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Afghan, Pakistani Forces Clash

At a crucial time of the elections,these Afghan actions have cleared my doubts of where their loyalty rests.
They should not complain when we return the favor.
What's the link? Lets all go in - especially any Pashto Darri or Balouch speakers.

I want their followers to be put in their place

Oh and by the way, the post was damaged but not destroyed. It would be rebuilt. Get the Air Force involved if we have to - once the funds dry these opium rats will meet the same fate as the TTP gandus they send across

afghan pages ....my i saw few pics on my cousin's page so visited it and opened the source pages , he is afghan. Niazi so showing what they have been provided ...... i am already there along with my comments
Atleast 8000 pakistani soldiers are stationed in mohamnd agency with support of heavy artillery, military aviation and tanks, They have evacuated all the villages of its residents near border and and are stationed in homes....Checkposts are on each peak of hills, and they do heavy shelling on Afghan villages whenever some taliban try to enter into mohamnd agency or attack pakistani check posts....Afghan civilians pay the price....Those Pakistanis who refuse to believe it, should remember operation brekhna in mohmand agency in which Pakistan army used heavy artillary, tanks and air force on its own territory, why they wont use it on afghan villages?
In durand line agreement, the border along mohmand agency was the only one which was not demarcated as amir abul rehman wanted whole mohmand territory....So most of the Pak-afghan clashes take place along mohamnd agency as border is not demarcated.....
Unlike pakistani mohamnds, Mohamands on afghan side are not taken for granted, they are very angry at Pakistani indiscriminate shelling on their villages and they would welcome any pakistani misadventure with their guns.....
@Sher Malang
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At a crucial time of the elections,these Afghan actions have cleared my doubts of where their loyalty rests.
They should not complain when we return the favor.

All borders will be sealed soon, any infiltration will be dealt with.
There's only one language this foreign funded "army" would understand.

This has gone too far and a lot of guys are getting more than just ghusa

Zigana is a Turkish made fully automatic pistol. Bought it just before I left for the states; still in the box and came with extended mag

The ANA is an enemy force. The sooner we realize it the better. Lets see what happens to them in a few months/years.

As for construction of posts - it will continue and there ain't nothing some kooni ANA could do about it

This kind of provocations would only unite Afghan people against you......You need to understand that Pakistan army is engaged in exhausting war with talibans in FATA, it cant afford animosity of Afghan people.
This kind of provocations would only unite Afghan people against you......You need to understand that Pakistan army is engaged in exhausting war with talibans in FATA, it cant afford animosity of Afghan people.

We don't wish to have animosity with Afghan people, however we will do whats necessary to protect our borders. ANA doesn't represent Afghan people, if they seek hostilities they would get the exact same thing back. Afghanistan has to realize where its at, and what sort of engagement it needs to undertake with us.
We don't wish to have animosity with Afghan people, however we will do whats necessary to protect our borders. ANA doesn't represent Afghan people, if they seek hostilities they would get the exact same thing back. Afghanistan has to realize where its at, and what sort of engagement it needs to undertake with us.

ANA surely doesnt represent Talibans but it does represent rest of Afghans..... You have no idea how Afghans are beaming with patriotism in their groups and forums, expressing their admiration for ANA...and hate for pakistan.
Afghans quarrels with each other, but against any external threat they get united....
But it is also a fact that If Pakistan seals its border , they would heavily suffer.....so both sides needs to be cool headed and solve the check post issue...
How will the Tribals react if the Pakistan Army were to respond to the next engagement with a small skirmish or too with the ANA on the border Tribal Areas ?

Same tribe live on either side, mohamands, they wont engage with each other for Pak army or ANA.....bajaur case of 60s was different, two different tribes quarreled with each other.
Afghanistan up to no good as always. they need to be taught a resounding lesson once.

an unrelated observation: the afghans violated our territory at a time when chinese have crossed border and camp in ladakh. both at a time when the LOC and international border between Pak-India are peaceful and quiet, no incidents reported at all. make of it what you will, but it's a very peculiar moment in history considering the subcontinent's past :happy:
install shaheen, ghauri, babar, nasr missiles and shows afghan if they attack what will they get from daddy

any attack should mean full fledged war on afghanistan
You are the only person in this world who is thanking someone for killing his soldier. Proves that you are an Afghan. :rolleyes:

You are the only person in this world who is happy from someone for destruction of your check posts, lose of ground and running living a beghairat life, surely proves that your a pakistani :rolleyes:

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