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Afghani JCOS, claims Sindh river as Pak-Afghan border.

It's a whole book. Thanks for sharing. Although the position of cities on the front page look a bit off.

That's what international diplomacy and aid is about. I can understand your feeling about the money being better spent in Pakistan, and it's the same argument that you will hear from people in India, the US or UK or any other aid donor.
Where we are really lagging is the media. In Afghanistan we have a huge market for Indian movies in alot of those films Pakistan and it's armed forces are portrayed as the bad guys, when people consume such content day in day out, it's bond to have some effect. So we need to focus more on publications like the one you shared and also have TV, film and radio programs showing the contribution of Pakistan and the shared values we have.
Pakistan has the great advantage of shared religion, culture and language (Urdu is influenced by Persian which Dari is a form of + Pukhtoo which is spoken on both sides of the border). So Pakistan should have the greatest media presence in Afghanistan but we have left that space for others to fill and then we don't like it's end result.
Some of you might go mehh, an Afghani hash addict, though he received his intel training in India, which should not be a surprise, for such stupid talk.
The happy news is that Afghanis have learned nothing, they have a Joint Chiefs of Staff who instead of solving Afghanistan's problems, and fighting the Taliban is dreaming about the Indus river....genius, no?

So brother.

You are saying that our currency is smoking hashish and has claimed some of your land? :big_boss:

Well now i think that Pakistan is taking this mess to a new level.
It's a whole book. Thanks for sharing. Although the position of cities on the front page look a bit off.

That's what international diplomacy and aid is about. I can understand your feeling about the money being better spent in Pakistan, and it's the same argument that you will hear from people in India, the US or UK or any other aid donor.
Where we are really lagging is the media. In Afghanistan we have a huge market for Indian movies in alot of those films Pakistan and it's armed forces are portrayed as the bad guys, when people consume such content day in day out, it's bond to have some effect. So we need to focus more on publications like the one you shared and also have TV, film and radio programs showing the contribution of Pakistan and the shared values we have.
Pakistan has the great advantage of shared religion, culture and language (Urdu is influenced by Persian which Dari is a form of + Pukhtoo which is spoken on both sides of the border). So Pakistan should have the greatest media presence in Afghanistan but we have left that space for others to fill and then we don't like it's end result.

Wrror we've been trying to influence them for the past 65 years without any results to show for it !

When Quaid-e-Azam extended a hand of friendship to Afghanistan they responded by being the only country in the world that opposed our inclusion in the UN !

They tried to influence the '48 referendum, have supported anti-Pakistan elements since '48, whipped up their Loy Afghanistan BS periodically & they even invaded our territory in Bajaur in the '60s before the Tribals themselves with the Pak Army kicked them out - Whats more they've hosted every Baluch Separatists from '48 till today's insurgency !

So kiyaa baaat kar raheii ho wrror - They're not going to behave themselves !

We've hosted millions of them in our country for 3 decades & as the book clearly annotates we've spent hundreds of millions of $$$s on them to feed them, to clothe them & to provide for them - What do we get in return ?

A bunch of ehsan-faramosh people who'd stab us in the back at a moments notice & are doing this as we speak !

This same Karzai who has the nerve to speak about Pakistan...idhar Pakistan mein hamariii khairaat pe paltaa rahaa haiii as was this JCOS !

We've wasted enough money - Imagine if those millions of dollars had been spent in developing a weapon's industry at Dara Adamkhel or exploiting natural resources throughout FATA & Baluchistan or in building schools, colleges & hospitals in these areas - How much could our people benefit from these things & instead we wasted away our hard earned money on their kind !
afghanistan and india are enemies of Pakistan since 1947
Pakistanis are aware of indian enemity but unfortunately the enemity from Afghanistan has been cloaked by some people due to religous and ethnic associations.

we should **** these afghans till their eye balls pop out

Well now i think that Pakistan is taking this mess to a new level.

wait and watch , ye shall ask and ye shall get
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drones are taking out worthless vermin , your last hope Fazlullah will be taken out sometime middle of next year

The drones are the world symbol of how much we give for your sovereignty.

If Fazlullah approaches peace talks, we will take him out, otherwise we will let him continue the party you created.

And yes we are also playing this game.
Wrror we've been trying to influence them for the past 65 years without any results to show for it !

When Quaid-e-Azam extended a hand of friendship to Afghanistan they responded by being the only country in the world that opposed our inclusion in the UN !

They tried to influence the '48 referendum, have supported anti-Pakistan elements since '48, whipped up their Loy Afghanistan BS periodically & they even invaded our territory in Bajaur in the '60s before the Tribals themselves with the Pak Army kicked them out - Whats more they've hosted every Baluch Separatists from '48 till today's insurgency !

So kiyaa baaat kar raheii ho wrror - They're not going to behave themselves !

We've hosted millions of them in our country for 3 decades & as the book clearly annotates we've spent hundreds of millions of $$$s on them to feed them, to clothe them & to provide for them - What do we get in return ?

A bunch of ehsan-faramosh people who'd stab us in the back at a moments notice & are doing this as we speak !

This same Karzai who has the nerve to speak about Pakistan...idhar Pakistan mein hamariii khairaat pe paltaa rahaa haiii as was this JCOS !

We've wasted enough money - Imagine if those millions of dollars had been spent in developing a weapon's industry at Dara Adamkhel or exploiting natural resources throughout FATA & Baluchistan or in building schools, colleges & hospitals in these areas - How much could our people benefit from these things & instead we wasted away our hard earned money on their kind !

I understand your passion for Pakistan. Also one has to ask questions when the people you sheltered in their time of need, come back to bark at you the moment they are able to crawl.
That's exactly what this guy has done.
But to look on another side Pakistan never asked anyone entering from Afghanistan if they were pro or anti Pakistan, so people who both support and who are against Pakistan have spent some time in Pakistan.
When Afghans come to Pakistan no one asks them any question (this makes them believe that they have the same rights as any other Pakistanis) but as soon as they come across any institutions they are made to realize that their presence is not welcome, which then makes them resentful.
Then they look at their country and to Pakistan and their jealously increases eventually they start to blame each and every obstacle they face in life on Pakistan, this is then further compounded by the constant bombardment of Indian media, and eventually you get people like their current JCOS.
To answer the historical content, yes Afghanistan didn't want to accept the Durrand Line in 1947, 48 and was in the Pro-Soviet anti-Capitalist camp, so was against Pakistan and it's ally at the time the US. But that thing has turned upside down now, the Communist camp does not exist and the US is currently residing in Afghanistan helping anti-Pakistan elements.

So today helping Afghanistan helps Pakistan as well, when we build a road from Torkham to Jalalabad, it is good for Pakistani trade connections, when you build a clinic in Kandahar it helps ease the load on hospitals in Quetta.
All we need is the media to tell them that when them harm Pakistan or start talking BS, they are the ones who will suffer the most. The Indians Americans and others will use them and then through them away like a condom. But Pakistan and Afghanistan will remain neighbors for as long they exist. So their is no point in dragging each others feet.

The drones are the world symbol of how much we give for your sovereignty.

If Fazlullah approaches peace talks, we will take him out, otherwise we will let him continue the party you created.

And yes we are also playing this game.
Talk about claiming credit for others work.
Drones are killing both Afghan and Pakistan civilians. and they are operated by the Americans.

Tell me how many drones does the Afghan Forces operate. also tell this General of yours to take a step towards Pakistan and see what happens to him.
Talk is cheap.
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Wacht out for the drones!
Which one. The one that is blowing away the Afghan wedding parties.
Or shall we keep an eye for the next SEAL breaking down the doors of Afghan house in the middle of the night.
I understand your passion for Pakistan. Also one has to ask questions when the people you sheltered in their time of need, come back to bark at you the moment they are able to crawl.
That's exactly what this guy has done.
But to look on another side Pakistan never asked anyone entering from Afghanistan if they were pro or anti Pakistan, so people who both support and who are against Pakistan have spent some time in Pakistan.
When Afghans come to Pakistan no one asks them any question (this makes them believe that they have the same rights as any other Pakistanis) but as soon as they come across any institutions they are made to realize that their presence is not welcome, which then makes them resentful.
Then they look at their country and to Pakistan and their jealously increases eventually they start to blame each and every obstacle they face in life on Pakistan, this is then further compounded by the constant bombardment of Indian media, and eventually you get people like their current JCOS.
To answer the historical content, yes Afghanistan didn't want to accept the Durrand Line in 1947, 48 and was in the Pro-Soviet anti-Capitalist camp, so was against Pakistan and it's ally at the time the US. But that thing has turned upside down now, the Communist camp does not exist and the US is currently residing in Afghanistan helping anti-Pakistan elements.

So today helping Afghanistan helps Pakistan as well, when we build a road from Torkham to Jalalabad, it is good for Pakistani trade connections, when you build a clinic in Kandahar it helps ease the load on hospitals in Quetta.
All we need is the media to tell them that when them harm Pakistan or start talking BS, they are the ones who will suffer the most. The Indians Americans and others will use them and then through them away like a condom. But Pakistan and Afghanistan will remain neighbors for as long they exist. So their is no point in dragging each others feet.

Wrror, I dunno how many Afghans you've met in your life but I've met my fair share of them & I can't recall a single one of them who wasn't spitting venom at Pakistan as if we were the second coming of Lucifer or something & what is worse - They were all Pukhtoons; I can only imagine how much the Farsibans may hate us !

So I say - Lets cut our losses; it doesn't matter whether Afghanistan prospers or they continue living in their horrible conditions till Judgement Day - We should mine & fence the Durand Line, kick out all the Afghans, do our trade with Central Asia via China - It shares a land border with those Central Asian States too or via Iran & Turkiye (with that train link we've talked so much about) with Central Asia & the rest of Europe & we consider the Afghans a lost cause & one not worth talking about !

Let them live or die - It means nothing to us !

Our responsibility is to our people & our people alone & there are enough deprived areas in Pakistan beginning from FATA & Baluchistan & ending with Southern Punjab & Interior Sindh, where we can concentrate our resources & expertise on !
Again zama rora, I respect your point of view.
To answer you question, yes, I have come across quite a few people from Afghanistan both Dari speakers and Pukhtoons, and I know they will some time blame Pakistan for certain things, but if you explain to them what is what they will listen, obviously if you keep quite, people think that what they are saying is right. So the best solution in my mind is education and information.

The areas that you have mentioned do need the fullest effort of the Pakistani state to develop and bring into the main stream. We do need to build all the infrastructure in the deprived areas of Pakistan.
But we have to have some good neighborly relation as well. With China we share a limited border, our longest land borders are with India, Iran and Afghanistan.
India as I explained in my previous post is out of the question, that leaves Iran and Afghanistan. To have better relations with Iran is very good, the rail links the gas pipeline, road links and trade and people to people contact is very good, but you do understand the repercussions if you develop all that with Iran. The US is already talking about sanctions on any institution that provide finances for the IP pipeline, what do you think will happen when you develop all the other links too. Also keep in mind Saudi Arabia, what do you think will happen to the millions of Pakistanis currently working in that country and who are sending remittances to Pakistan.
Now to build fences and mine is wrong on many levels,
first the humanitarian considerations (poor people live on both sides of the border they will suffer the brunt of such a development),
secondly the cost (keep in mind this is the longest land border Pakistan has and its very harsh terrain),
third personnel (when it is built it can be cut as well, you need security forces manning such a fence too) most of Pakistani troops are deployed on the Eastern border (and for good reason), how much of them can you afford to permanently deploy on the Western border without compromising your security.

The threat from Afghanistan is mostly of an un-conventional type the worst thing to do is to answer in a conventional way you will end up in providing more targets for them to hit.
What they are doing is using TTP against Pakistan. We should develop a counter-strike force to take out it's leadership and handlers be they in Pakistan or in Afghanistan. My idea would be to have SSG personnel disguised as tribals doing the job. At the same time we need to have a media campaign both in Pakistan and Afghanistan, explaining what Pakistan is, what it is doing and why it is doing it.
Haha Afghans are a mix of Isreali and Aryan races, we are born physical superior, with green, brown or blue eyes.

And our superiority is well known throughout your history.

Aye, far superior, eyes with all the colours of the rainbow. :lol:

Listen lad, you'd better cut the crap about the race thing, we don't use that card in civilized debate.

To be honest, I don't get the so called bravery of the Taliban.

So far they shot a 14 year old girl in the face, and now they tried to blow up a school.

Talibs are resilient, the bravery is misguided and more often than not over shadowed by their cowardice. That goes for both Afghan taliban and TTP.
Haha Afghans are a mix of Isreali and Aryan races, we are born physical superior, with green, brown or blue eyes.

And our superiority is well known throughout your history.

Mix of "israeli and aryan races"? LMAO!!!!

Dude, what does that even mean.
........i was summoned for some reason, which i don't know lol....

I summoned you because I wanted to complain that the boy you trained - the JCOS of the Afghan Army - is claiming as much as 2/3rd of Pakistan up till Sindh ! :mad:

I thought we were brothers - How could you do this to us ? :cray:

Make it right or else the wife is gonna find out about your fling with a certain female general you worked with ! :whistle:
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