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Afghans in Pakistan fear return home

Don't think Hype would care and IF people accosted him then he'd take @Armstrong, the 200 pound damsel, hostage and coerce his way out of there. :D

I've already lost 5 kgs in the past 1 week, I'd be down to 80 kg by the end of the month ! :azn:

But I couldn't bench press as much as I could a week ago - Muscle Loss bhiii ho rahaa ho gaaa saaath saaaath ! :hitwall:
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I've already lost 5 kgs in the past 1 week, I'd be down to 80 kg by the end of the month ! :azn:

But I couldn't bench press as much as I could a week ago - Muscle Loss bhiii ho rahaa ho gaaa saaath saaaath ! :hitwall:

atrophy will occur my friend...who can know that better than me. AND I'd like to see you press or pull your way out of Hype's grip. :azn:
Pashtuns have a right to be angry and more should be done to reduce civilian casualties. Though how can one root out TTP if military operations are not conducted where they are located? You can't.

Through tribal lashkars...governament can financially support them...talibans were defeated through tribal lashkars in lakki marwat, dir and buner.
Any how my finger is pointing towards double standards of army and ISI. I am talking about ISI sponsered "good talibans" like gul bahadur group, haqqani network etc....army is using talibans as stretagic assets instead of eliminating religous extremism.
That is the main reason why these Afghans do not want their refugees back, they see it as they are living in Afghanistan already which is why keeping even a few of them is dangerous for Pakistan.

I agree.

The Pakistani government needs to get serious and stop bowing down to afghan wishes. They shouldn't be dictating anything to us.
I am not anti-pakistan, i am against wrong policies and decisions. I am against human right violations...if there is freedom of speech here then simply listen to me. I am nobody to make demands.
If disliking army operations and their support for talibans is anti-pakistanism then dude you have not yet experienced military operations in your punjab and sindh. On one hand we are blown by TTP fitna which are result of wrong policies of army and on the other hand we are dying from friendly fires of army who recieve salaries from our taxes who we pay to governament....
One of my cousin was killed on the side of road by army caravan when he was simply waving hands to them out of patriotism, and one of uncle was kidnapped by TTP for ransom....the whole KPK look like occupied kashmir and faujis do not hesitate on opening fires on any one remotely suspicious.

You are right about most points except paying taxes, 2% of Pakistanis file taxes, how much of that 2% you think comes from NWFP/KP? Answer, extremely little. I'm sure many residents in NWFP don't even know of the concept of taxes to the Federal Government.

Though lets not make this about taxes although that is an important issue, but wrong topic.
Pak army is fighting only a segment of pakhtun society i.e talibans yet they are dying in thousands in FATA....the whole Afghanistan is like FATA, it can not be conquered, it is graveyard of empires, you can not occupy it for long..those pakistanis who talks of conquering afghanistan are PC warriors, nerds wearing glasses and good only at typing fast.

These nerds wearing glasses work on projects like JF17 Al-Khalid Nuclear Physics IRBMs etc what do you zombies in your little graveyard do?
Through tribal lashkars...governament can financially support them...talibans were defeated through tribal lashkars in lakki marwat, dir and buner.
Any how my finger is pointing towards double standards of army and ISI. I am talking about ISI sponsered "good talibans" like gul bahadur group, haqqani network etc....army is using talibans as stretagic assets instead of eliminating religous extremism.

Responsibility of defense of the country is on Pakistani military, tribal lashkars are supported but I suppose not to significant extent. So what if Tribal lashkars inflict innocent causalities then what? See issue of civilian casualties remain no matter what variable (army or lashkars) is applied here.

Afghanistan NP has killed innocent Pashtuns as collateral damage, why don't ordinary Afghan Pashtuns turn against Afghanistan army?
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