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Afghanistan: As US retreats, India needs plan B

lol, Are you a Britisher or an Indian pretending to be a Britisher? Too ashamed of your real identity? :lol:

Your opinion is utterly idiotic. What makes you think China is going to let India get influence in Afghanistan?

Pakistan's enemies are also China's enemies.

Do you make an effort to be stupid or does it come naturally. My post, if you read it in comprehensible English makes clear that India will not last long in Afghanistan and that Pakistan will have a field day with them there.

Read the posts before jumping to the quick reply button. I am a British born Pakistani hence my flags for my location....
agreed, but what about Al Qaeda in Yemen; in the Maghreb? Al Qaeda in Central Asia and in African States such as Sudan, Somalia and Eritrea? It's a de-centralized movement, one which has no credibility or much support in the Arab and Muslim world --as witnessed during Revolution such as that in A.R Egypt.

weaker than what it was in 2001? doubtful...

uh huh


NATO has access to the best weapons -- infantry and air support.....they have had access to the best weapons (infantry and air support) for well over the decade during this conflict

noteworthy of mention

the Afghan police and 'army' have little to no discipline; their desertion rates are high and in fact the number of turncoats we have witnessed should raise some level of alarm

the average American realizes, or is starting to realize that this war (like the Iraq war) are unwinnable and in fact have damaged America's image in the world --especially the Muslim world.

and it's actually sad that many of those young men were sent to die for a cause they dont even know or recognize. I have spoken to a few marines who were deployed; they told me they asked themselves every day what the hell they were doing there. They'd whack a few talebs for a few hours (when shot at), have an M.R.E. then call it a day and head back to base. For every one they killed, 5 more took their place. Many of the villages in which they sought information from -- more often than not there was a taleban (or pro taleb) warlord or two who actually controlled the area.

i think America is best served by addressing its real issues -- the domestic ones. Afghanistan is one country that has never been kind to invaders --- your former soviet friends learned it, the hard way of course, as we all know.

its an armed Kashmiri resistance movement....they have support in iOk as well, though Kashmiri resistance groups are moving more towards the use of media (especially social media) which I think is a sign of maturity and in fact --far more effective than just ammunitions. This is one reason why facebook and other social network sites are banned in iOk -- but we digress.

1. America's main fadda was with Osama's al qaeda , they had not taken the theka of all al qaedas around the world . The other organisations are much weaker than the ones that Osama was heading . So yeah that is a success for America .

2. The afghan taliban is weaker than it was 2001 . That is the general consensus . We are not talking about the Pakistani taliban here . Don't confuse the two .

3. About that laugh - no comment . They have seen what living under a democratic system can mean as opposed to living under a theocratic govt. and most Afghans like it better the way it is now . It is a fact . It is upto you if you choose to remain blind to it .

4 . About Afghan army discipline and other problems , you are underestimating them . They are a new force and everything new has its fair share of teething problems. As i said the US will stay in lesser numbers and continue to train them and so will other allies of Afghanistan including India so improvement is bound to come .

5. About Americans being against Afghan war , maybe they are but i was saying this to aryanB because he mentioned the effect of Aghan war in the next year's US elections . The fact is that the result of the elections will depend upon the economy and unemployment situation and not on any wars . My point stands . By the way i know many Americans on the net who still support the war in Afghanistan .

6 . The problem is that unlike the soviet union , the afghans don't consider US to be invaders. The only ones who do are Talibs and their supporters who happen to be in the minority in that country . So the analogy does not stand . BTW , our former friends Soviets are now our friends - Russians .
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