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Afghanistan emerges as new job market for Pakistanis

We have cultural understanding with Indians too every Afghan knows who is amitab bachchan :lol: that's even not a unique factor but yeah there are many factors that bonds this brotherhood!

Good get Amitabh Bachan to cook your eggs, and stop trying to make it seem like you are doing us ehsan.

Razpak lecturing on Cheap mentality. Did sun rose from West today. :lol:

Its not like that you people haven't use them. You used the illiterate Afghanis for other purposes and we all know what was it.

Afghanistan is giving honest day labor job while you gave them explosion laden ones.

You people?

Did you Indians not help destroy Afghanistan by supporting the Northern Alliance and especially the USSR?

Have some shame krait.

I didn't expect you to make foolish statements jr.
ehhh what Karzai and his weak govt has to do with this? Its all due to foreign funded foreign projects in Afghanistan.

As soon the foreigners are gone the most of the jobs will go too.

You are absolutely right, One of my uncle is a trader there. They are paid in US dollars by american people.

According to him the situation is good for work only in kabul but kabulis are not good on the other hand outside kabul no jobs but people are good.

Also 90% of the current GDP of afghanistan is foreign aid when americans are gone everything is gone.
You people?
Did you Indians not help destroy Afghanistan by supporting the Northern Alliance and especially the USSR?
Have some shame krait.
I didn't expect you to make foolish statements jr.
First you brought this statement from calling Indians having cheap mentality.

Second, I agree that India used NA but you used Taliban for good even after USSR defeat. You kept Afghanistan as vassal state. We did it for our nation's interest and you did for yours. All those terrorists from Afghan war poured into Kashmir. We all know that. Why does it gets on you guys nerves whenever we blame mess in Afghanistan on Pakistan. Didn't you supported Taliban more. You call Afghanistan has too many things common with Pakistan and they are like your brothers, then why did you allowed Taliban to oppress its own people. Indian's NA support doesn't fall into same league as we don't have so many things in common. Yet they will work with us easily. So may be its time you should reassess your policy regarding Afghanistan.

now coming to present. India is spending heavily in schools, hospitals, roads etc along with its consulates for its economic and strategic interests in Afghanistan. $ 2 billion already given. Even Pakistan released $ 500 million for Afghanistan.

I am not being foolish, just being realist and reactive.

So don't lecture me on shame. Stop bringing and characterizing India just because you didn't agree with Melang's opinion. You deliberately did this and if I responded it in this way, may be you should re-read your post buddy.

We have cultural understanding with Indians too every Afghan knows who is amitab bachchan :lol: that's even not a unique factor but yeah there are many factors that bonds this brotherhood!

than goo & ask ur govt to ban Pakistanis (if it is feasable for u guys) & hire indians cz u kno who is amitb bachan..:lol:

& stop ur idiotic logics here & plzz spare us....
actually i live in peshawar..so ican educate oyu peopel regarding the job thing..

in afghanistan two types of jobs are avaliable for pakistanis
1.highly unskilled hard labour which afghnis dont do
2.highly skilled labours which afghanis are not available

the afghnis in pakistan are usually involved in small business and shops ..not hard labour
You know your country's economy is in complete shambles if you have to migrate to Afghanistan to get jobs. What's next - Sierra Leone?
You know your country's economy is in complete shambles if you have to migrate to Afghanistan to get jobs. What's next - Sierra Leone?

Most retarded statement I have ever read.

Are your saffron boys not over in Afghanistan?


Please log off and get your head checked.

First you brought this statement from calling Indians having cheap mentality.

Second, I agree that India used NA but you used Taliban for good even after USSR defeat. You kept Afghanistan as vassal state. We did it for our nation's interest and you did for yours. All those terrorists from Afghan war poured into Kashmir. We all know that. Why does it gets on you guys nerves whenever we blame mess in Afghanistan on Pakistan. Didn't you supported Taliban more. You call Afghanistan has too many things common with Pakistan and they are like your brothers, then why did you allowed Taliban to oppress its own people. Indian's NA support doesn't fall into same league as we don't have so many things in common. Yet they will work with us easily. So may be its time you should reassess your policy regarding Afghanistan.

now coming to present. India is spending heavily in schools, hospitals, roads etc along with its consulates for its economic and strategic interests in Afghanistan. $ 2 billion already given. Even Pakistan released $ 500 million for Afghanistan.

I am not being foolish, just being realist and reactive.

So don't lecture me on shame. Stop bringing and characterizing India just because you didn't agree with Melang's opinion. You deliberately did this and if I responded it in this way, may be you should re-read your post buddy.

Lots of bullshit.

I asked you a question. Did India not help destroy Afghanistan?
Most retarded statement I have ever read.
Are your saffron boys not over in Afghanistan?
Please log off and get your head checked.
Chadd na yaar...dono nations jimmedar hain. Calm ho jaa bomb ki tarah...:D
Most retarded statement I have ever read.

Are your saffron boys not over in Afghanistan?


Please log off and get your head checked.

Lots of bullshit.

I asked you a question. Did India not help destroy Afghanistan?

Really? Indians are migrating to Afghanistan to work as laborers? Please provide me with a source for this rather fantastic claim.
Oh the times......they are 'a changin'.

All the very best for Afghanistan.

Really? Indians are migrating to Afghanistan to work as laborers? Please provide me with a source for this rather fantastic claim.

Many Indian engineers and skilled labourers work for NATO and Indian organisations in Afghanistan.

Indian companies generally maintain a policy of using exclusively Indian labour owing to safety concerns.
I asked you a question. Did India not help destroy Afghanistan?
I said we supported NA which was not a force of Saints. But try to find who did the more damage. As far as I know, Taliban controlled Afhghanistan and it was supported by you guys. Isn't Taliban responsible more than NA for its state of despair, pre-2001 invasion. ?

Are you also ignoring jihad factory constantly churning out anti-India terrorists for Kashmir. ?

Well I can't reason with you as you are ignoring your ills while I admit India's some role in Afghanistan's condition. But look at the brighter side, even if it is for our strategic motives, we are still helping in rebuilding Afghanistan. Aren't we ?

Will like to see more such positive steps from Pakistan in stabilizing Afghanistan rather than letting Taliban again getting control of this nation.
Today I can also call you 'ungrateful people'

Foreigners? man if he give a decree that no Pakistani should be hired people will also support it because he has been under pressure for a long time that Pakistani should not be hired in Afghan market this was majority from people and parliamentarians.

buddy no one is doing this out of love for Pakistan!
If your people are not trained or capable to do a particular job, that is when foreigners intervene!
Why you guys are weak in maths? over 100,000 jobs for Pakistanis mean we are directly supporting 1.5+millon Pakistanis!! and where did I said Pakistan is not giving jobs to Afghan refugees? they get jobs but with very less wages not like that restaurant guy if he was an Afghan in Pakistan he would have got a maximum of 8,000 PKR!

If you retaliate we will expel over 100,000 Pakistanis (which feeds 1.5+million Pakistanis) and will bring our people here and hire them with a bit lower wages (which can easily feed those 2.5 million refugees).
Most of the Pakistanis working in afghanistan are Pashtuns. Your country is suffering from brain drain since Taliban times, you need Pakistani engineers, teachers, doctors, technicians etc for rebuilding and reconstruction of the country.
Lol can't we just ask Indians to replace Pakistanis here? if it was for skills not brotherhood? I know Indians have more working skills than Pakistanis but trust me this is all for having good relations and brotherhood, as I said before you guys are programmed negatively so it won't matter to you guys!

Indians wont come to dangerous zones of Afghanistan, same is case with Pakistani Punjabis and urduspekers. Mostly Pakistani Pashtuns are going to Afghanistan for jobs, they can easily mingle with locals and also because they themselves are inhabitants of dangerous FATA and KPK, they are used to Afghanistan-like situations.
Afghans in Pakistan are mostly living in Pashtun area, Pakistan would never had harbored millions of Afghans if there were no pashtuns in Pakistan.....We are teared apart by durand line, but we are one people with different tags of nationality. It would be end of pashtun nation if we cease to feel wrorwali for each other and become strangers for each other( i.e become afghans and pakistanis for each other, not pashtuns).
We have cultural understanding with Indians too every Afghan knows who is amitab bachchan :lol: that's even not a unique factor but yeah there are many factors that bonds this brotherhood!

In my opinion Afghans would be definitely comfortable with Indians, but indians wont be comfortable working in your country.

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