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Afghan soldier kills two NATO troops at protest

You can't leave them. leaving them will cause another 9/11.

Osama Bin Laden was not from Afghanistan or Iraq. So how does your statement make any sense?

Sometimes I wonder whether some people really deserve the kind of freedoms and rights that the rest of the developed world has come to take for granted. Some people who are mired in medieval tribal traditions, some people who refuse to accept change and prosper, some people who follow and stick to fundamentalist/rigid interpretation of religious teachings, some people who have scant regard for human lives - their own and that of others, irrespective of religion, gender, race etc. Such people should be left to rot and suffer in the scum of their own creation - The Taliban!

All this furore over a few written pages bound together? Whats more important - the Teachings or the "material book"? When will people ever understand?

So why don't you guys get out of there and leave them alone?
last week i was watching a Video i dont remmber on tv or on utube in which American forces bringing Bibles to Afganistan for distribution.And may be i am wrong but i think they are collecting Quran Majeed from stores there and Distributing Bibles.

Coz if u see they didnt burnt just one Quran.They Burnt Many copies of Quran Majeed at a time.
True, I'll send a strong message!
But it cannot be justified. Depends who you give importance teaching of Allah or book of paper to go against teaching and defy Allah's message written on that book.

Dear Pakistan has a major stake on what conditions of muslim brothers in Afghanistan today. You cannot wash your hands and history will haunt you till eternity.

Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors.
( سورة البقرة , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #190)
Osama Bin Laden was not from Afghanistan or Iraq. So how does your statement make any sense?

OBL was at Tora-Bora before he was given asylum to abbotabad. Once NATO leave Afghan, OBL like ppl will infiltrate Kabul and start doing dirty job..

Don't be in impression by being Pakistan's lovely friend China won't be the target. They can very easily come to China also, and they can do 9/11 in China also..
Oh Here it is.

A U.S. church raised money to send Bibles, printed in the Pashtu and Dari languages, to American soldiers stationed in Afghanistan, a report on Al Jazeera documented Sunday night.

It is against military rules to proselytize -- a regulation one of the soldiers filmed by the network readily acknowledged. "You cannot proselytize, but you can give gifts," says the soldier. It is a crime in Afghanistan to attempt to convert anyone from Islam to any other religion. "I also want to praise God because my church collected some money to get Bibles for Afghanistan. They came and sent the money out." The footage is said to be roughly a year old.

Soldiers In Afghanistan Given Bibles, Told To "Hunt People For Jesus" (VIDEO)

You can watch the video by clicking on the link
Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors.
( سورة البقرة , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #190)

true Religion must teach peace not war...
OBL was at Tora-Bora before he was given asylum to abbotabad. Once NATO leave Afghan, OBL like ppl will infiltrate Kabul and start doing dirty job..

Don't be in impression by being Pakistan's lovely friend China won't be the target. They can very easily come to China also, and they can do 9/11 in China also..

Sure, except that China does not have a problem with Islamic insurgency. The problems in Xinjiang were ethnic riots, not religious ones.

And you Indians have seen very well what has happened after America invaded this region, the incidences of suicide bombings and large-scale terrorist attacks have increased enormously.
If somebody came to my country and burned the Quaran. Yeah, you're getting killed. There's a limit to how much **** people can take.

And the Americans cannot plead ignorance either.

EVERYONE in the world knows what will happen if they do that, and they did it anyway.
Sure, except that China does not have a problem with Islamic insurgency. The problems in Xinjiang were ethnic riots, not religious ones.

And you Indians have seen very well what has happened after America invaded this region, the incidences of suicide bombings and large-scale terrorist attacks have increased enormously.

Soon it will reach your door step.. :)

And who are you to tell anyone what true religion is? Please crawl back in your hole.

It was just my opinion.

But when war is waged upon you, you must fight as a true warrior.

There is Indian way(Which is known as gandhian way) non Violence. Madiba and martin Luther King followed it and they were successful.
Did the West kill only the people it accuses of being involved in 9/11? Think...
No need for pontificating or lectures on morality from others, you can keep it to yourself as Afghans have every right to defend their nation.
Don't try to hide behind the pretext of collateral damage. This killing was against the people who are trying to help train the Afghans to be able to defend their own country. Had it been otherwise I would have agreed to your point.

But, he has conveyed a very strong message to the perpetrators and their command.
Nevertheless, still does not justify the reply that he fulfilled his obligation. This argument is in similar lines to the killing of Salman Taseer.
That right there shows how much you understand the issues. I rest my case.

Bin Laden could have gone anywhere in the world to carry out his plots, and in fact he was very well travelled.

When the next Bin Laden comes up (and most likely not from Afghanistan or Iraq either), then what will the Afghanistan/Iraq wars have done, except serve as possibly the best recruiting tool for Al Qaeda that can even be imagined?

Even the most moderate people in the Middle East, have been turned anti-American in the past decade. Given that.... consider then what has happened to the people who were not even moderates in the first place.
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