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Afghan, Pakistani Forces Clash

Its just a video, very old one, an exceptional case. Most modern armies like US army have addicts and crazy people in their armed forces.
And do you know your security forces kill people for 20 rupees, I heard several such cases when they killed poor drivers. so corrupt and cheap.

Lol man..... in KPK its known tht a kabuli can kill his brother for a few rs.

Also... guess who sold these weapons:
Don't build check posts on our soil, and we won't overrun them. :)

Lol man... we even hunt in afghan territory and ANA cant do jackshit about tht...

We have businesses in Pakistan and employ Pakistani citizens, and even give them homes for rent. That is who we are in Pakistan, believe it or not. We are much richer then average Pakistani, because our Afghan mental conditioning does not allow us to believe in poverty and slave-mindedness. :azn:

yeah right.. labourers and ...... surely are rich people.
We have businesses in Pakistan and employ Pakistani citizens, and even give them homes for rent. That is who we are in Pakistan, believe it or not. We are much richer then average Pakistani, because our Afghan mental conditioning does not allow us to believe in poverty and slave-mindedness. :azn:

Not sure if you understand the reality of Afghans living in Pakistan but many are living in refugee camps.


Afghan refugee camp.

Personally I think Pakistanis should adopt the Afghan children, because Afghan men cannot take care or provide for their own children.
Durand Line issue must be resolved, these things will continue till there is a properly demarcated border. Pakistan should consider this to be its foremost priority in Afghan region.
We have businesses in Pakistan and employ Pakistani citizens, and even give them homes for rent. That is who we are in Pakistan, believe it or not. We are much richer then average Pakistani, because our Afghan mental conditioning does not allow us to believe in poverty and slave-mindedness. :azn:

Well , I can see the Kandahar's finest expressing your wildest dreams and fantasies here :rofl: But why aren't the Afghan refugees returning to the heaven Afghanistan and insist they are Pakistanis ? :azn:

Afghan mental conditioning is what is giving you these delusions :lol: I have a couple of very nice pictures of what you are in Pakistan :D

If they don't accept current Durand line than draw new one on bank of Amu Darya

The boundary was ratified by the Afghan Govt with the British . The issue is settled , case closed . Fait accompli , if you will .
If they don't accept current Durand line than draw new one on bank of Amu Darya

Problem is that Pakistani side is not even touching the issue. There is not even a rough understanding about the border and for all practical means Afghanistan national policy at the moment is that Pakistan is occupying their land. PA is very eager to jump on the driving seat but has failed miserably in protecting any Pakistani interest. We are exactly at the same spot we were in 1990's.
Problem is that Pakistani side is not even touching the issue.

Mate , what problem do you see except a puppet Govt counting its last days issuing desperate and nonsensical statements claiming what-not ? Apparently , according to the Afghan Govt we have intruded 50 km into other side of the Durand Line , made threatening remarks to their president - the Mayor of the Presidential Palace and aren't assisting them in the peace talks .
We don't wish to have animosity with Afghan people, however we will do whats necessary to protect our borders. ANA doesn't represent Afghan people, if they seek hostilities they would get the exact same thing back. Afghanistan has to realize where its at, and what sort of engagement it needs to undertake with us.

According to you, is it OK that our army enters on your side of Durrandline and set up some checkpoints to protect our country? If your answer is No then please elaborate why not
By responsibly leaving I assume you mean that all military equipments and weaponry should be given to Pakistan Right?

We have already got enough indigenous potential to produce infantry weapons so our aims are a bit higher than handguns and rifles. Pakistan is probably interested in attack/transport helicopters and MRAP vehicles so don't sweat it. I doubt that Americans will going to leave Apaches and Cobras in the hands of afghans.
According to you, is it OK that our army enters on your side of Durrandline and set up some checkpoints to protect our country? If your answer is No then please elaborate why not

You can't complain unless you accept Durand line as border.
We have businesses in Pakistan and employ Pakistani citizens, and even give them homes for rent. That is who we are in Pakistan, believe it or not. We are much richer then average Pakistani, because our Afghan mental conditioning does not allow us to believe in poverty and slave-mindedness. :azn:

I don't think Afghan can employ anyone when they are selling smuggled stuff in our streets. Don't get your hopes so high. There are nearly 2 million Afghan refugees in pakistan with 1 million illegal imigrants so get your facts straight. All afghan refugees are going back to afghanistan in 2014 along with their smuggling business chains as government already changed their status.
Pashtunistan or let say half of afghanistan belong to us pakistani pashtuns.

we are 3 time more than afghan pashtuns..

i just hope that the majority of pakistani pashtuns realize this and claim our land back while pushing all the afghan pashtuns or tajikized or uzbekized pashtuns into rest of afghanistan
According to you, is it OK that our army enters on your side of Durrandline and set up some checkpoints to protect our country? If your answer is No then please elaborate why not

No one is crossing the D.Line from our side, and we will not allow anyone to do that either. Its a settled issue Karzai is propping up to get more funds from India and perhaps get re-elected again.
Pashtunistan or let say half of afghanistan belong to us pakistani pashtuns.

we are 3 time more than afghan pashtuns..

i just hope that the majority of pakistani pashtuns realize this and claim our land back while pushing all the afghan pashtuns or tajikized or uzbekized pashtuns into rest of afghanistan


If you were living at the time when Angrez where ruling on indian subcontinent, I assume you would be very proudlu serve on their army as soldier or officers, wouldn't you?

No one is crossing the D.Line from our side, and we will not allow anyone to do that either. Its a settled issue Karzai is propping up to get more funds from India and perhaps get re-elected again.

Seems that you are not reading the news very well, FYI your army has set up a number of checkposts inside Afghanistan and forced many people to leave their homes in Gosht district of Nangarhar province

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