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Afghan National Army hostile to Pakistan: Report

Yaraa I dislike MQM myself but please Quaid-e-Azam kooo isss context mein bicch mein na laooo !

He is absolutely right in this regard. Jinnah would be really depressed if he knew the families that moved were involved in things like this and had turned his city into a hell he would be very depressed.

People justify Altaf's speech and Karachi has historically for at least 20-30 years been voting him into power and he has been coming there solely on the votes of my fellow urdu speakers. I know you are inclined to defend these guys for ethnic unity but I have seen their attitudes. They just hate everyone else.

Same guys who call these Afghan-lovers (nation) names will vociferously defend Altaf's speech referring to partition as a blunder.

As far as your post back there is concerned... read it but I think its pretty callous for a people who lost half their population and half their land in 71 exactly because of mishandling of the ethnic issue to be making jokes about the situation. No offense.

My ethnic paper covers these things and also the indifference on this front, how with the terrorism situation and bombs going off daily it has been sidelined. Searching a report yesterday I received 2 cases. A Pashtuns elbow touching a Punjabis as he passed in hydery market and a war being sparked over it which resulted in 1 person dead and shops closing down. Another report a urdu-speaker and sindhi fought in karachi-our educated muhajirs from karachi teamed up with the Muhajir to beat him up.

I don't think this is funny, maybe i am a grouch but the things I am researching can rot your brain and get you in a depression for weeks... then having MQM bigots like @Karachiite and Afghanistan-lovers like luffy around.
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Lol you came again at your best low levels! I know Pakistani cities street by street and there is no reason for me to express my love for Pakistani Pashtuns to a mohajir!

Thats what they all say... but in their homes they call us beghairat and daal khor and heera mandi culture. Even one of your Tajiks had the decency to admit that. This is typical Afghan arrogance. At least you admit there IS something like a Pakistani Pashtun unlike your arrogant father, admin khan.

PF.com has left very hard memories in your life!

Indeed. Instead of poking fun at this fact... perhaps you should seek to understand the possible consequences for Afghanistan because we Pashtuns were supposed to be sympathetic to you. I am sure you won't be laughing when abuse against Afghans begins to rise here.

As I said I know Pakistan like any other Pakistani; there is no need to hide the fact that Punjabis, Sindhis are taught about their history, language and culture but there is nothing like that in KP!

@A.Rafay can confirm whether this is true or false. But being from karachi which is a part of Sindh I am aware that only a few Sindhi-medium and oriented schools teach about the language, history and culture... this has for decades been the same for khyber pakhtunkhwa but it has changed. Punjabis are taught their history, language and culture? Can you believe this guy... no Punjabi knows about their history... they are led to believe they had no kings and rulers of their own. If a punjabi here names one punjabi hero I will be extremely surprised. You are a blabbering fool advocating concepts similar to those on pashtunforums. But this is your snake-like nature.

The success i believe of the ANP on the front of promoting these 3 things is exponential i would say... it is some of their other policies, their background and of course intrinsic corruption that are our worry as Pashtuns.

It's their obligation to implement all federal government orders and I am also against illegal Afghan refugees and want them to respect the law of the country they are living.

Personally I want them to be given the right to citizenship... but my primary worry is idiots like you trying to use that to create trouble. Things may improve by the second or third generation. Contact with e-afghans scared me. Lot of Afghans from the jalozai camp far different from you and your ilk. In fact its callous the suggestions being made here without seeing how they live.

I would say you sher malang and your pashtunforum buddies are doing a huge disservice to Afghanistan by creating hate for it and creating suspicion for Pakistani pashtuns who struggled so much to make their position here with sweat and hard work. I even treat indians respectfully even though they killed some people i knew... occasionally taking part in some good-natured trolling too. But you guys are crazy. Hate us more than them.

Even a 5000 volt electric shock can't set your pathetic bey-maghaz heads straight. Even indians here never disrespect Jinnah. Think about this. You guys attacked Pakistanis in Afghanistan recently... but there are millions of Afghans in Pakistan... what if there is backlash. Do you think about that before mistreating others on your useless little sites? No one gets locked out like this from a site. They say they have an open door policies. All IP's from lahore or punjab are blocked even though there are pashtun families living there for years-take imran khan for example. What is there mission?

Whoever gave your people money for that pashtunforums stupid operation someday he is going to sell you to the dogs... its always happened with Afghanistan. US convinced us to go to war with soviets in Afghanistan and now all Afghans hate us. Right after war was over and we no longer needed they imposed the presler amendment.

It is better to have ghairat than selling your mother for a few dollars. You can pass this message on to admin khan.

There is not 'if' in that I have sat with them in Germany and to a point I have convinced them but they mean nothing as I had 30 million of Afghans back home; those who were there, were living the enmity of 90s. There is no divide in this new young generation of Afghanistan which consist of over 60% of population of Afghanistan we live, eat, drink, enjoy together and as you know nothing about Afghans and keep blabbering sh*t it's basically going no where in your mind.

I know... you marry with each other and still hate each other. It was actually funny. One chick kept hating on Pashtuns though she was like half. lol.

Get it in your head 100+ years have passed since we separated. You aren't getting Pakhunkhwa. +2-4 million perhaps more pashtuns are now in Karachi. Use a brain... its not something that you keep in a jar.

Are you graduated from an Afghan school? NOT? than above is BS! and a mohajir version of Pashtun history explanation!

Muhajirs are stupid people who don't know that their nose doesn't reach up to the roof and that their history is not oppression in 1992 and 94 and their heroes are not Farooq Sattar, Altaf Hussain, Haider Abbas Rizwi and other terrorists. I would be surprised if they know a word about Rehman Baba, Khushal Khan Khattak, Abdali, Hotak, Suri.

Do you know about these personalities? I guess not... your posts hold the hallmark of illiteracy and lack of knowledge. You deny but have no statistics, no facts, no sources to back your claims. I am a Pashtun now. Stop acting like a ***** caught in the act and pointing fingers at my background. My love for Pashtuns causes me to defend them from Tajik lovers like you who will only wake up when they form Khorasan.

Lol every Pashtun loves him? I bet you go to tribal areas or even Peshawar and ask them do you love Jinnah? That website has for sure caused a trauma in your brain!

A refugee provided shelter here is trying to tell us about ourselves, about true Pashtuns while he is owned by northerners. If people love jinnah they love pakistan because that is what Jinnah stood for-its a given fact. This is how 14 august is celebrated in FATA:

BAJAUR AGENCY, Aug14, 2012: Like other parts of the country the 66th independence day of Pakistan was celebrated in the Bajaur and other tribal regions of FATA with zeal, national spirit and pomp and show.

In this connection the local administration and the different organization have arranged various programmes and functions at the head quarter khar and other areas of the region.

The flag hoisting ceremony was held at the Bajaur levies line in Khar where Political agent Bajaur agency Sayed Abdul Jabar Sahah hoisted the National flag, while the national anthem was also read.

Notable tribal elders, members of the different peace committees, representatives of the political parties, officials of administration and the levies forces were attend the flag hoisting.

A colorful program was held at the Bajaur Public School and collage Khar where students of the entire schools were participated at the discussions, debate and speech competition.

The speakers have paid homage to the founding father Mohammad Ali Jinnah and others leaders for their efforts for an independent state for the Muslims of the sub-continent.

Large number of tribesmen, students and elders were participated the function.

While the students of the different schools have presented various national songs, tablos and comedy plays which were highly appreciated by the audience.

On this occasion Additional Political agent, Dr Iran said that peace and stability are very necessary for the development of the area because nothing could be possible without the peace.

“Peace and stability were necessary for the human life and the tribesmen should work for the maintaining of peace, harmony stability and writ of the government in their areas,” he added.

He distributed shields and cash prizes among the students.

Meanwhile Political agent Bajaur Sayed Abdul Jabar Shah and others senior officials visited the Khar Prison and distributed gifts among the prisoners while several detainees invalid in the minor cases were released on the occasion.

This was one of the reasons I grew attracted to Pashtuns... their nationalism inspires me. I know for a fact no one in this entire country can beat the nationalism and love for Pakistan of the Pashtun. I have seen it personally.

And do some research on Peshawar. There would be no Jinnah park, no Jinnah college, no Jinnah medical college, no Jinnah forces academy and no Quaid e azam college of commerce if Jinnah wasn't revered. Furthermore even Islamia college's full name is Jinnah Islamia college. You are like a khar who has been fed rubbish all year long and as a result has become so brainwashed and used to spewing rubbish nothing can be done.

Oh come on if you are calling Pashtuns a muhajir then what's left for you to discuss? by Pashtun laws you should be now executed for such crap!

I have been not taught that.. I have been to KP/FATA many many times have friends and relatives don't judge me blindly.

We don't execute people for changing race and trying to build ethnic unity and cooperation. You can do that as much as you like in Afghanistan since you have been doing it from birth, or you can ask for guidance from the taliban who executed Najibuddin. If such are your ideas about the fluidity of ethnic groups then the first thing you should do is shoot the tajiks who sing Pashto songs... i can name some but you are a hypocrite

As far as my post is concerned you did not understand perhaps because those refugee camps have no universal system for education. You do not know about the ethnicities of Pakistan, it is also very hard for an ethnically divided country like yours to understand that we are a multi-cultural society and all our history and culture makes Pakistan. Thats why we name our missiles ghaznavi and abdali because they are part of Pakistani history as Pakistani history includes pashtun, sindhi, baloch and punjabi history.

A sweeper at a refugee camp may find it difficult to understand such concepts and you have no clue about the ethnic groups in Pakistan.

Exactly. All Afghans have relatives. Ask those living there for 90% of their lives or born there. Many won't tolerate this rubbish you spew. lol.

And I don't need the blessing of someone controlled by farsiwans to tell me who I am. I am a Pashtun and people, friends from KP have accepted me as one of them. In fact it was on the advice on a Pashtun that I felt I could call myself one. Unlike you people aren't retards. It may be a novel concept in your Afghanistan where minorities (that are ruling you) will smack your *** if you try something similar but here we respect and love each other and it is inconsequential what i do. If i learn Pashto language, know Pashtun history and culture and try to become like them it a source of khushkhali for them and they are glad there is someone helping promote pashto culture, history and language which is need of the hour.

You hate me because I challenge Afghanistan's rubbish theories. So does luffy... which is very unfortunate because this is a very big advantage for Pashtuns. But who can tell that to a brainless Afghan (nation)
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Thats what they all say... but in their homes they call us beghairat and daal khor and heera mandi culture. Even one of your Tajiks had the decency to admit that. This is typical Afghan arrogance. At least you admit there IS something like a Pakistani Pashtun unlike your arrogant father, admin khan.

Indeed. Instead of poking fun at this fact... perhaps you should seek to understand the possible consequences for Afghanistan because we Pashtuns were supposed to be sympathetic to you. I am sure you won't be laughing when abuse against Afghans begins to rise here.

@A.Rafay can confirm whether this is true or false. But being from karachi which is a part of Sindh I am aware that only a few Sindhi-medium and oriented schools teach about the language, history and culture... this has for decades been the same for khyber pakhtunkhwa but it has changed. Punjabis are taught their history, language and culture? Can you believe this guy... no Punjabi knows about their history... they are led to believe they had no kings and rulers of their own. If a punjabi here names one punjabi hero I will be extremely surprised. You are a blabbering fool advocating concepts similar to those on pashtunforums. But this is your snake-like nature.

The success i believe of the ANP on the front of promoting these 3 things is exponential i would say... it is some of their other policies, their background and of course intrinsic corruption that are our worry as Pashtuns.

Personally I want them to be given the right to citizenship... but my primary worry is idiots like you trying to use that to create trouble. Things may improve by the second or third generation. Contact with e-afghans scared me. Lot of Afghans from the jalozai camp far different from you and your ilk. In fact its callous the suggestions being made here without seeing how they live.

I would say you sher malang and your pashtunforum buddies are doing a huge disservice to Afghanistan by creating hate for it and creating suspicion for Pakistani pashtuns who struggled so much to make their position here with sweat and hard work. I even treat indians respectfully even though they killed some people i knew... occasionally taking part in some good-natured trolling too. But you guys are crazy. Hate us more than them.

Even a 5000 volt electric shock can't set your pathetic bey-maghaz heads straight. Even indians here never disrespect Jinnah. Think about this. You guys attacked Pakistanis in Afghanistan recently... but there are millions of Afghans in Pakistan... what if there is backlash. Do you think about that before mistreating others on your useless little sites? No one gets locked out like this from a site. They say they have an open door policies. All IP's from lahore or punjab are blocked even though there are pashtun families living there for years-take imran khan for example. What is there mission?

Whoever gave your people money for that pashtunforums stupid operation someday he is going to sell you to the dogs... its always happened with Afghanistan. US convinced us to go to war with soviets in Afghanistan and now all Afghans hate us. Right after war was over and we no longer needed they imposed the presler amendment.

It is better to have ghairat than selling your mother for a few dollars. You can pass this message on to admin khan.

I know... you marry with each other and still hate each other. It was actually funny. One chick kept hating on Pashtuns though she was like half. lol.

Get it in your head 100+ years have passed since we separated. You aren't getting Pakhunkhwa. +2-4 million perhaps more pashtuns are now in Karachi. Use a brain... its not something that you keep in a jar.

Muhajirs are stupid people who don't know that their nose doesn't reach up to the roof and that their history is not oppression in 1992 and 94 and their heroes are not Farooq Sattar, Altaf Hussain, Haider Abbas Rizwi and other terrorists. I would be surprised if they know a word about Rehman Baba, Khushal Khan Khattak, Abdali, Hotak, Suri.

Do you know about these personalities? I guess not... your posts hold the hallmark of illiteracy and lack of knowledge. You deny but have no statistics, no facts, no sources to back your claims. I am a Pashtun now. Stop acting like a ***** caught in the act and pointing fingers at my background. My love for Pashtuns causes me to defend them from Tajik lovers like you who will only wake up when they form Khorasan.

A refugee provided shelter here is trying to tell us about ourselves, about true Pashtuns while he is owned by northerners. If people love jinnah they love pakistan because that is what Jinnah stood for-its a given fact. This is how 14 august is celebrated in FATA:

This was one of the reasons I grew attracted to Pashtuns... their nationalism inspires me. I know for a fact no one in this entire country can beat the nationalism and love for Pakistan of the Pashtun. I have seen it personally.

And do some research on Peshawar. There would be no Jinnah park, no Jinnah college, no Jinnah medical college, no Jinnah forces academy and no Quaid e azam college of commerce if Jinnah wasn't revered. Furthermore even Islamia college's full name is Jinnah Islamia college. You are like a khar who has been fed rubbish all year long and as a result has become so brainwashed and used to spewing rubbish nothing can be done.

We don't execute people for changing race and trying to build ethnic unity and cooperation. You can do that as much as you like in Afghanistan since you have been doing it from birth, or you can ask for guidance from the taliban who executed Najibuddin. If such are your ideas about the fluidity of ethnic groups then the first thing you should do is shoot the tajiks who sing Pashto songs... i can name some but you are a hypocrite

As far as my post is concerned you did not understand perhaps because those refugee camps have no universal system for education. You do not know about the ethnicities of Pakistan, it is also very hard for an ethnically divided country like yours to understand that we are a multi-cultural society and all our history and culture makes Pakistan. Thats why we name our missiles ghaznavi and abdali because they are part of Pakistani history as Pakistani history includes pashtun, sindhi, baloch and punjabi history.

A sweeper at a refugee camp may find it difficult to understand such concepts and you have no clue about the ethnic groups in Pakistan.

Exactly. All Afghans have relatives. Ask those living there for 90% of their lives or born there. Many won't tolerate this rubbish you spew. lol.

And I don't need the blessing of someone controlled by farsiwans to tell me who I am. I am a Pashtun and people, friends from KP have accepted me as one of them. In fact it was on the advice on a Pashtun that I felt I could call myself one. Unlike you people aren't retards. It may be a novel concept in your Afghanistan where minorities (that are ruling you) will smack your *** if you try something similar but here we respect and love each other and it is inconsequential what i do. If i learn Pashto language, know Pashtun history and culture and try to become like them it a source of khushkhali for them and they are glad there is someone helping promote pashto culture, history and language which is need of the hour.

You hate me because I challenge Afghanistan's rubbish theories. So does luffy... which is very unfortunate because this is a very big advantage for Pashtuns. But who can tell that to a brainless Afghan (nation)

Lol @ "'we' Pashtuns" as I said Pashtuns don't adopt jackals! the rest of your post is a repeated one can't copy paste the same thing to you again and again! screwing you in pf.com was the hardest thing in your private life which has affected your overall psychological order; you need a doctor!
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Afghan National Army is hostile to Pakistan?

same Pakistan that feeds Afghanistan by providing not only its own agricultural produce but almost all trade
same Pakistan that is hosting millions of Afghans for decades
same Pakistan that stood up against the Soviet occupation & took the brunt of Soviet & communist terrorism
same Pakistan that hosts protests & marches against the NATO bombings & brutalization of Afghan civilians (no other country even cares)

that's not very self preserving is it? what would few fruit trucks from Iran do? and how long can the supplies from central Asia be relied upon that are mostly catering for occupation forces anyway?

if its the doctrine of the Afghan warlords like Gen Fahim, Abdullah Abdullah & Gen Dostam then I bet that their fate wont be any different from that Soviet Puppet Najibullah.

if this hostility is due to cross border terrorism and infiltration then rest assured , the feeling is mutual. there are many Places in Afghanistan that are hosting terrorists that are waging a war against Pakistan.
Afghan National Army is hostile to Pakistan?

same Pakistan that feeds Afghanistan by providing not only its own agricultural produce but almost all trade
same Pakistan that is hosting millions of Afghans for decades
same Pakistan that stood up against the Soviet occupation & took the brunt of Soviet & communist terrorism
same Pakistan that hosts protests & marches against the NATO bombings & brutalization of Afghan civilians (no other country even cares)

that's not very self preserving is it? what would few fruit trucks from Iran do? and how long can the supplies from central Asia be relied upon that are mostly catering for occupation forces anyway?

if its the doctrine of the Afghan warlords like Gen Fahim, Abdullah Abdullah & Gen Dostam then I bet that their fate wont be any different from that Soviet Puppet Najibullah.

if this hostility is due to cross border terrorism and infiltration then rest assured , the feeling is mutual. there are many Places in Afghanistan that are hosting terrorists that are waging a war against Pakistan.

Did pakistan fight occupation forces based on love for afghans, why isn't pakistan then fighting ISAF now, occupation still stands apparently? If najibullah was soviet puppet, isn't karzai ISAF puppet according most pakistanis here.

Pakistan protests what? Pakistan provided bases logistics and full support to US forces to bomb Afghanistan. As far as convictions of pakistans are concerned, the taliban govt that it once sponsored, trained and promoted was abandoned by Pakistan overnight, Bhutto incoraged destabilization of Daouds government to. ISI was complicit in assassination of Ahmed Shah Massoud.

As far as cross border terror is concerned, there isn't any scarcity of camps in pakistan that it is exporting on both sides. Most ISAF commanders have been frustrated by the same, forget us Indians who have been crying foul for two decades now.

Gen Fahim and Dr. Abdullah abdullah are from Massoud camp, I am pretty sure they haven't forgotten what pakistani army/ISI did to them.
I must say it is amusing to read some comments from our Indian members sympathising with the Afghanis. And Pashtun people, I wonder where was this sympathy in the 80's and 90's and lets face it until 9/11 no one gave a rats *** about the Afghanis or the pashtun people or the durrand line. When the world had shunned Afganistan, the only country that maintained diplomatic contact with Afghanistan was PAKISTAN. Before ISAF, Before NATO or WHO or the Indian investment in Kabul, Pakistan ran a kidney hospital in Afghanistan. It was the only trading partner with Afghanistan and housed millions of refugees from Afghanistan.

people forget this and think us dim witted when they make arguements about the plight of the Afghans and the sympathise. they have with the pashtun people. When in reality, the world had abandoned these very people for 20+ years, without education, law or healthcare. Hemoraging mothers dying at childbirth and malnutrition in the young and old.

Where was the sympathy then? Where was the concern? Pakistan is not a saint when it comes to regional affairs, but it is far from the villian some people portray it as.

Thats surprising coming from you. Other than the Pakistan sponsored Talib rule, India had good relations with Afghan govts and still does. And of course Pakistan had relations with Taliban govt, I mean you are actually claiming credit for it? Its evidence of your designs, not evience of your good deeds. During that period all other countries had relations with the internationally recognised afghan govt too, you did not.

The afghans have suffered, thats reason enough to sympathise with them. If its in india's interest to have good relations with Afghans, whats wrong in that???
and you wonder why they hate you guys?

Ive interacted with these people for two decades now.. You think you know more than me..but you dont.. I wish you were in my place and see your brain explodes out..We opened border to help them and in return Prostitution, theft, kidnapping's for ransom, murdering, suicide bombing's are the gift's they gave us..

dont quote trolls and racists

Am i trolling?? Huh?? Btw Hamari yeh AUkat hogaye Hain Ke AB Afghani bhe hum par bum barsarahey hein...

Ao Zamung Army Pa las ke Bangre Achole de..
COAS keh rahey hein k hamay apnay dushman ka pata nahe... Lanat ho..
BC our thousands innocent people have died because these *****'s(AFGHAN'S) cannot control their
country and you say I am a troll.Do your duty well or else back off..
The erasing of authentic indigenous history in exchange of teaching bogus islamic history had its profound effects on wiping nation identity and creating a terrorism crisis.

Say " All Hail " to the Commander of the Faithful Zia-ul-Haq then ! Because of him , we now have to bear the burden of these millions of ungrateful Afghans who will raise arms against the state of Pakistan once they cross the Khyber Pass and get a few centuries behind ... :azn:
Lol @ "'we' Pashtuns" as I said Pashtuns don't adopt jackals! the rest of your post is a repeated one can't copy paste the same thing to you again and again! screwing you in pf.com was the hardest thing in your private life which has affected your overall psychological order; you need a doctor!

Whats the standard criteria for becoming a " Pashtun " or how does a person qualifies for one ? Whats the International body that grants this status or decides who's one or who's not ? :azn: ... Doesn't it please you that a person is interested in your culture and practices to the point that he has adopted it ?

Basically what you are trying to say is that " I cant answer that post ! " ! :D Talks of doctors and psychology is very rich coming from a person who's nation hasn't embraced civilization yet ... :lol: Ai'nt it so , bon ami @haviZsultan ?
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Ive interacted with these people for two decades now.. You think you know more than me..but you dont.. I wish you were in my place and see your brain explodes out..We opened border to help them and in return Prostitution, theft, kidnapping's for ransom, murdering, suicide bombing's are the gift's they gave us..

It our mistake we welcomed them like brother. The Pally treatment would have been better, cram them up in refugee camps as second class people.
It our mistake we welcomed them like brother. The Pally treatment would have been better, cram them up in refugee camps as second class people.

That is what happens when a whole nation puts the interest of delusional " Ummah " ( something which doesn't exist though ) first before that of the country ! The side effects of the mistakes committed in the 80's are showing now ... An Iranian treatment to these ungrateful Afghans would have been better ! :azn: If you know what I mean ...
Say " All Hail " to the Commander of the Faithful Zia-ul-Haq then ! Because of him , we now have to bear the burden of these millions of ungrateful Afghans who will raise arms against the state of Pakistan once they cross the Khyber Pass and get a few centuries behind ... :azn:

Yes we have had similar idiotic titles in the past doing nothing but spilling blood of innocents to settle tribal feuds..need i say more without risking a ban?

That is what happens when a whole nation puts the interest of delusional " Ummah " ( something which doesn't exist though ) first before that of the country ! The side effects of the mistakes committed in the 80's are showing now ...

Did u just say Um-Hahhaahaha?
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