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Afghan Students in trouble in Indian universities

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When the sun rises, only idiots or denialists don't see it. No Indian will agree to what i said as it makes their country look bad. Bad things about India are not to be said because no bad thing happens in India....i get it!. However, every bit of my post was factually correct, which is why India isn't a suitable country for foreigners to study,so they are the ones to blame in the first place. I remember when Indian students were murdered and injured in Australia, how Indians were presenting Australia as the most evil,racist and xenophobic nation on planet earth. So its wrong when the Chicken come back to roost at home?

:lol: thanks for giving me my answer:kiss3: (though indirectly)
Maybe because... India has 7x more population than Pakistan? And Pakistan's reported rape ratio and India's are almost the same...?

He did say per capita, or do you have issues with cognition.

Obviously a blog and a wikipedia article entails to "facts". :lol: :rofl:
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Maybe because... India has 7x more population than Pakistan? And Pakistan's reported rape ratio and India's are almost the same...?

Do you know the meaning of ratio? Till what class did you do maths (and where) ?


Obviously a blog and a wikipedia article entails to "facts". :lol: :rofl:

Blog refers to figures presented in the Pakistani national assembly (do you know what that is) and wiki is presenting UNDP data ..:lol:
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Do you know the meaning of ratio? Till what class did you do maths (and where) ?

First respond to my reply to your comment about 4 witness law, and then comment about my math skills, munnay :lol:
How did you arrive at 1/10? did you pull it from your back? else prove how 1/10 is correct.
If tent society itself is reporting so many rapes, then open society like ours are definitely more factual.

he gets it from his arse..i remember he used to say it was 1/7 and now it is 1/10 ..
And how exactly do you know unreported rapes in India exceeds unreported rapes in Pakistan per capita.? Would love your source on that...


This should help.

This is what we do to rapists in Pakistan.
Maybe because... India has 7x more population than Pakistan? And Pakistan's reported rape ratio and India's are almost the same...?

For the bold part, You really dont know what "per capita" means do you? Either you are intenttionally being stupid while discussing these matters, or are really this stupid. Either way its pointless to discuss these issues with someone who doesnt have English comprehension skills....

As for the 2nd part, not even close Go check numbers on UN;s human rights website...
Blog refers to figures presented in the Pakistani national assembly (do you know what that is) and wiki is presenting UNDP data ..:lol:

Both figures are calculated by reported rapes.
I already said that only 1/10 rapes are reported in Shining India.

This[/URL] is what we do to rapists in Pakistan.

I dont know if you are being dishonest intentionally, or if you are just naturally stupid that you dont know what per capita means.

Of course India is going to have more numbers, its population is 10x Pak population....
I will see your link and raise you this

The Stigma of Reporting a Rape in Pakistan | Outlawed in Pakistan | FRONTLINE | PBS

And about why India is number 3 in rape offences is because of its high population since these figures take absolute numbers and not per capita figures.. Also, did you know that Pakistan does not formally report its rape figures like all other countries do.. Looks like something to hide.. Eh?

All of the above is based on estimates, that is not the case with India.
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