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advantages Of Creation Of Bangladesh To Pakistan

Hmm you dont seem to belong to Akhand Bharat supporters, Or you forgetting the great desires of your peers?

Akhand Bharat is a fringe idea mooted by a set of right wing groups who enjoy extremely limited support in India. It's high time Pakistanis understood that.

I accept that till the late 1970s, several people in India used to wish to 'regain Pakistan', but trust me - the current generation is thorougly against any form of unification with Pakistan or any other country.

In this aspect at least, we have moved on, and time you did too. You guys are fed images of right wing fanatics speaking about 'Akhand Bharat' and you lap it up, thinking that that is the prevalent view among majority of Indians. Nothing could be further from the truth.
What you proposing? We shoud have completely destroyed you instead of submission?

Yes, you have tried to completely destroy us in 1971. Your army wanted anyone Bangali to be killed or maimed. But, you failed in your effort by the armless Bangalis and gained only a shame by being defeated. Your fanatism was responsible for all those events. And we see more of that stuff in your country at the moment.

Instead of dreaming an absurd, dream how you are going to keep your country intact, and how you are going to stop your bombing killings. Think of the situation your country is facing now. No nuke is strong enough to protect a country when many of its own citizens are bent to destroy it.
I am shocked by reading this article. I am a Bangladeshi but stayed in Pakistan long time. The man who has written this article is a self centred. He has a limited vision and no idea about history of the sub-continent. I donnot agree with his arguments.

@ We all should remember that Pakistan was created on the basis of “two nation theory” propagated by Jinnah. Who in turn got insperation from the famous theory of President Wilson “One Nation one State” after the Ist World War”. It was the out put struggle of all Indian Muslims as a whole. We the Bangladeshi and Pakistanise are the lucky enough to get a separate independent state. Think about the muslims of Kashmir and all other muslims of India ?

@ Donnot underestimate the Bengalese which your forefathers had been doing for the last 25 years(1947-1971). For your information the politics(Muslim Leaque) you are doing in Pakistan now was first created in Dhaka in 1906. The Bengalese were far better politician then the west Pakistanese in those days. You heard the saying that, ” What the Bengalese thinks today the Indian thinks tomorrow”.

@ The Bengal came under British rule just after Battle of Pallassey in 1757 and the greater part of Pakistan came on that day (1849) after the Second Anglo-Sikh War. So it has some impact both in political as well as social.

@ In 1857 once “Sepoy Mutiny” brole out in India most of the people of Western India being a Muslim collaborated with the British. Although you had been in a better position being closer to Afganistan and Russian and the only route to get supply. On the other hand we the poor Bangalese revolted and fought isolately without any result. And our Bengale Army units were disbanded and historically known as non-marshal nation. Since you collaborrated so you became a marshall nation in fighting amd dominated the Pakistani politics for 25 years.

@ Who says that the Bengalees population were a burden to Pakistan ? If we could have remained together then India could have never dared ? The seven sisters could have been splitted into pieces with the help of China. For your information the period of Ayub Khan was a golden period in united Pakistan. In those days the economy of Pakistan was considered as “Namuna” in the third world countries. Go and ask your grand father before writing any comment on this blog ! I will be comming soon.:pakistan:
The the accident of Bangladesh separation came by no other than dictators like Ayub and champions of democracy Bhutto played in sync by India with puppet Mujeeb. What I feel sorry as a political blunder is India did not gain anything from it. Bangladesh remains on good terms with Pakistan and even after separation, Pakistan assisted it well with cadet training and relations remain well off.
What I feel sorry as a political blunder is India did not gain anything from it.

lolzzz ...

Yes, you are correct. India did not gain anything however, pakistan was cutoff into two pieces. So decide who's the loser ??:pakistan:
The Bengalese were far better politician then the west Pakistanese in those days. You heard the saying that, ” What the Bengalese thinks today the Indian thinks tomorrow”.

Perhaps that's why Indians are far ahead than us today, cos they might have rethought and judged what Bangalies thought and then proceeded. :confused:

Whatever, Welcome to Defence.pk
We need new Bangladeshi Member.
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I am always left wondering now if all are against division why they cannot be united now ?

In fact, no one was ready in east Pakistan for the breaking up of Pakistan. But, the March 26 operation by Pak military in 1971 changed everything. However, I would say, the war and its results both are not that enjoyed by the population.

On the other hand, no one (except a few dissidents) wants a political unity. A kind of friendship is probably ok. A visa free travel may happen in the future when both the countries are economically strong. Same should be with India, too.
In fact, no one was ready in east Pakistan for the breaking up of Pakistan. But, the March 26 operation by Pak military in 1971 changed everything. However, I would say, the war and its results both are not that enjoyed by the population.

On the other hand, no one (except a few dissidents) wants a political unity. A kind of friendship is probably ok. A visa free travel may happen in the future when both the countries are economically strong. Same should be with India, too.

Seeds of discord were sowed in in 1965 itself, when east Pakistan was left defenseless against possible Indian invasion, but luckily India did not East Pakistan then..most of the war was fought on wester front itself, but East Pakistani population felt betrayed.

Second blow came after the catastrophic Bhola cyclone of 1970, in which more than half a million people died and not enough resources, were allocated by west Pakistan to deal with disaster.

Third blow was, Z.A Bhutto along with Yayha Khan conspired against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and refused let him become the Prime minister,even though he had won the majority

Operation Searchlight by Tikka Khan was the proverbial last nail in coffin of bonhomie b/w East and West, the die was cast.

Plus there was an underlying racial discord b/w two populations, West Pakistanis considered themselves a superior race, which is why they refuse grant power to Mujibur Rahman.
Von Hölle;1153553 said:
Seeds of discord were sowed in in 1965 itself, when east Pakistan was left defenseless against possible Indian invasion, but luckily India did not East Pakistan then..most of the war was fought on wester front itself, but East Pakistani population felt betrayed.

Second blow came after the catastrophic Bhola cyclone of 1970, in which more than half a million people died and not enough resources, were allocated by west Pakistan to deal with disaster.

Third blow was, Z.A Bhutto along with Yayha Khan conspired against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and refused let him become the Prime minister,even though he had won the majority

Operation Searchlight by Tikka Khan was the proverbial last nail in coffin of bonhomie b/w East and West, the die was cast.

Plus there was an underlying RACIAL DISCORD b/w two populations, West Pakistanis considered themselves A SUPERIOR RACE, which is why they refuse grant power to Mujibur Rahman.

Please note the bolded part of your post. You have oversimplified the reasons. It certainly is not true, but, India has always been playing this race card all along. Political matters were involved that created one knot after another. Those are vast subjects, cannot be discussed in details here in the PDF.
Yeah right in Electricity production Bangladesh is far behind Pakistan. I was amazed to see thet Bangladesh total generation capacity is around 3500 MW. When Pakistani single city Karachi has its generation capacity of around 2300 MW.
Yeah right in Electricity production Bangladesh is far behind Pakistan. I was amazed to see thet Bangladesh total generation capacity is around 3500 MW. When Pakistani single city Karachi has its generation capacity of around 2300 MW.

Pakistan's current generating capacity is 10,000 MW. Ours is not far behind 4000 MW + 2500 MW (captive assumption).
We have more capacity but due to gas shortage the plant are not operating.
hahahahaahahahahahahahahahahah what can i say jaajajajajajajajajajajajajaj
what a looser thread , advantages Of Creation Of Bangladesh To Pakistan lol .. height of ignorance
Pakistan's current generating capacity is 10,000 MW. Ours is not far behind 4000 MW + 2500 MW (captive assumption).
We have more capacity but due to gas shortage the plant are not operating.


Pakistan have 20'000 MW electricity generating capacity.

And our Power demands in summer season is 16000 MW.

Currently we are producing 14550 MW.
I never looked at the creation of Bangladesh as a negative thing. Symbolically, some may dislike it, but for all practical purposes, it has only had benefits for Pakistan.
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