mercy of US.

Then we see that from 1956 till date Egypt Army may be seen a powerful one but serves as US subservient.

Egypt may never think of nationalising it again and Suez Canal remains open like high way.

Al Saud is asking for same reaction…. Of bloody turmoil!

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