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Afghanistan fire 25 mortar shells in Pakistan: Officials.

It is nothing when compare to what Pakistan did.

KABUL, Afghanistan ¡ª Rocket and artillery shells fired from Pakistan have killed 42 Afghans and wounded 48 in three province eastern Afghanistan over the last five weeks, according to local Afghan security officials and tribal elders who have strongly protested the assaults over the last several days and demanded that the Afghan government protect them.

The attacks have puzzled and angered Afghan politicians and Western diplomats here who have said privately that they hope the attacks will stop before villagers in the attacked areas take up arms themselves. It isnot clear who is responsible for the attacks, which are taking place in remote border areas where the boundary between the two countries is imprecise and where insurgentsmove back and forth easily.
Pakistan¡¯s military has acknowledged its forces have sometimes shelled suspected militants fleeing into Afghanistan, but not onthe scale and intensity alleged by Afghanistan.
¡°We are seriously concerned about Pakistan¡¯s ongoing shelling of Afghan villages and causing harm to Afghan civiliansand Afghan properties,¡± said Janan Mosazai, the spokesman for Afghanistan¡¯s Foreign Ministry. ¡°We call for an immediate and full cessation of this shelling.¡±
The Afghan Foreign Ministry has met twice with Pakistan¡¯s ambassador here over the shelling. Three high-level meetings also have been held, including one in which President Hamid Karzai spoke directly to President Asif Ali Zardari of Pakistan when both men were in Tehran for a conference, and another attended by the head of the Pakistani Army. The shelling has not stopped.
¡°It is obviously a serious situation,¡± Simon Gass, the NATO senior civilian representative,said in an interview on Sunday. ¡°The border there is disputed; there has been a strong reaction in Afghanistan,¡± he said, adding that a diplomatic solution was needed.
The long, wild and mountainous region that runs from Nuristan through Kunar to Nangarhar is patrolled almost exclusively by the Afghan border police. NATO has little or no presence there and a spokesman said NATO was unsure what has precipitated the shooting.
The most recent attack was on July 1 when aPakistani helicopter flew into Afghan territory and bombed a house, said Gen. Aminullah Amerkhail, the chief of the Afghan border police for the eastern part of the country.
¡°Seven hundred families have been displaced, 42 people have been killed, including some women and children, and 48villagers have been injured,¡± in Nangarhar, Kunar and Nuristan, General Amerkhail said.
¡°We have recognized these rounds,¡± he said,referring to the shell fragments found in the attacked areas. ¡°They are the Pakistani rounds.¡±
Members of Parliament, upset that the government and particularly the president had not spoken out more critically, summoned the ministers of defense, interiorand the intelligence service on Saturday and asked them for a briefing. ¡°Their explanations were not acceptable at all,¡± saidMohammed Naiem Hamidzai Lalai, chairman of the Internal Security Committee. ¡°The president is not taking a serious position against the shelling by Pakistanis.¡±
Mr. Lalai added: ¡°We don¡¯t exactly know what the Pakistani government¡¯s intentions are from the shelling, but most probably theyhave some bad intentions for our country.¡±
General Amerkhail and several dozen tribal elders gathered in Jalalabad, the largest city in eastern Afghanistan, on Saturday to press the Afghan government to take a strong stand against the attacks. He offered his resignation, but it was not accepted.
¡°We all gathered to ask the government to stop the bombings and attacks by Pakistani forces,¡± said Malik Darwish Lalpoorwal, a tribal elder from Lalpoor district in Nangarhar Province, one of the three provinces where the Pakistanis have shot over the border. ¡°Why should our people diewithout any reason? They have made many women into widows and many children intoorphans. Please stop it.¡± He threatened, along with the other elders, ¡°to fight them with our bare hands.¡±
In the Pakistani media, the army has indicated that its forces shot into Afghanistan in the process of pursuing Pakistani Taliban fighters who had fled into Afghanistan. Afghan security officials say that is unlikely, in part because the Pakistanis have not launched a major offensive against the Taliban in those provinces recently. The Afghan officials also say such an explanation does not justify the launching of scores of rockets.
¡°One or 2 or 10 rounds, yes, that could be if they were chasing the Taliban,¡± General Amerkhail said. ¡°But how come 800 rounds?So it seems they are intentionally targeting our innocent people.¡±
Sangar Rahimi and Sharifullah Sahak contributed reporting from Kabul, and a New York Times employee from Jalalabad, Afghanistan.

This is offtopic but I am sure the best ace in our hand is to block all water supply into Pakistan during a war.
The only difference is that ours is a legal right, your is morally wrong
Gandalf was the wise one. You behave more like Gollum.
:rofl: Gollum. He is obsessed with his Precious - Bashing Pakistan. :D

BTW I don't think food supply stopping is a good move. It will directly affect the Afghan population and will make them against Pakistan even more. Just imagine, if a Afghan is told that his child is hungry because Pakistan stopped food supply, and India or Iran uses it as an opportunity to provide food, it will be easy for TTP to recruit more people.

Even if they don't get recruited in any terrorist organization, these Afghan people will remember Pakistan's move for a long time. It will be a strategically idiotic move.

Lets put emotions aside. Best way is to apply diplomatic pressure, stop NATO supplies which are the real support for them for such misadventure. Call Karzai government and tell him future repercussions. He knows post 2014, it won't be easy for him to keep Afghanistan if Pakistan goes against him.

Never play with emotions of poor people. Once they get agitated,, you may have dozens of TTP against you. And think about Afghan refugees within Pakistan. Wouldn't they take it otherwise ? Of course you can suppress them but it will cause some damage and will not help in stabilizing Pakistan's interior conditions.

You already have govt. and ANA against you, why make the general population against too.
I hope people will discuss practical rather than emotional solutions.
The only difference is that ours is a legal right, your is morally wrong

Did you have the ability to?
Also, it would have only affected the farmlands, the army was fighting in glaciers so wouldn't have been affected
Didn't know, iron dome could intercept dumb mortars.

Using expensive iron dome missile for mortars would be dumb, think CRAM system! the one which NATO uses to protect its bases in Afghanistan. Its like a ship defence system but for the base.
There is saying when a nation is at war with enemey nation...."Always fight with the Army but not with the people" This is how strong nations prevails upon the psychic of the people...Coming to the topic..firing mortar cell in Afgan border is just like another day to day incident in India Pakistan Border...Border areas areas of most of the nations are always with sort of mortar firing incident..The only thing that can impact Pakistan is that they never thought about Afganistan can show sign of any form aggression...

It is the best intrest of Pakistan is to just make some border official meeting and sort out the issue...Because for you the bigger issue is your eastern border where you need your Army to be stationed at...rather than being positioned at your friendly nations border...
This current Afghan Govt. is the rented wh*re of US & they are directly following US orders, Afghanistan is no friend of Pakistan they are enemy of Pakistan.

The only thing wrong in Pakistan is that Pakistan is run by corrupt politicians had Pakistan been run by patriots or patriot Pak Army then corrupt Afghanistan would had been punched on the face & kicked on the nuts.
This current Afghan Govt. is the rented wh*re of US & they are directly following US orders, Afghanistan is no friend of Pakistan they are enemy of Pakistan.
The only thing wrong in Pakistan is that Pakistan is run by corrupt politicians had Pakistan been run by patriots or patriot Pak Army then corrupt Afghanistan would had been punched on the face & kicked on the nuts.
Dear don't use this words. An Afghan can say same thing as Pakistan got into WoT because of US pressure.

BTW why this patriot Pak Army is not doing a coup especially when US are killing Pakistanis with drone attacks and Afghan Army is shelling. TTP is on rise. Shouldn't army step in like old times ?
Just in: Afghan Taliban claim hitting Drone hanger with missiles at Kandahar airbase 5pm, casualties not known
And a thread exists that Pakistan is the country not working towards Pak-Afghan bilateral ties. Like I mentioned, one of the factors that would damage peace into region is ANA, with such actions of theirs.
Dear don't use this words. An Afghan can say same thing as Pakistan got into WoT because of US pressure.

BTW why this patriot Pak Army is not doing a coup especially when US are killing Pakistanis with drone attacks and Afghan Army is shelling. TTP is on rise. Shouldn't army step in like old times ?

They should but they won't, you see the Army has had enough of this. The people make a mess out of this country and then expect the military to put things back in order, then they shoo the same "saviours" out of office and pave the way for another corrupt government to destroy whatever progress had been made under the military's time in power. So this time, the military has decided to let the people sort out their own mess.
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