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After DF-41 test, China tests JL-2 and DF-5B

Only country which follows China blindly is Pakistan, Iran is a different ball game when it comes to International politics :sniper:

Now, that's an expected indian perspective, not an Iranian one.

You don't have to worry for India, India knows its path and it can plan accordingly, Suggest those countries who follow China Blindly and showing its spine to Uncle Sam.

Do you really think I worry about india? Grow up, stop following the zionazis blindly!
You don't have any millions more. We have enough nukes to pretty much kill billions if you have not noticed. Couple of thousand warheads. And with the ability to destroy the manufacturing, processing, and delivering food to people, they will die of starvation as well as dealing with contaminated food.

We Chinese are capable to accept the fate of Nukes exhange...are Americans ready for that too. or still thinking that you're exceptional?
You don't have any millions more. We have enough nukes to pretty much kill billions if you have not noticed. Couple of thousand warheads. And with the ability to destroy the manufacturing, processing, and delivering food to people, they will die of starvation as well as dealing with contaminated food.

contaminated nuke foods are for the Japanese. starvation is for your country of origin.
we have 1.3 billion, your adopted country has 0.3 billion. dont trust the potency of your nukes. when our first nuke rains on the largest city in the west coast, half of the rest of your adopted fellow citizens will have a heart attack because they will be in complete shock to believe China can have such gargantun powerful nuke that annihilates the most populous city in one go! And then our second nuke will descend on .... and that triggers the second shock wave of heart attacks that will do the job sweeping the remaining poplulation!
contaminated nuke foods are for the Japanese. starvation is for your country of origin.
we have 1.3 billion, your adopted country has 0.3 billion. dont trust the potency of your nukes. when our first nuke rains on the largest city in the west coast, half of the rest of your adopted fellow citizens will have a heart attack because they will be in complete shock to believe China can have such gargantun powerful nuke that annihilate the most populous city in one go! And then our second nuke will descend on .... and that triggers the second shock wave of heat attacks that will do the job sweeping the remaining poplulation!

Both East coast and West coast are included, plus the Yellow Stone Supervolcano will be bursted by few giant megaton warheads.
You don't have any millions more. We have enough nukes to pretty much kill billions if you have not noticed. Couple of thousand warheads. And with the ability to destroy the manufacturing, processing, and delivering food to people, they will die of starvation as well as dealing with contaminated food.
When we strike America with nukes, we focus on the middle class white neighborhoods and leave the black and Hispanic ghettos alone. Then the black and Hispanic ghettos will rise up and finish off the white middle class cruelly. Of course, once we take out all the Jews on Wall Street and university professors then the brains behind America is effectively scooped out.
When we strike America with nukes, we focus on the middle class white neighborhoods and leave the black and Hispanic ghettos alone. Then the black and Hispanic ghettos will rise up and finish off the white middle class cruelly. Of course, once we take out all the Jews on Wall Street and university professors then the brains behind America is effectively scooped out.

Don't worry, the elites in US don't want to be perished in a nuclear exchange with their trillions of wealth, they don't give a fck about what a retired pensioner thinking about.

If we end up in a MAD with USA, then this means we have lost, and we have failed the greatest conquest in the human history.

The time is on our side, we need to win without firing a bullet. :coffee:
I just ignore the old racist. He's intentionally annoying you guys. A clever troll.

I consider him a poor man's Gambit. He doesn't have Gambit's knowledge. I had to explain the differences in stealth for SSN, AIP, and diesel electric submarines to Oldman1. However, he's just as anti-Chinese as Gambit.

I ignore posts that lack value regarding Chinese military equipment or issues.

I've become pretty good at not feeding the trolls. Starve them and they will go away.

Most of us are interested in the hobby of discussing new Chinese military weapons. We're not here to argue with Indian, Vietnamese, American, or Greek trolls. They're trying to get a response out of you. Make sure they fail.
this is blessing for India

continuous Chinese rise and Massive Chinese Military buildup means for next 15 years,US attention will be mainly on Asia Pacific

we should use this window of time to sort out our problems and try to have another decade of good economic growth

we should also develop good ties, with US help if necessary, with powerful nations in world and should built a small yet effective,robust Nuclear Missile Arsenal (around 60 missiles)

we may use this opportunity to develop MIRVd Agni 6 SLBM (6000 KM range), as we may not face sanctions from US, if US is really determined to halt Rise of China
We Chinese are capable to accept the fate of Nukes exhange...are Americans ready for that too. or still thinking that you're exceptional?

LOL! You think Americans are not ready for it? Learn about America's recovery from past wars from Revolutionary war to Civil War before you spout something like that.

contaminated nuke foods are for the Japanese. starvation is for your country of origin.
we have 1.3 billion, your adopted country has 0.3 billion. dont trust the potency of your nukes. when our first nuke rains on the largest city in the west coast, half of the rest of your adopted fellow citizens will have a heart attack because they will be in complete shock to believe China can have such gargantun powerful nuke that annihilates the most populous city in one go! And then our second nuke will descend on .... and that triggers the second shock wave of heart attacks that will do the job sweeping the remaining poplulation!

You don't even have enough land to feed all you people even if it wasn't nuked. You have to import most of the food especially in the U.S. Complete shock on gargantuan powerful nukes you say. Okaaaay.

When we strike America with nukes, we focus on the middle class white neighborhoods and leave the black and Hispanic ghettos alone. Then the black and Hispanic ghettos will rise up and finish off the white middle class cruelly. Of course, once we take out all the Jews on Wall Street and university professors then the brains behind America is effectively scooped out.

You never heard of melting pot have you? You might as well not even nuke us at all because there are blacks and hispanics in so called white neighborhoods.

I just ignore the old racist. He's intentionally annoying you guys. A clever troll.

I consider him a poor man's Gambit. He doesn't have Gambit's knowledge. I had to explain the differences in stealth for SSN, AIP, and diesel electric submarines to Oldman1. However, he's just as anti-Chinese as Gambit.

I ignore posts that lack value regarding Chinese military equipment or issues.

I've become pretty good at not feeding the trolls. Starve them and they will go away.

Most of us are interested in the hobby of discussing new Chinese military weapons. We're not here to argue with Indian, Vietnamese, American, or Greek trolls. They're trying to get a response out of you. Make sure they fail.

Then ignore me, actually you don't even need to talk about me in the first place. Somebody like who you who talks down on all those people that you mocked from Indian to Vietnamese to Americans and I don't even know how Greeks got involved with you. That shows arrogance especially when you talked about the Japanese as well. Enough said.
Hey guyz don't fight with each other on the forum.....Its very hard to recreate the same world after the Nuklear war........:smokin:
God forbid any of these three countries i.e. US, Russia and China, face off and conflict reaches to nuclear exchange. That will wipe out entire human race. Even India-Pakistan nuclear exchange will result in billions death. The three top powers' conflict is MAD not only for them but will be Indirect Destruction ID. :D
You never heard of melting pot have you? You might as well not even nuke us at all because there are blacks and hispanics in so called white neighborhoods.
Melting pot? :lol:

The white middle class neighborhoods will become "melting pots" and then we'll see how the blacks and Hispanics from the ghettos treat whites when they become the majority population :)
LOL! You think Americans are not ready for it? Learn about America's recovery from past wars from Revolutionary war to Civil War before you spout something like that.

LOL you are talking about 18 century? at that time America was nothing compare to England but now Americans enjoyed the great living standard and being a superpower with exceptionalism mentality, in the event of nukes exchange, dont think that all these good, comfort living and advantages you guys enjoy now will last at the end...you might have a great military armada to win war but you're not prepare to accept any lost
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