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Prisoner release needs ‘transparent mechanism’, says Ghani


–Afghan president also calls for ‘executive guarantee’ that Taliban prisoners will not return to violence after their release

KABUL: Afghan President Ashraf Ghani on Saturday said that there is a need for a “transparent mechanism” to release the Taliban prisoners – as part of a peace deal between the US and the Taliban.

Addressing a ceremony on the second anniversary of the 17th National Assembly, Ghani also said that there is a need for an “executive guarantee” for the release of the prisoners.

Based on the US-Taliban agreement signed on Feb. 29 in Qatar, up to 5,000 prisoners of the Taliban in the Afghan government’s custody should be released by March 10 ahead of the intra-Afghan negotiations.

Saturday’s event was attended by Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah and Second Vice President Mohammad Sarwar Danish and members of the two parliament houses – the Wolesi Jirga and the Meshrano Jirga.

Calling the current condition “critical” in terms of an opportunity for peace, Ghani said the people’s request is that there should be an executive guarantee so that these people (prisoners) will not return to violence once they are released.

Ghani said discussions were made last week about the negotiating team. “Our negotiating team will be ready by March 10,” Ghani said.

Ghani called on MPs to announce a selection of two members from the Meshrano Jirga (including one woman) and five members of the Wolesi Jirga (including two women) to participate in the High Council of Reconciliation.

But President Ghani did not make it clear whether he will conduct consolations with the seven lawmakers, or if he will include them on the negotiating team.

“Afghanistan is in a critical stage and is in dire need of unity. We can only overcome challenges with the perspective of national unity,” Ghani concluded.

On March 1, a day after the signing of a historic peace deal between the Taliban and US, President Ghani had rejected the Taliban demand for the release of the 5,000 prisoners as a condition for talks with Afghanistan’s government and civilians.

Under the accord, the US and Taliban are committed to work expeditiously to release combat and political prisoners as a confidence-building measure, with the coordination and approval of all relevant sides. The agreement calls for up to 5,000 jailed Taliban prisoners to be released in exchange for up to 1,000 Afghan government captives by March 10.

On the issue of the prisoner swap, Ghani said, “It is not in the authority of United States to decide, they are only a facilitator.”

Ghani told CNN that US President Donald Trump had not asked for the release of the prisoners and that the issue of prisoner releases should be discussed as part of a comprehensive peace deal. The political consensus needed for such a major step does not currently exist, Ghani said.

Ghani said key issues need to be discussed first including the Taliban’s ties with Pakistan and other countries that had offered it sanctuary, its ties with what he called terrorist groups and drug cartels, and the place of Afghanistan’s security forces and its civil administration.

“The people of Afghanistan need to believe that we’ve gone from war to peace, and not that the agreement will be either a Trojan horse or the beginning of a much worse phase of conflict,” Ghani added.
Taliban most likely will be removed from any UN terrorist lists and legitimized globally as a relevant faction in the conflict. Huge victory.

Here is a FACT check... Taliban were never declared as terrorists from the get-go . https://www.state.gov/foreign-terrorist-organizations/

USA wanted peace with the Taliban way back when they first invaded FACT.

Mullah Omar wanted to make peace with America when they first invaded, but USA declined in order to gain more leverage (this is dubious but highly likely, I am still researching this).

Watch this video...

and this...
at 1:00 it says "Pakistan didn't want peace then" This is not true, Taliban did not want peace then because Obama sent 100,000 soldiers inside, that's how they wanted to make peace... Are you kidding me?

Since the get-go when I was a child I supported them, now I see so many Afghans who were anti-Taliban now suddenly pro-Taliban, how unbelievable... And in the future they are going to claim their victories as their own. Such a shame, that those brave soldiers sacrificed their lives for freedom of Afghanistan and the shameless who fought against them and were anti Taliban are going to now claim their victories. I am not going to be like those Afghans and claim their victory, I have no right whatsoever...
Taliban Says Intra-Afghan Talks Unlikely To Start On Schedule
March 08, 2020 20:54 GMT

Afghan troops patrol in Helmand on March 3.

The Taliban says talks scheduled this week with Afghanistan’s government are unlikely to take place on time because of plans by two rivals for the Afghan presidency to conduct parallel swearing-in ceremonies.

Since the United States signed a conditional peace agreement on February 29 with Taliban negotiators in Doha, Washington has been trying to push the Afghan government toward direct talks with the Taliban.

The so-called intra-Afghan talks are meant to bring together negotiators from the Taliban and the Afghan government as well as representatives from a cross section of Afghan society.

The Doha agreement calls for an exchange of prisoners to be completed before the start of the intra-Afghan dialogue on March 10.

But Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid says he doesn’t think officials in Kabul will complete the prisoner exchange in time because of a disagreement between Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and his main rival in the September 2019 presidential election, Afghan Chief Executive Officer Abdullah Abdullah.

In February, after months of delay, Afghanistan's Independent Election Commission announced that Ghani had been reelected with just over 50 percent of the first-round vote.

Afghan election officials said Abdullah finished in second place with just over 39 percent of the vote.

But Abdullah, alleging widespread fraud during the vote count, insists that he won the election and has vowed to form his own government.

Both Ghani and Abdullah have issued invitations to parallel swearing-in ceremonies on March 9.

"Instead of swearing in, we want them to focus on intra-Afghan talks,” Mujahid, the Taliban spokesman, told Reuters on March 8. “We call upon them to leave the internal disagreements, stop the swearing in, and work for peace."

Mujahid said no practical steps have been taken by Kabul for the release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners held in Afghan jails.

Ghani has publicly rejected the proposed release of the Taliban prisoners, despite pressure from Washington and the Taliban’s promise to reciprocate by releasing 1,000 Afghan troops and civilian government employees it has detained.

Nevertheless, Mujahid said meetings between prison keepers from both sides took place in Doha on March 7-8.

Those meetings were the first known official formal contacts between the Afghan government and the Taliban since the conditional peace deal was signed by the Taliban and Washington.

With reporting by Reuters, AP, AFP, and RFE/RL's Radio Free Afghanistan


Looks like Afghanistan has 5 or 6 six governments and a factional war is about to start up. Ashraf Ghani and friends are number one threat to peace and stability in Afghanistan. They are sabotaging the peace deal with the Taliban, then tried to assassinate Abdullah Abdullah. These corrupt inept criminals rely totally on American funding and air support. With the Bonn government set up dead....what will the Americans do??
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