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After DF-41 test, China tests JL-2 and DF-5B

Nov 9, 2011
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U.S. military sensors detected the latest flight test, which took place in the early morning hours at China’s Wuzhai Missile and Space Test Center, near the town of Wuzhai in northwestern Shanxi province, about 267 miles southwest of Beijing.

The missile was tracked to impact range in the western Chinese desert and was identified as a CSS-4 Mod 2 silo-based ICBM.

It followed the first flight test of a new road-mobile DF-41 multiple-warhead missile on July 24 and the test firing of a new submarine-launched ballistic missile, the JL-2, which is also assessed to be capable of carrying multiple warheads.

A third U.S. official said the tests highlight China’s growing strategic missile arsenal, forces that remain shrouded in secrecy and appear to be moving in the direction of developing a “first strike” attack capability.

The Chinese missile flight tests coincide with the visit to the Pentagon this week by Chinese Lt. Gen. Cai Yingting, deputy chief of the general staff of the Communist Party-controlled People’s Liberation Army, and four other generals. It could not be learned if Cai will be questioned on the missile tests during meetings with senior Army and defense leaders.

Analysts said the most recent ICBM test was significant.

“It is likely that a CSS-4 Mod 2 or DF-5 Mod 2 would be the same as the DF-5B, which was said to me in 2010 to be the multiple warhead version of the DF-5,” said Richard Fisher, a Chinese military affairs specialist.

“So it is possible that in just one month’s time the PLA has tested two new multiple warhead land-based ICBMs and one submarine launched SLBM that could eventually carry multiple warheads,” said Fisher, with the International Assessment and Strategy Center.

“At a minimum, the PLA wants to tell us that it will be pointing more nuclear warheads our way and faster.”


Finally, we can simultaneously unleash our nukes from multiple platforms to rub away our weaker enemies :lol::lol::lol:
China is certainly testing its ICBMs on an urgent basis. I believe China has already drawn a red line for uncle sam and its minions. Iran and Pakistan are that red line. Russia should have backed China more resolutely but she did not. Anyway, I don't think China really needs Russia, as long as Pakistan and Iran are solidly behind China. These two states will never betray China. On the other hand, Russia was never a trustworthy ally. So, Russia's power is of little use to China or anybody else.
Chinese sovereignty is a red line

I think U.S. meddling in the South China Sea has finally pizzed off China.

I can't remember this much testing of China's strategic nuclear forces in such a compressed time frame in the last 30 years.

China is demonstrating its resolve to maintain sovereignty over 2,000-year-old Chinese islands in the South China Sea. China is warning the U.S. that China will massively build up its strategic nuclear forces unless American interference in the South China Sea stops.

I think Americans would rather not have thousands of Chinese thermonuclear warheads pointed at them. Is a few Chinese islands in the South China Sea really worth annoying China?

Do you remember when George Bush pulled out of the ABM treaty to build the American missile shield to negate China's formerly small ICBM arsenal? Back then, China warned it would build ICBMs with MIRV warheads to preserve China's second-strike capability.

In 2007, the thrice-MIRVed Chinese DF-31A ICBM was inducted. The U.S. has lost interest in its missile shield, which won't work. You need three defensive missiles for each Chinese 3-MIRVed DF-31A ICBM.

Now, China is angry. Continued American interference in the South China Sea via proxy countries will lead to a massive build-up of 10-MIRVed Chinese DF-41 ICBMs. The ball is in the U.S. court. If China is forced to build warheads to wipe out every American city with over 50,000 people then the United States cannot complain about it later.

You threaten us in the South China Sea and we'll threaten your existence. Tit for tat.
OMG... someone stop these Chinese... they are going gung-ho with one after one testing and induction...

Jokes apart... Congrats to Chinese defense industry. Just imagine one day China and India becomes ally... the Whole Global power will turn upside down. Congrats again!
China is certainly testing its ICBMs on an urgent basis. I believe China has already drawn a red line for uncle sam and its minions. Iran and Pakistan are that red line. Russia should have backed China more resolutely but she did not. Anyway, I don't think China really needs Russia, as long as Pakistan and Iran are solidly behind China. These two states will never betray China. On the other hand, Russia was never a trustworthy ally. So, Russia's power is of little use to China or anybody else.
The red line is Southern Tibet and we are planning something big for the 50th anniversary ;)
China is certainly testing its ICBMs on an urgent basis. I believe China has already drawn a red line for uncle sam and its minions. Iran and Pakistan are that red line. Russia should have backed China more resolutely but she did not. Anyway, I don't think China really needs Russia, as long as Pakistan and Iran are solidly behind China. These two states will never betray China. On the other hand, Russia was never a trustworthy ally. So, Russia's power is of little use to China or anybody else.

The western side has the trio of US/UK/France, and the allies will have China/Pakistan/Iran, as long as Russia remains neutral from both side, it would be fine for us, even they want to sell their weapons to India and Vietnam to earn few more bucks.

When China is determined, Pakistan and Iran will never fall at the hands of the West, now the first step is to increase the support for Syria, it is not for Russia, but for the interest of the alliance between China and Iran.
OMG... someone stop these Chinese... they are going gung-ho with one after one testing and induction...

Jokes apart... Congrats to Chinese defense industry. Just imagine one day China and India becomes ally... the Whole Global power will turn upside down. Congrats again!
This is the typical Indian attitude as long as the opponent is weak their big mouth wills say the usual Blah Blah Blah! But as the opponent becomes stronger(in any field) they say hinu-chini and hindu-pakistan bhai bhai:rofl:
This is the typical Indian attitude as long as the opponent is weak their big mouth wills say the usual Blah Blah Blah! But as the opponent becomes stronger(in any field) they say hinu-chini and hindu-pakistan bhai bhai:rofl:
Pakistan ok kyu beech me la raha hai,mr.cheerleader :D and if he's congratulating,theres a problem in that too,what's wrong in an Asian alliance? Numbhead
The US pivot to Asia is the best thing that happened to the PLA modernization. Now the PLA will get all the funding and weapons needed to protect Chinese national sovereignty and territorial integrity. The military modernization efforts will accelerate. We spend about 7% of our government expenditure on military while the American regime spends 20% of government expenditure on military. We should spend around 20% aswell.

US government expenditure in 2011 = $3.6 trillion.
US military expenditure as % of government expenditure in 2011 = ~20% ($720 billion).

China government expenditure in 2011 = $1.7 trillion.
China military expenditure as a % of government expenditure in 2011 = ~7% ($119 billion).

If we spend the same % of our government expenditure on military as the Americans do (20%), then our military budget would be around $340 billion.

Point is, we have alot more room to spend on military while still living within our means.
The red line is Southern Tibet and we are planning something big for the 50th anniversary ;)

If Southern Tibet is the red line it's too close to be a red line. Besides, that red line applies only to india. India is only a pawn in this game of chess between the US and China. China knows only too well what the implications are for China if Iran and Pakistan are to fall like Iraq or Afghanistan. Today it's Iran and Pakistan and I don't need to mention who's turn will be tomorrow. There's a proverb that says "a stitch in time saves nine." I'm sure the Chinese leadership knows what this proverb means.
China is certainly testing its ICBMs on an urgent basis. I believe China has already drawn a red line for uncle sam and its minions. Iran and Pakistan are that red line. Russia should have backed China more resolutely but she did not. Anyway, I don't think China really needs Russia, as long as Pakistan and Iran are solidly behind China. These two states will never betray China. On the other hand, Russia was never a trustworthy ally. So, Russia's power is of little use to China or anybody else.

Only country which follows China blindly is Pakistan, Iran is a different ball game when it comes to International politics :sniper:

If Southern Tibet is the red line it's too close to be a red line. Besides, that red line applies only to india. India is only a pawn in this game of chess between the US and China. China knows only too well what the implications are for China if Iran and Pakistan are to fall like Iraq or Afghanistan. Today it's Iran and Pakistan and I don't need to mention who's turn will be tomorrow. There's a proverb that says "a stitch in time saves nine." I'm sure the Chinese leadership knows what this proverb means.

You don't have to worry for India, India knows its path and it can plan accordingly, Suggest those countries who follow China Blindly and showing its spine to Uncle Sam.
Chinese sovereignty is a red line

I think U.S. meddling in the South China Sea has finally pizzed off China.

I can't remember this much testing of China's strategic nuclear forces in such a compressed time frame in the last 30 years.

China is demonstrating its resolve to maintain sovereignty over 2,000-year-old Chinese islands in the South China Sea. China is warning the U.S. that China will massively build up its strategic nuclear forces unless American interference in the South China Sea stops.

I think Americans would rather not have thousands of Chinese thermonuclear warheads pointed at them. Is a few Chinese islands in the South China Sea really worth annoying China?

Do you remember when George Bush pulled out of the ABM treaty to build the American missile shield to negate China's formerly small ICBM arsenal? Back then, China warned it would build ICBMs with MIRV warheads to preserve China's second-strike capability.

In 2007, the thrice-MIRVed Chinese DF-31A ICBM was inducted. The U.S. has lost interest in its missile shield, which won't work. You need three defensive missiles for each Chinese 3-MIRVed DF-31A ICBM.

Now, China is angry. Continued American interference in the South China Sea via proxy countries will lead to a massive build-up of 10-MIRVed Chinese DF-41 ICBMs. The ball is in the U.S. court. If China is forced to build warheads to wipe out every American city with over 50,000 people then the United States cannot complain about it later.

You threaten us in the South China Sea and we'll threaten your existence. Tit for tat.

This is pretty much nothing new dealing with a nation that has hundreds of missiles with MIRVs. It was called the Soviet Union. China was nort forced to build warheads. China was going to make them anyways. With China's high population density especially in cities we can kill millions per warhead.
This is pretty much nothing new dealing with a nation that has hundreds of missiles with MIRVs. It was called the Soviet Union. China was nort forced to build warheads. China was going to make them anyways. With China's high population density especially in cities we can kill millions per warhead.

there is nothing new from the warmonger and now cooperating with wannabe warmonger to the southwest of our border. after our million casualties vs million of alien casualties in their west and east coast, we still have many millions more! the ones at the alien southwest will rot themselves to bare bone decay, please tell us when if you like to end your comrades' slow death through the press of our buttons! we dont have to spend much time in choosing what range of missiles to be used on various occasions. thanks!

If Southern Tibet is the red line it's too close to be a red line. Besides, that red line applies only to india. India is only a pawn in this game of chess between the US and China. China knows only too well what the implications are for China if Iran and Pakistan are to fall like Iraq or Afghanistan. Today it's Iran and Pakistan and I don't need to mention who's turn will be tomorrow. There's a proverb that says "a stitch in time saves nine." I'm sure the Chinese leadership knows what this proverb means.

what is the purpose of the deployment of the US defense shield in europe? Russia does not seem to show that they are that naive even after biting the WTO carrots! let the indians live in their delusional wala wala-land!
there is nothing new from the warmonger and now cooperating with wannabe warmonger to the southwest of our border. after our million casualties vs million of alien casualties in their west and east coast, we still have many millions more! the ones at the alien southwest will rot themselves to bare bone decay, please tell us when if you like to end your comrades' slow death through the press of our buttons! we dont have to spend much time in choosing what range of missiles to be used on various occasions. thanks!

You don't have any millions more. We have enough nukes to pretty much kill billions if you have not noticed. Couple of thousand warheads. And with the ability to destroy the manufacturing, processing, and delivering food to people, they will die of starvation as well as dealing with contaminated food.
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