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Afghan officials voice scant remorse to Pakistan


Jan 3, 2010
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Afghan officials show scant remorse for Pakistan’s military casualties - The Washington Post

KABUL — The Afghan police general watched on television as Pakistani soldiers solemnly saluted the coffins of 24 of their comrades who were killed in a U.S. military airstrike Saturday.

The general stood up in disgust. “That’s the best thing America has done in 10 years here,” he said.

While U.S. officials from the war zone to the White House offered contrite condolences to the families of the dead and scrambled to repair the tattered relationship with Pakistan, Afghan officials have taken a tougher line. Frustrated by a Taliban insurgency they are convinced is supervised by and based in Pakistan, they have expressed little remorse, even accusing Pakistan of exaggerating the gravity of the situation to deflect attention from its own meddling in Afghanistan.

Afghan officials said the strike — which followed an operation by U.S. Special Operations forces and Afghan army commandos — was justified because the troops came under fire first from a Pakistani border post. “We have absolutely nothing to apologize for,” a senior official said.

The decision by Pakistan’s cabinet Tuesday to boycott next week’s international conference on Afghanistan in Bonn, Germany, seemed likely to keep the mutual suspicion between the neighbors at a strong simmer. The conference was once considered a chance to lure Taliban representatives to negotiate, but that plan never materialized.

The meeting’s importance will now depend on whether it can show that the countries in the region, as well as the West, are committed to supporting Afghanistan’s government and working together to end the war. Pakistan’s cooperation is crucial in this regard — particularly given its influence over the Taliban — and its absence would be a clear symbol that peace remains elusive.

The Pakistani cabinet, after a meeting in the eastern city of Lahore, said in a statement that it supports “stability and peace in Afghanistan and the importance of an Afghan-led, Afghan-owned process of reconciliation.” But Pakistan, it said, had decided to bow out of the conference “in view of the developments and prevailing circumstances.”

According to an account by Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani’s office, Afghan President Hamid Karzai had called Gilani to plead against a boycott, arguing that it would not encourage peace in Afghanistan. Gilani responded: “How could a country whose own sovereignty and territorial integrity were violated from the Afghan soil . . . play a constructive role?”

Karzai expressed his condolences to the Pakistani people and told Gilani that “insecurity in the region causes these kinds of incidents,” his office said.

One Western official who spoke on the condition of anonymity called the boycott “very unfortunate,” adding, “Pakistan is taking itself from the table precisely when it should be contributing to a solution in Afghanistan.”

In addition to bowing out of the Bonn conference, Pakistan has blocked NATO supply routes into Afghanistan and told U.S. officials to vacate a base in the southwestern province of Baluchistan. In a bid to repair the rift, coalition officials have offered sympathy and expressed hope that an investigation, led by U.S. Central Command, will clarify why the airstrike took place.
Maybe because according to the Afghan version of events, they had come under intense fire from Pak posts and hey called the air support only in self-defence.
Goes to prove Pakistan's point that the ANA and the security establishment in Afghanistan is infested with anti-Pakistan elements from the start. With a very limited Pashtun representation, the ANA and the police will probably revert back to guarding the Panjsher valley.
Pakistan Army will take revenge on these Afghani Farsiwaan weak puppet army. Just wait when NATO/U.S. are out of Afghanistan and theres no one to protect them. They'll wish they never been born.
Goes to prove Pakistan's point that the ANA and the security establishment in Afghanistan is infested with anti-Pakistan elements from the start. With a very limited Pashtun representation, the ANA and the police will probably revert back to guarding the Panjsher valley.
And really who cares about these so called warlords-cum-generals?We could take them out any day in the week.The only reason we don't do it because of American Pressure.Calling these warlods Generals is a big disgrace to any Real Military General.
Goes to prove Pakistan's point that the ANA and the security establishment in Afghanistan is infested with anti-Pakistan elements from the start. With a very limited Pashtun representation, the ANA and the police will probably revert back to guarding the Panjsher valley.

How did you decide the Army man in question was not a Pashtun ?
Is this a pretext for USA to stay in Afghan beyond 2014 , no one knows yet , but the most probable reason one would guess !
Goes to prove Pakistan's point that the ANA and the security establishment in Afghanistan is infested with anti-Pakistan elements from the start. With a very limited Pashtun representation, the ANA and the police will probably revert back to guarding the Panjsher valley.
They are anti pak only because you guys are hell bent on afghani destruction and ruling and dominating them.
You guys still believe in ruling over foreign countries and such .
The way that afghan society has been destroyed by Pakistan and Taliban since1992 is beyond description.
Even now you guys support the Taliban instead if killing them.
So naturally they are anti pak.

---------- Post added at 09:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:16 AM ----------

Pakistan Army will take revenge on these Afghani Farsiwaan weak puppet army. Just wait when NATO/U.S. are out of Afghanistan and theres no one to protect them. They'll wish they never been born.
Americans killed your men. Why take it out on afg. Ridiculous. No wonder pak is considered a terrorist nation
They are anti pak only because you guys are hell bent on afghani destruction and ruling and dominating them.
You guys still believe in ruling over foreign countries and such .
The way that afghan society has been destroyed by Pakistan and Taliban since1992 is beyond description.
Even now you guys support the Taliban instead if killing them.
So naturally they are anti pak.

Talk about misguided hate! Afghans destroyed their country with infighting leading to the Soviet invasion. Then Afghans further destroyed their own country with infighting after the Soviets left.

Pakistan has a say because Pakistan hosts 40 million Pashtuns who come and go freely between Pakistan and Afghanistan. When the Pashtuns were on the receiving end in Afghanistan post Soviet departure, it resulted in unrest amongst Pakistan's Pashtun community and as a result, Pakistan had to step up to pacify the country and stabilize it due to Pakistan's own internal security compulsions. When we were working with the Pashtuns, the Americans, the Emeratis and the Saudis all understood the need to stabilize the country and supported these efforts. Back then, the Taliban were just the younger Pashtuns. When the Taliban started pushing their extremist vision, Pakistani government and the Saudis tried to refrain them, yet they persisted. However on the part of Pakistan, it was important to deal with them because they were the defacto rulers of Afghanistan.

So this talk about Pakistan destroying the Afghan society is a good spin that works well to keep the Kabulis and Panjsheris riled up about Pakistan. The fact of the matter is that Pakistan took a lot of low blows for these very same chaps that are sitting in Kabul and bad mouthing us. All of them had homes and business in Pakistan and they waited out the bloody war. Once all was over they went back in only to find out that ruling Pashtuns (who by now had become to be known as Taliban) could care less about them. Thus they aligned against the Pashtuns and you have the mess that you see now in the form of them blasting Pakistan at every opportunity.

One simple questions is, if to this day the Afghan government is so heavily tilted against the Pashtuns and all of the fighting going on is in Pashtun lands, then why should Pakistan go on a limb for these chaps and anger 40 million Pashtuns in Pakistan?

At the end of the day, Pakistanis are fed up with the anti-Pakistaniat in Kabul and the areas dominated by the Panjsheris. We know the people whom we are supporting and we have ethnic and cultural linkages with them. We can't make everyone happy, so we will do what we must to keep ourselves aligned with those who see eye to eye with us.

Pakistanis have quite a few gripes about some of the Afghans too so it matters little as to what the ANA and police chaps in Kabul have to say about Pakistan.
^^ I am glad you say that Pakistan has asay because it hosts 40 m refugees. Off topic but in 1971 India was forced to say because 20 m Bangladesh refugees poured into India with 3 months. So I assume you support Indian involvement in bd.
On your second para from last, why pak is gong out on a limb is because they want to have control over afg which is considered strategic location and a gold mine of resources. As simPle, pure colonial attitude at play here. If they don't care about afghanis they should just expel all the afghanIs back .
If panjsheri align against Pashtun it's because of the Taliban mullah rule. I don't know how any civil society can align with these barbarians. Pakistan has a habit of sleeping with snakes like terrorists in Kashmir, dawood and now Taliban because they just want some strategic gain irrespective of what damage it causes. You can align with Taliban but you should be ready for ttp rule in pak as well then.
The general stood up in disgust. “That’s the best thing America has done in 10 years here,” he said.

Good but from now on Mr Police General, you would have to be more vigilant and careful since who knows when a bomb would be detonated right next to your ***.
Please stop calling them Army Man - They are former warlods who are given Titles just for the heck of it.Like this dude
Abdul Rashid Dostum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In any insurgency prone areas, fighters aallied to one leader call their leader 'general'. 'Col' etc. Nothing great. i's still better than the 'Amir-ul-Momineen' that Mullah Omar fancied himself and whom you supported.

But still my question is not answered as how people decide the person in question is a NA person and not a Pashtun ?

Infact Pashtuns of Afg hate Pak the most as they think your country is occupying a part of their land. Go figure.
^^ I am glad you say that Pakistan has asay because it hosts 40 m refugees. Off topic but in 1971 India was forced to say because 20 m Bangladesh refugees poured into India with 3 months. So I assume you support Indian involvement in bd

I did not say 40M refugees. These are 40 million Pashtuns who are Pakistani citizens, work, live and serve Pakistan and have relations, properties, business in Afghanistan as well.

One has nothing to do with the off topic linkage you bring up here.
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