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Afghan National Army hostile to Pakistan: Report

2nd post and an abusive one. Reported :coffee:

It's because many Afghans come to PDF as 'Guests' but they never register! at times when discussions are totally unfair regarding Afghanistan and it's people they do register to post their views on specific topics! but don't you guys wonder he is 5th or 6th Afghan Pashtun registered here who dislikes Pakistan? still Northern Alliance is anti-Pakistan and Afghan Pashtuns are lovers of Pakistan? :)
It is really discouraging reading the immaturity that is at display in this thread over a bogus piece of news report. Firstly, let me honestly state me understanding of this report which I think is bogus and one-sided only. Only in the past 3 month there probably were more than 2000 rockets fired into Afghanistan by PA and more incursions likewise by PA than its reported by this dubious report to have happened from Afghanistan.

The legacy of colonialism should be rectified by the people of the two countries. While I respect the views from Pakistan, Afghanistan policy regarding the Durrand Line and viz a viz Pakistan have its own distinct background and justification. It really depends whose lenses you look at through. An Afghanistan that had fought three wars against the colonialist and made immense sacrifices and half of its body chopped from it, from the eyes and heart of Pashtuns whose rights were taken from and their fate decided by yet another injustice from final yet fatal colonial design? History would not forgive the leaders of Afghanistan if the had not taken the stand they have on the Pashtuns east of the Durrand Line and answered the calls from their leaders.

Anyway we must find a way to undo with what has been the greatest source of harm for both counties who could otherwise gain so much through positive-sum close relations and cooperation. It is in the best interest of Pashtuns on both sides that the relations between both countries are stable and conducive to the economic generation and development of the Pashtun lands. Neither Afghanistan nor Pakistan has the right do decide on our fate and we will decide for ourselves. If both countries was to prosper and reach their concerned geo-political objectives then it will naturally engender in Pashtun from both sides' increased interaction and integration with greater chance of altering the status quo.

You guys in general need to chill the ANA has enough on its plate to deal with.

Pakistan agreed to free movement through Durand line (for sake of Pashtoons) but Afghanistan is not even willing to accept the border. I mean are we really discussing the importance of having an established border in the year 2013? If Afghanistan works against the sovereignty of Pakistan, it should expect the same in return.

It's because many Afghans come to PDF as 'Guests' but they never register! at times when discussions are totally unfair regarding Afghanistan and it's people they do register to post their views on specific topics! but don't you guys wonder he is 5th or 6th Afghan Pashtun registered here who dislikes Pakistan? still Northern Alliance is anti-Pakistan and Afghan Pashtuns are lovers of Pakistan? :)

This is no excuse for bad manners. He could have reported every post he found offensive. Mods are present.

Yes the 6th Afghani who hates Pakistan, someone hold me I'm about to falter :coffee:
This is no excuse for bad manners. He could have reported every post he found offensive. Mods are present.

I am with you on the bold part but Afghans are now more patriotic than any other time, he is like any other Pakistani, Iranian or Indian patriot who couldn't controlled his emotions over defending his country.
We were/are claiming half of Afghanistan not Pakistan :)


Khan tuuu touu Taliban kooo bhii troll kar jaiii gaaaa mein naa-cheeez kiyaa hunn tereiii samneii ! :rofl:

Pak Army should make amends with the farsi speakers now I think, They have nothing against each other, and don't won't Pakistani land. Together you can destroy and contain those other rats.

Can't the guys across the border have familial, cultural & linguistic ties with us ! Plus the Farsiwans have a historical enmity with the Pashtuns of the South & the East so we can't upset our own people for the benefit would be nil & the loss could be immense !

Our People - the Tribals - have defended our Western borders since '47 & they'd continue doing that for many generations to come so I'm not really worried ! Do you know the Afghan Militias with the support of their army crossed the Durrand Line & attacked Bajaur in the early '50s & it were the Bajauri Tribals themselves who fought them & continued to fight them before requesting Pakistan Army's presence & the two of them kicked the Afghans out !

So, don't you worry ! :tup:
Yes the 6th Afghani who hates Pakistan, someone hold me I'm about to falter :coffee:

When it comes to Pakistani interests then we are 'Pashtuns, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Hazaras etc..' and when it comes to Afghan interests we are 'Afghan'?
When it comes to Pakistani interests then we are 'Pashtuns, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Hazaras etc..' and when it comes to Afghan interests we are 'Afghan'!

Afghan here mean bonafide citizen of Afghanistan be it Uzbek, Tajik or Pashtoon. If you don;t know its 21st century and nation states have been in vogue since world war II.
Afghan here mean bonafide citizen of Afghanistan be it Uzbek, Tajik or Pashtoon. If you don;t know its 21st century and nation states have been in vogue since world war II.

I know, what you are saying in your posts are a mere cause of confusion or hypocrisy!
Pakistan agreed to free movement through Durand line (for sake of Pashtoons) but Afghanistan is not even willing to accept the border. I mean are we really discussing the importance of having an established border in the year 2013? If Afghanistan works against the sovereignty of Pakistan, it should expect the same in return.

For the sake of Pashtuns? Lol

While Afghanistan does not recognize the border officially so does it in any way not challenge the sovereignty of Pakistan. No Afghan government will ever be able to do that bcoz it will be against the will of majority of the Afghan population. Put yourself in the Afghan government's shoe?

But you know what things are in such an advance stage so much so between the two countries that simply recognizing the Durrand (which wont happen any way) will not solve the problem. Pakistan cannot afford to reverse its intervention and meddling in Afghanistan just simply. However, if our relations were to really harmonize the litmus test will be the the next couple of years. Honestly speaking.
The screw is already tight a bit of hostility will make it loosen!

Just, wait and see.

They are Afghan citizens, problem of Afghanistan not ours. Deal with them, instead of burying your head in the sand and pretending they are not Afghans. Most Pakistani members in Afghan taliban movement have left after soviet defeat.


Terrorism, is exported from your side, TTP/BLA has sanctuaries there, Pakistan will return the favor if it doesn't stop.

Supporting specific groups for crippling Afghan national interests.

Name a few.

As you said now it's you guys crying for hostility :)

ANSF is a bunch of incompetent cowboys, relying 100% on American spoon feeding. They will only become an Afghan Army when their budget is fully paid by Afghanistan itself, until then they will remain the American version of Gurkhas [Mercenaries].
If, you think they can become a threat to Pakistan, so big that we feel "threatened", you need to rethink. Plus the Afghan military has tried adventures in the past, and were turned into one big turkey shoot by local Pashtuns, it will be repeated if the puppet command of ANSF tries to enter our territory on behalf of either the Americans or their best friends India.

The circumstances are totally different and your military establishment knows it very well.

Circumstances are not different, its just delusion. A matter of fact, Afghanistan's future will be decided by Pakistan's military and political establishment. They are clear as day, don't allow Indian presence to a level where it threatens our security,take ALL of your refugees back. Don't allow your soil to be used to activate cold start doctrine.. nothing will happen.

Unrest in Afghanistan is a cancer for our security, if there was no soviet afghan war. Pakistan today would be next to becoming a developed country. If, Karzai can make this sure, he will be supported by us which i doubt because he already is buying large number of properties in Peshawar [Prepping for his exit].
By the way, let me dispel the unfair assumption about me that somehow I hate Pakistan. I absolutely don't. I am not for hate. Much to the the contrary I like Pakistanis, though exception are always there.
What confusion?

When it's a matter of Pakistani interest then you guys separate us in different ethnicity and choose Afghan Pashtuns as Pakistani supporters but when an Afghan Pashtun behaves differently you guys use the 'Afghan' word to blame him.
For the sake of Pashtuns? Lol

While Afghanistan does not recognize the border officially so does it in any way not challenge the sovereignty of Pakistan. No Afghan government will ever be able to do that bcoz it will be against the will of majority of the Afghan population. Put yourself in the Afghan government's shoe?

But you know what things are in such an advance stage so much so between the two countries that simply recognizing the Durrand (which wont happen any way) will not solve the problem. Pakistan cannot afford to reverse its intervention and meddling in Afghanistan just simply. However, if our relations were to really harmonize the litmus test will be the the next couple of years. Honestly speaking.

Afghanistan created a diplomatic sh*t storm in Pakistan when the referendum was being held in Pakistan's Pashtun Areas, refused to recognize Pakistan's inclusion in '48, harbored Baloch militants in every single Baloch Rebellion throughout Pakistan's history (the '50s, '60s, '70s & now again), claim Pakistani sovereign lands up till Jhelum (thats Punjabi Heartland) & down till Gwadar (thats one of the extremes of Balochistan), attacked Pakistan in the past on the pretense of Pashtunistan (Bajaur in the '50s) & now serves as a terrorist hot bed for TTP militants who cross over regularly from Provinces which have your army, government & ISAF presence.

Pray tell me how should Pakistan's policy be with respect to Afghanistan ?
When it's a matter of Pakistani interest then you guys separate us in different ethnicity and choose Afghan Pashtuns as Pakistani supporters but when an Afghan Pashtun behaves differently you guys use the 'Afghan' word to blame him.

^^ we do not discriminate... our transit aid goes to northern alliance warlords... they do not share it with Pashtoons.
It is you who discriminate..... Pashtoons are being subjected to ethnic cleansing... they are being butchered and not given representation in govt.
When Pashtoons will come.. they will definitely ask what happened to all the aid received by northern alliance in name of pashtoons.
Dose your warlords have answer to it?
To be honest, i see nothing but war.. so don't dare to blame Pakistan for your own stealing and discrimination.
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