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Afghan Students in trouble in Indian universities

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They are at fault for accepting to study in the most racist nation on planet earth. Why do Afghan girls go to study in a nation with the highest rape ratio on planet earth,where rape is glorified in the movies and **** temples are accepted as a culture!

Are you frikkin kidding me??.. Pakistan itself (and a bunch of other countries) has a higher rape ratio than India, and that too per the document submitted in your national assembly.. You should do more research before making factually incorrect statements. As an official of the forum, you do not have the luxury of shooting your mouth off without knowing the facts..

And before going into what Indian/Hindu culture glorifies, be careful that there are examples of sexual deviances attributed to the most revered pillars of Islam. Its better if those avenues are left unexplored
Afghans in trouble in Indian universities

Mian Saifur Rehman
Friday, June 21, 2013
From Print Edition

Following the bashing of many Afghan students in India’s Sharda University, a good few Afghan parents have withdrawn their children from Indian institutions and also requested the Kabul government to intervene and take up the matter with New Delhi government to stop these ethnic conflicts.

The News has learnt from reliable sources that have been instrumental in Pak-Afghan Ulema peace conference and have close connections in Afghanistan that reports were not satisfactory and good about the condition of Afghan students getting higher education in some Indian institutes. The sources told The News that yet greater cause of concern was the breach of security of Afghan students on some occasions at the hands of Indian students and their accomplices some of whom were reportedly toughies enjoying patronage of the local influential.

Giving detailed account of the happening, the sources said that in May 2013, some local students of Sharda University Campus (Greater Navaida) teased an Afghan girl student and even tried to abduct her.

Following the Afghan students’ reaction, the Indian students got infuriated and then followed clashes among Indian and Afghan students.

Heavy contingents of police intervened and shifted Afghan students to a safer place outside the University premises because some Indian students had threatened to kill them (the Afghan students). As many as 30 students and a few cops were injured during this scuffle.

Sources say that certain quarters were fomenting ethnic hatred and prejudices the demonstration of which was witnessed even earlier in February 2013 in the Annual Cultural Festival of National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India. In that occurrence too, many Afghan students were hurt.

Similar clashes, according to sources, erupted yet earlier in Raween Shah University in which many Afghan students were injured including the son of a Karzai government minister. At that time, 58 Afghan students including two female students were forced to take refuge in New Delhi following threats to life received from some Indian students.

The Afghan-connected sources further informed The News that the parents of Afghan students had expressed their satisfaction over the nice treatment given to their children in Pakistani Universities.

These parents say that their children were also studying in European, Iranian and some other countries’ institutions but at no place other than India, they (the Afghan students) were subjected to intimidation and coercion.

Afghans in trouble in Indian universities - thenews.com.pk

That may be true...because Delhi in particular is very unsafe for Girls and women...You should not let your children to study there if you are not aware about local areas...
They are at fault for accepting to study in the most racist nation on planet earth. Why do Afghan girls go to study in a nation with the highest rape ratio on planet earth,where rape is glorified in the movies and **** temples are accepted as a culture!

Factually its one of the lowest, much lower than Pakistan. But you are free to troll in your wild dreams, everyone knows rape is a much bigger problem in Pakistan than India. Its just that Pakistani women dont have any freedom,and must stay quiet about it in their burkhas...
@Pak-one how can u access you-tube??
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These incidents are not specific to Afghans. There were some incidents like this against Iraqis as well, some blacks and etc.. Truth is some foreigners think they can mess around but that sh!t isn't tolerated, not by college students, and especially in the north.
I am not justifying their behaviour but sometimes you have to look at both sides of the story.

I know that. But Afghans are hot-headed people, they dont tolerate misbehaviour with their women. They dont care whether they are in india or pakistan. If you check the Afghans in karachi or punjab, they are very bold and dont hesitate in replying you back if you try to mess with them.
In my college times, our female classfellow came to us that the person in medical store of hospital has called her names after arguement. We all students gathered and went to that medical store, beat the guys of the store and broke things in the store....then police came and did laathi charge on us. After that we arranged meeting of all medical students association and forced the forced the hospital administration to close that store......i am sure that afghan female student must have approached her countrymen after "chairr khwani" by indian students.
They are at fault for accepting to study in the most racist nation on planet earth. Why do Afghan girls go to study in a nation with the highest rape ratio on planet earth,where rape is glorified in the movies and **** temples are accepted as a culture!

At least 4 Indians rebuked your lies. Do you still believe India has high ratio or Pakistan?
India is best for afgan student as compare to bomb blasting Pakistan. Its fact guys. India is Number one destination for Afgan Students.

The last i heard it was this bomb blasting Pakistan that gave refuge to millions of Afghans when everybody rejected them. Again make it an India vs Pakistan point scoring issue thats all that happens irrespective of the topic.
Students clash in Greater Noida, 9 injured - Indian Express

"The car of an Afghan student, who stays in the hostel, allegedly brushed against an Indian student's car while parking. This led to an argument that turned into a full-fledged brawl. The relationship between the Afghan students and the others in the hostel had been strained for some time. The violence got so bad, that a scaffolding, which was part of an under-construction structure in the university, was torn down in the melee. Over 50 of the 175 Afghan students in the hostel, and more than 100 Indians got involved in the fracas, with stones being thrown from both ends. Nine students and two constables, who were among the first to reach the spot received injuries, but they are not critical. Several two-wheelers were set on fire as well," a senior police officer said. -

This link gives a different version for starting of the fight as said by a guy in the video. So the girl molestation story may not be entirely true.
Factually its one of the lowest, much lower than Pakistan. But you are free to troll in your wild dreams, everyone knows rape is a much bigger problem in Pakistan than India. Its just that Pakistani women dont have any freedom,and must stay quiet about it in their burkhas...

You might obviously have a problem with Pakistan but that does not change facts and don't drag women that they don't have their rights coming from an Indian it doesn't seem rational because your society isn't much different to dealing with it or you consider only the major cities of your country as the norm of the society.
Afghans in trouble in Indian universities

Mian Saifur Rehman
Friday, June 21, 2013
From Print Edition

Following the bashing of many Afghan students in India’s Sharda University, a good few Afghan parents have withdrawn their children from Indian institutions and also requested the Kabul government to intervene and take up the matter with New Delhi government to stop these ethnic conflicts

The News has learnt from reliable sources that have been instrumental in Pak-Afghan Ulema peace conference and have close connections in Afghanistan that reports were not satisfactory and good about the condition of Afghan students getting higher education in some Indian institutes. The sources told The News that yet greater cause of concern was the breach of security of Afghan students on some occasions at the hands of Indian students and their accomplices some of whom were reportedly toughies enjoying patronage of the local influential.
so much for their brotherly love :flirt: .......agay agay dekho hota hai kya....:rofl::rofl:
You might obviously have a problem with Pakistan but that does not change facts and don't drag women that they don't have their rights coming from an Indian it doesn't seem rational because your society isn't much different to dealing with it or you consider only the major cities of your country as the norm of the society.

He started the mud-slinging first. I just provided him a rational and factual counter-argument. If anyone needs to behave, its the aeronaut guy spewing his lies and BS...
At least 4 Indians rebuked your lies. Do you still believe India has high ratio or Pakistan?

When the sun rises, only idiots or denialists don't see it. No Indian will agree to what i said as it makes their country look bad. Bad things about India are not to be said because no bad thing happens in India....i get it!. However, every bit of my post was factually correct, which is why India isn't a suitable country for foreigners to study,so they are the ones to blame in the first place. I remember when Indian students were murdered and injured in Australia, how Indians were presenting Australia as the most evil,racist and xenophobic nation on planet earth. So its wrong when the Chicken come back to roost at home?
He started the mud-slinging first. I just provided him a rational and factual counter-argument. If anyone needs to behave, its the aeronaut guy spewing his lies and BS...

Yeah while claiming that Pakistani women dont have any freedom and must stay quiet about it in their burkhas is very rational considering the fact that you don't known a thing about Pakistani society thats what i meant.
When the sun rises, only idiots or denialists don't see it. No Indian will agree to what i said as it makes their country look bad. Bad things about India are not to be said because no bad thing happens in India....i get it!. However, every bit of my post was factually correct, which is why India isn't a suitable country for foreigners to study,so they are the ones to blame in the first place. I remember when Indian students were murdered and injured in Australia, how Indians were presenting Australia as the most evil,racist and xenophobic nation on planet earth. So its wrong when the Chicken come back to roost at home?

Your post was not factually correct when you said India has the highest rape ratio in the world.. It actually has a lower ratio than Pakistan and even USA..
Your post was not factually correct when you said India has the highest rape ratio in the world.. It actually has a lower ratio than Pakistan and even USA..

I dont think the troll cares about facts, trolls seldom do...
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