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Afghan officials voice scant remorse to Pakistan

Abdul Salam Zaeef - former Taliban ambassador to Pakistan, has this to say:

"Look at Pakistan, our neighbour. How does it treat Afghans?

Pakistan, which plays a key role in Asia, is so famous for treachery that it is said they can get milk from a bull. They have two tongues in one mouth, and two faces on one head so they can speak everybody’s language; they use everybody, deceive everybody. They deceive the Arabs under the guise of Islamic nuclear power, saying that they are defending Islam and Islamic countries. They milk America and Europe in the alliance against terrorism, and they have been deceiving Pakistani and other Muslims around the world in the name of Kashmiri jihad. But behind the curtain, they have been betraying everyone."

Excerpt from the book ' My life with the Taliban' by Abdul Salam Zaeef
They are anti pak only because you guys are hell bent on afghani destruction and ruling and dominating them.
You guys still believe in ruling over foreign countries and such .
The way that afghan society has been destroyed by Pakistan and Taliban since1992 is beyond description.
Even now you guys support the Taliban instead if killing them.
So naturally they are anti pak.

---------- Post added at 09:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:16 AM ----------

Americans killed your men. Why take it out on afg. Ridiculous. No wonder pak is considered a terrorist nation

Your frustration is evidently from your failures at domination your neighbouring countries. Pakistan on the other hand has given shelter to over 10 million Afghan refugees and still over 5 million refugees live in Pakistan. Pakistan supported, trained and equipped the Afghans which enabled them to defend their country and to drive out the invaders. Pakistan has invested in Afghanistan more then any other country (not speaking strictly of $$). One would even dare say that Pakistan has more of a right to Afghanistan's foreign policy then most Afghans themselves!
Abdul Salam Zaeef - former Taliban ambassador to Pakistan, has this to say:

Excerpt from the book ' My life with the Taliban' by Abdul Salam Zaeef

He was on the raw end of the deal for sure. However the very same can be said about the state apparatus of any country, including the Afghans themselves, the Americans and the Indians depending on whom you speak to (specially those who have been on the receiving end of excesses. I am sure someone who was detained by the Indian security forces in IoK won't be spouting praise for the Indian government etc. etc.)
Achha ,thats intestesting ....

Then why you guys launched military ops against TTP ,aka Pakistani Taliban instead up holding talks and making deals.

TTP wants the same thing for pakistan what Afghan Taliban for Afghanistan.

You guys hate Pakistani Taliban and fights its medieval fundamentalism ,on the other hand you provide unflinching support for Afghan Taliban and wants to people of Afghanistan to suffer the menace rejected at home ,just because you can use Afghan Taliban as strategic asset against India.

No wonder Afghan of all denomination hate Pakistan for its sheer hypocricy..

This is not hypocrisy. The Taliban are Afghans who are supported by their very own people. No country outside of Afghanistan can sustain an insurgency without local support.

Pakistan does not want Taliban to rule in Pakistan or Afghanistan, however Pakistan wants the Pashtuns represented and currently this representation is only by way of Taliban for the Pashtuns. The Afghan Pashtuns are fairly crafty. They know this too and will never come out and say it because as the war goes on, they are also getting economic aid. So why come out openly in support of Taliban when you can support the Taliban at night and get economic aid from the opponents of the Taliban during the day?

So all this idealistic talk goes by the way side when dealing with the ground realities.

If you cared so much for Afghanistan, then your side would not be pushing on issues inside of Afghanistan which cause concerns for Pakistan. The fact is that India is also pimping Afghans out for her own interests (they could care less what happens to Afghanistan with the non-inclusion of Pashtuns and Taliban in the government. If there is a civil war, the Indians are hoping that the ANA (Northern Alliance manned) will do its bidding to hold the unfriendly Pashtuns down), so the only difference is that you try to do the very same by sugar coating it.

"No wonder Afghan of all denomination hate Pakistan for its sheer hypocricy.."

Perceptions are fickle and change with time. The very same Afghans thought the world of Pakistan when we took them in by the millions. Policies are not made on the basis of perceptions that some in Afghanistan may have about Pakistan.
y should afghans show remorse?Did pakistan ever did show remorse for the killings its strategic assessts talban did in afghanistan on behalf of pakistan army.
Pakistan wants the Pashtuns represented and currently this representation is only by way of Taliban for the Pashtuns.

Pashtuns are amply represented in the present government

The Afghan Pashtuns are fairly crafty. They know this too and will never come out and say it because as the war goes on, they are also getting economic aid. So why come out openly in support of Taliban when you can support the Taliban at night and get economic aid from the opponents of the Taliban during the day?
Aren't Pakistanis are also very crafty, trying to create an impression that Pashtuns support Taliban, when the vast majority detest them and their Pakistani backers? Even the Talibs themselves have nothing good to say regarding Pakistan.

The fact is that India is also pimping Afghans out for her own interests
India is a convenient bogey-man for crafty Pakistanis ... India's conduct is strictly within the bounds of international law, and no evidence to the contrary has ever been produced.
These Afghan officials are the reason why their country finds itself in a position that it is in today.
..... The Taliban are Afghans who are supported by their very own people. No country outside of Afghanistan can sustain an insurgency without local support.


That's BS Super Mod.

The common Afghans hate the Talibs.

The only reason why many don't oppose them is because of the fear of life and NOT out of any respect for the scums.

These Afghan officials are the reason why their country finds itself in a position that it is in today.

:lol: .
shame on Afghanistan Pakistan feed you kept you in Pakistan kept relationship with you

even now the government in Afghanistan if it was not for the USA and Pakistan government you would not be in power
Most of the for-show demonstrations in Kabul are paid up deals with people showing up, yelling anti-Pakistan slogans, downing a few naans and qorma and then going off their way. This is the way the business is done. The same chap in the evening is visiting his uncle or aunt in Peshawar the next day. Such is the way things are done in this part of the world.

aint that the truth....
In any insurgency prone areas, fighters aallied to one leader call their leader 'general'. 'Col' etc. Nothing great. i's still better than the 'Amir-ul-Momineen' that Mullah Omar fancied himself and whom you supported.

But still my question is not answered as how people decide the person in question is a NA person and not a Pashtun ?

Infact Pashtuns of Afg hate Pak the most as they think your country is occupying a part of their land. Go figure.
If your sources of information are Pashtun-forums on internet then you are wrong in assuming that pashtuns of afghanistan are anti-pak because most of Pashtuns of afghanistan on internet are second generation afghans living in foriegn countries like UK, Canada, USA etc, they do not represent common pashtuns of afghanistan. Also most of them are elite urban persianized pashtun families who are bilingual in dari and pashto (they even speak pashto with dari tone). Common Afghans that i come across in peshawer are not anti-pakistani at all, they are like pashtuns of KP and FATA....but if you meet a tajikized pashtun in hayatabad, peshawer, you will mistaken them for tajiks.
The fieldwork was carried out by the Afghan Centre for Socio-Economic and Opinion Research in Kabul.

the survey conduced by Kabul-based Afghan Centre for Socio-Economic Opinion Research (ACSOR).
Majority of kabulis are non-pashtun, keep that in mind. Even the pashtuns there are mostly persianized ones.
Abdul Salam Zaeef - former Taliban ambassador to Pakistan, has this to say:

Excerpt from the book ' My life with the Taliban' by Abdul Salam Zaeef
All south asian share these characteristics. Afghans are comparatively simple and straight forward people and you can easily decieve them.
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