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Afghans give Pakistan evidence in Rabbani killing

The real question is how long will you believe in fairy tales... Pakistan is the only country which has blamed everything it suffer on either US or India ... everything from taliban to balochistan to kashmir to floods to famines is either due to india or the US... Your government and your ISI is made up of Angels ... please stop living in lal la land

Fairy tales? I thought Indians are the one who love to believe in them, I have reason to say this because of your media's maturity. If you think India and USA have nothing to do with issues in Pakistan then you are a dove, naive and innocent.
uh, are we supposed to believe that people from Pakistan went to Kabul, 250 miles away from the border, without being detected?

Think i'll pass.
Fairy tales? I thought Indians are the one who love to believe in them, I have reason to say this because of your media's maturity. If you think India and USA have nothing to do with issues in Pakistan then you are a dove, naive and innocent.

So you are saying the condition of pakistan has nothing to do with the brilliant choices it has made in the past... like

training and arming Taliban

Supporting a recognizing taliban and advocating the rest of the world to recognize taliban, the most draconian evil regime in history of the modern world, as a legitimate government of afghanistan.

waging unprovoked hostilites against india

Playing double game with US to promote haqqanis in post nato afghan regime.

And still its US/India's fault ... Brilliant
Obama said the intelligence linking the Haqqani network to the ISI is unclear, & not even the Americans have charged Pakistan of being responsible for Rabbani's assassination; yet, the Afghans with their 'wonderful intelligence' have figured it all out.
The US are terribly frustrated - negotiations with the Talib have notproduced the results the US would like to see - and so a strategy to position Pakistan to do some more dirty work - while the US blames the Haqqani, the Afghan government blames the Quetta Shura, clearly Hiymatyar is not part of the problem, especially since his number two who lives in California has signaled the willingness to accept the US presence.

Will this policy produce results? Does a snow flake have a chance in Hell?

OK, why not? If ten years of war against those opposed to the US occupation has not produced positive results for the US, why will simply an information operations effort generate the desired results, it won't because the situation in Afghanistan has not become a net negative for these groups rather they are now more effective, more powerful.
The US are terribly frustrated - negotiations with the Talib have notproduced the results the US would like to see - and so a strategy to position Pakistan to do some more dirty work - while the US blames the Haqqani, the Afghan government blames the Quetta Shura, clearly Hiymatyar is not part of the problem, especially since his number two who lives in California has signaled the willingness to accept the US presence.

Will this policy produce results? Does a snow flake have a chance in Hell?

OK, why not? If ten years of war against those opposed to the US occupation has not produced positive results for the US, why will simply an information operations effort generate the desired results, it won't because the situation in Afghanistan has not become a net negative for these groups rather they are now more effective, more powerful.

This is an ideological war more than anything, the US and i believe the world including Pakistan is not doing much in that regard. It should go hand in hand with the military aspect of this phenomenon. After ten years of warring in Afghanistan, no results have been obtained, so the US is looking for a scapegoat, aka Pakistan.
afghan "intelligence" can hand whatever "evidence" it has over, still doesn't mean its true or valid.
A suicide bomber came blew himself up killing the man. and afghan 'intelligence' says it knows the plan was hatched in Quetta, they even have the name of the town. How? They mopped up the evidence from the bomber's remains? Or he came with a ' from satelite town, quetta' tag?

What groups was afghan intelligence able to apprehend and make em divulge this info in a weeks time? We know the next to nothing writ this afghan govt and its law enforcement agencies have in afghanistan. They cant go a couple of miles out of kabul without the fear of being blown to bits and theyre claiming of capturing groups. How pathetically laughable this statement is.

Everyone knows who's pulling the strings on this puppet president of Afghanistan and when and where they want him to speak and what. He has no crediblity among afghans. He's a nobody. The rest of the world regards him as such, too. Except for Indians cuz of his negative take on Pakistan. And when that happens, Indians must act more like Afghans than Afghans themselves. And more American than Americans when an American makes an accusation on Pak. This the story and sole purpose of their lives. They can't be counted among rational humanbeings.
Let's dissect the crap we've been hearing from these 'logical' Americans and bharatis for the last little while now.

First off, these people ask Pakistan to provide evidence in public against Bharat for the claims that we make against bharat.

But conveniently, nothing such shows up when their own country, or US or Afghanistan accuses Pakistan.

Their country counter argument? The whole world is accusing Pakistan. :lol::lol::lol:

It's about 4-5 countries you brain-dead nincompoops, not the whole world! (I am sure you already knew that, but just continued to go on about it since it suited your propaganda)

And they all have interest in accusing Pakistan. Bharat mainly because it's a long time enemy. US, Afghanistan because they want to blame their failure in the war on Pakistan.

What's worse still is that these simpletons use argumentum ad populum (i.e. since many people are saying it, it must be true) as their argument. How 'logical' for the 'logical' bharatis!

Have some shame guys. Have some shame. My god, these people have no shame. Guys, at least have some shame. You vehemently attack us, and calling us whatnot, for not giving proof but then do things like this, LOL. Even a brute would know deep down how big a hypocrite he/she is if they were doing something like this. I fail to believe you guys don't know that you're the hypocrites of the highest order.
lol? evidence? you accuse first and find evidence later?

something doesn't seem right here as usual!
propaganda machine churning out BS at max capacity... as usual!
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