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Afghan mujahideen 'owe Kashmir a debt'

well many indians are still converting to islam ... and its fast growing religion in europe ..may be mughals are still ruling them secretly ..

In fact the converse is true my friend. As a member of a government sponsored organisation, it worries me personally that so many Indian Muslims are converting to Hinduism , Buddhism and Christianity in India without any "stress factors" being imposed on them
So the whole thing about J&K being the jugular vein is a sham?

your not getting it.

They are indeed.but all because of the dispute.not that ladakh is of any economic importance.atleast not as much as the rest of kashmir is
your not getting it.

They are indeed.but all because of the dispute.not that ladakh is of any economic importance.atleast not as much as the rest of kashmir is
Siachen is also not of any economic importance, rather defending it is an expensive venture both in economical as well as in personnel one. why don't you guys drop it from the discussion and concentrate on the valley and jammu region only during talks?
In fact the converse is true my friend. As a member of a government sponsored organisation, it worries me personally that so many Indian Muslims are converting to Hinduism , Buddhism and Christianity in India without any "stress factors" being imposed on them

Lol,the local muslims will burn them alive if they even tries to do so.i believe in atleast the sunni muslims of India.

ALl i know is that even pandit these days are converting into Islam.may be even you some day

Siachen is also not of any economic importance, rather defending it is an expensive venture both in economical as well as in personnel one. why don't you guys drop it from the discussion and concentrate on the valley and jammu region only during talks?

i dont know is it this much harder to get?

For Pakistan and india any inch be it having the climate of -200 degree centrigrade or +200,,they are of importance because of the dispute

but in reality ladakh,aksai chin these region are of no importance.they are more of an dud land.with population equal to a average size town.
i dont know is it this much harder to get?

For Pakistan and india any inch be it having the climate of -200 degree centrigrade or +200,,they are of importance because of the dispute

but in reality ladakh,aksai chin these region are of no importance.they are more of an dud land.with population equal to a average size town.
Well yeah i agree to that .... neither side care about the people on the ground. we got entangled into this dispute and we both ain't gonna budge from our stand.
have u ever wondered that when india was under muslim rule ..india was pieceful, no hindus were killed.. when ur army invaded them, and killed them then unfortunately they turned against all the people supporting them .. its common sense ..

They are in majority that doesnt mean they should do it ..but it does happen when the population is angry .. like hindu killed muslim, sikhs and christans in various roits.. do u want me to send links ? obviously if u would worry so much about hindus in kashmir u should have invaded kashmir .

Where do you guys keep coming from? Ever heard of Sikandar Butshikan? He did not kill Hindus? Ever heard of Aurangzeb's sardars in Kashmir? He did not kill Hindus? Its because of those terrorist bastards that Kashmir is muslim majority in the first place. The kashmiris like some other ethnicities were too weak to fight for their faith and also loved to avoid paying taxes. They need our help, they just don't know it yet.
Well yeah i agree to that .... neither side care about the people on the ground. we got entangled into this dispute and we both ain't gonna budge from our stand.

Kia kehnay

this is what i meant

And this is why i always admire mushy solution to kashmir dispute
Kia kehnay

this is what i meant

And this is why i always admire mushy solution to kashmir dispute

He was a visionary and he got guts to take any trouble by head on. had he been at the helm right now things wouldn't have been this bad. But it's just sad to see him what's been done to him now. (although I hate him for kargil but admire his no bullsh!t attitude).
He was a visionary and he got guts to take any trouble by head on. had he been at the helm right now things wouldn't have been this bad. But it's just sad to see him what's been done to him now. (although I hate him for kargil but admire his no bullsh!t attitude).

anyone supporting Mushy is my buddy
Pakistan will never renege on its obligations to support and stand by Kashmiri nation.

It's commendable for AJ to have conducted what seems to be a frank discussion. It goes to prove also that Kashmiri struggle is an indigenous one. Certain foolish voices obvious mistake it as a purely Pakistani agenda when realities on the ground suggest otherwise.

We must do more to support the cause; will be interesting to see how things transpire - especially after 2014. We should focus on development and devote more resources towards scholarships and infrastructure development on both sides of LoC. The Kashmiris will always be with us and vice versa


So a terrorist hiding the covert support of their masters qualifies as a proof of non involvement of ISI and pak in supporting militancy in kashmir? Kudos to your comprehension but sorry rest are not that naive.
really are you that dumb? it is to express the importance of kashmir for pakistan... why r u so worried about some looting done in 1947 .. they may have looted some houses but u looted their whole land ... still they love the pushtuns and hate u from the core of ur heart ... Pakistanis support palastinen cause bcoz of River Jordan, and we help afghanistan when russia invaded them bcoz of river kabul as well ... u r in denail ...

And then you destroy same afghanistan and Iraq hand in hand with US.

So dont talk crap about this umaah, you simply meddle in your interest and we know how good you were with bengali muslims.

have u ever wondered that when india was under muslim rule ..india was pieceful, no hindus were killed.. when ur army invaded them, and killed them then unfortunately they turned against all the people supporting them .. its common sense ..

They are in majority that doesnt mean they should do it ..but it does happen when the population is angry .. like hindu killed muslim, sikhs and christans in various roits.. do u want me to send links ? obviously if u would worry so much about hindus in kashmir u should have invaded kashmir .

How come india came under muslim rule genius? By peaceful talks or by invasion?

Go home kid.

So a terrorist hiding the covert support of their masters qualifies as a proof of non involvement of ISI and pak in supporting militancy in kashmir? Kudos to your comprehension but sorry rest are not that naive.

Notice they are talking about Kashmiri nation and not necessarily claiming occupied Kashmir as Pakistani; in fact the ground realities are that despite global designations - such groups do hold considerable influence on the ground

You may call them terrorists and it's natural that you would do so since they have killed a lot of the occupation forces nestled there off and on for the past 6 decades.

By the way - hundustan is known to have armed and supported non Muslim proxies in occupied J&K - though demographics and numbers aren't entirely on their side (hence AFSPA an other methods which are far more brutal than any terrorism you indians yap about)
Gulbadeen hikmatyar hizb e islami fighters are joke compared to taliban.
Pakistanist need to understand that no guerralla warfare can be successful without cooperation of locals. Taliban or any foriegn militants would simply fail in kashmir.
Kashmiris dont like pashtuns, in 19th century they supported sikhs against their afghan rulers. They would hate taliban.

That's factually incorrect. You forgot about 1948
well many indians are still converting to islam ... and its fast growing religion in europe ..may be mughals are still ruling them secretly ..

It is really hard to imagine a Hindu converting to Muslim. At least I haven't seen one. There could be some case, but they are rare.
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