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advantages Of Creation Of Bangladesh To Pakistan

All empire fall.

No, they were just replaced by another foreigner.

Who was the one talking about his people invaded and looting India? How we submit to foreigners? So please save it.

Perhaps you forgot Ahmed Shah Durrani! Don't forget the humiliating defeat at Panipat!

Thinking your people didnt get take over, please.


nope, we resisted:sniper:, but your people served tea to your conquerors
Perhaps you forgot Ahmed Shah Durrani! Don't forget the humiliating defeat at Panipat!
Did you just forget the continuous forgien empires that ruled Afghanistan? Which is worse then losing a battle.

nope, we resisted:sniper:, but your people served tea to your conquerors

Your people converted,adopted other people's religion and culture and fought in their armies. :wave:
Did you just forget the continuous forgien empires that ruled Afghanistan? Which is worse then losing a battle.

once again, Afghanistan was never ruled by anyone but the Afghans themselves! Perhaps your too ignorant or too slow to comprehend to reality!

Your people converted,adopted other people's religion and culture and fought in their armies. :wave:

Who's culture did we adopt? Pashtuns always practiced PashtunWali for thousands of years, even today! Regarding religion, that was our choice if we become Muslim, no one forced it down our throats! And yes, Pashtuns serve in Pakistan army because we are a part of Pakistan so its our duty to defend our nation. But we never served the britishers like you indians did!

On the other hand you indians are so hell bent on proving your selves secular, and fair skinned, always trying to look western (serious case of inferiority complex and identity crisis), but the West never accept those who kiss up to them, a good example is the Arabs who joined hands with the british against the Turks, and what they got was israel in return.
once again, Afghanistan was never ruled by anyone but the Afghans themselves! Perhaps your too ignorant or too slow to comprehend to reality!

Who culture did we adopt? Regarding religion, that was our choice if we become Muslim, no one forced it down our throats!

On the other hand you indians are so hell bent on proving your selves secular, and fair skinned, always trying to look western (serious case of inferiority complex and identity crisis), but the West never accept those who kiss up to them.
Once again it was many times. Get over it. Every people gets ruled by others, one point or another. You have been feed to much Pashton bravery bs bro.

I dont give **** about all of these. So save it. Not my problems some Indians have these problems.

And it seems you have some sort of superior complex, with Pashtuns never getting conquered :blah:

Far from the truth. Foreign ruler after the other. If the Pashtuns fought back, then why did foreign rulers keep replacing the other?

Can we PM each other. Because its been going on for to long here. GB :wave:

Off topic ended?
We are Pakistanis bcz we believe in two nation theory based on religion, Whereas bengalis opted for separation on the basis of race? bengali nationalism!!.

Bengali nationalism adopted by Mujib after 71 however it was replaced by Bangladeshi nationalism similar to Pakistani nationalism. You need to study our transformation after the revolution of 75.

We are Pakistanis bcz we beliveve the supermacy of Urdu as the language of Muslims over all other regional languages, whereas bengalis hates Urdu in every aspect.

I as a Bangladeshi proud to announce that I am fluent in Urdu. You are new in this forum and obviously not aware that I have defend Urdu over Bangla and still convey my message that Urdu was right and appropriate language for united Pakistan. Yes, it true that many Bangladeshi dislike Urdu but not all. Urdu still being teach in Bangladesh but smaller scale.

Most of bengali people thinks that the sole burden of Pakistan separation is on the shoulder of West Pakistan whereas the fact is right from the begining you never trusted in two nation theory, Yes you created Muslim League but the sole purpose of it to secure your intrests in divided bengal circa 1906 division, you never dream of a nation base on religion.

The fact is after 38 years of seperation, you found yourself in a hole, bcz if you are true bengali than you should merge with West bengal or vise versa but west bengals hate you, you know why? Its your religion which you left behind 38 years back.

There are probably more Masjid in Dhaka city then Lahore and Karachi combined. There are more Masjid per kilometer in Bangladesh then any Islamic nations. We are surrounded by Hindus from three side and Buddhist from one side yet we are still Muslims and going strong. If our Iman was weak and we did not believe in tauheed then we would have been eliminated by Bharati influence long ago.

Today you could not claim to be the soldier of bengali nationalism (Amar sonar bangla) nor you are the soldier of Islam, I just don't know what you are hence called you only bengladeshis.

We have separated from West Pakistan because it didn't work out but that doesn't mean Bangladeshi left Islam. There was a brief trail after 71 but revived it with full sewing after 75. :tup:

Bangladeshi would do it for me. :)
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You are new in this forum and obviously not aware that I have defend Urdu over Bangla and still convey my message that Urdu was right and appropriate language for united Pakistan.

Could you please briefly explain this to me please why you think so. Either here or through a pm, thanks bro. I personally have no problem with Urdu, I study Urdu myself whenever I have free time. But I would be against having Urdu as the ONLY national language given the large number of non-Urdu speakers in East Pakistan who are also away from Urdu influence unlike the non-Urdu speakers in West Pakistan.
I didn't read all the bullshits, but Afghanistan was first to fall under invading forces, be it Babur, Alex, Arabs or Nader. If anything Afghanistan ever ruled is now situated in present day Pakistan and North-West India. There's a reason Afghanistan wants Pakistan territory for somekinda greater Afghanistan thingy.

Apart from Mourya, Pala empire also stretched to present day Afghanistan.
And secondly, i have no Hindu blood in me and neither am i related to any Hindus, i'm of the same blood as those who conquered and looted india 10 times in 20 years. I'm of the same blood as those who defeated and humiliated hindu armies at the battle of Panipat

Now don't get all itchy if some American says the same thing to you. Oh wait, they won't be able to loot you. I mean what is there to loot? Rugged mountains and goats? :s

Which battle of Panipath? The one in which Babur humiliated Afghans? The one in which Akbar won against Hemu? Or the one in which Afghans defeated Marathas expanding to North India but faced as much causalities if not more as Marathas.
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Bengali nationalism adopted by Mujib after 71 however it was replaced by Bangladeshi nationalism similar to Pakistani nationalism. You need to study our transformation after the revolution of 75.

I as a Bangladeshi proud to announce that I am fluent in Urdu. You are new in this forum and obviously not aware that I have defend Urdu over Bangla and still convey my message that Urdu was right and appropriate language for united Pakistan. Yes, it true that many Bangladeshi dislike Urdu but not all. Urdu still being teach in Bangladesh but smaller scale.

There are probably more Masjid in Dhaka city then Lahore and Karachi combined. There are more Masjid per kilometer in Bangladesh then any Islamic nations. We are surrounded by Hindus from three side and Buddhist from one side yet we are still Muslims and going strong. If our Iman was weak and we did not believe in tauheed then we would have been eliminated by Bharati influence long ago.

We have separated from West Pakistan because it didn't work out but that doesn't mean Bangladeshi left Islam. There was a brief trail after 71 but revived it with full sewing after 75. :tup:

Bangladeshi would do it for me. :)

Zakir Bhai, I truly respect your thoughts & believes my apologies!! You are an exception and exceptions don’t make the rule, here the irony is that the majority of Bengali people still get fooled on the issue of nationalism & language after 40 years of wilderness. For every true Muslim nationality always comes seconds no matter who the hell he is and this apply even for Arabs as well, but sadly it could not be said about Bengali Muslims historically.

Secondly, Yes, I admit the native speakers of Urdu are short but the influence and acceptance level which it posses amongst Muslim populous of the whole subcontinent is so huge that it cannot be ignored, that’s the reason, our Quaid simply refuse to accept Bengali side by side with Urdu bcz once there is Bengali than why not Punjabi, Pashtu, Sindhi etc., the whole idea of one nation will simply lost in this race.

Therefore, my emphasis once again is that Intentionally or unintentionally, Bengali People lost these two basic ingredients of a true Pakistani right from the beginning and for me if its intentionally than its cruel and mischievous and if its unintentionally than who said the Bengalis are the highest IQ level people in the whole subcontinent?
Zakir Bhai, I truly respect your thoughts & believes my apologies!! You are an exception and exceptions don’t make the rule, here the irony is that the majority of Bengali people still get fooled on the issue of nationalism & language after 40 years of wilderness. For every true Muslim nationality always comes seconds no matter who the hell he is and this apply even for Arabs as well, but sadly it could not be said about Bengali Muslims historically.

Ya right.. you guys still fight amongst Pashtun/Panajabi/Muhajir etc. You guys even yet to learn how to live in others neighbourhood. I even saw Pashtun and Pakthun differences amongst you. If nationality comes second then why not you merge with Iran or Afhganistan?? Why whole world had to fight for Kuwait when saddam invaded it? Why Yemen still called Yemen and not the Saudi Kingdom despite their abject poverty.

Saying so, sure we could have a united pakistan as everybody belived that Muslim in sub continent are all same. But after 1947, it was evident that West Pakistanis are the most intolerant society to live with. Bengalis did accept Urdu as a national language as we thought you are comfortable with it and we expected that you will do the same by accepting Bangla as national language as well. But you never taken that in your heart neither you incorporated that in your curriculam except printing currency and on postal stamp.

Secondly, Yes, I admit the native speakers of Urdu are short but the influence and acceptance level which it posses amongst Muslim populous of the whole subcontinent is so huge that it cannot be ignored, that’s the reason, our Quaid simply refuse to accept Bengali side by side with Urdu bcz once there is Bengali than why not Punjabi, Pashtu, Sindhi etc., the whole idea of one nation will simply lost in this race.

You are wrong again. Urdu did not have any influence in Bengali Muslim whatsoever. And why not Pashtu/Punjabi because Most people spoke Bengali in United Pakistan so Majority must be granted.

Therefore, my emphasis once again is that Intentionally or unintentionally, Bengali People lost these two basic ingredients of a true Pakistani right from the beginning and for me if its intentionally than its cruel and mischievous and if its unintentionally than who said the Bengalis are the highest IQ level people in the whole subcontinent?

Let me tell you one thing. If you dont know your peer then you better leave him. To you Bengal is just a strangers land and you did have very little knowledge about Bengalis sensitivity. What you guys think silly we take it seriously. For that simple reason its east india now bengal ruled whole India including Afhganistan for 2 millenium. We are just different.
Ya right.. you guys still fight amongst Pashtun/Panajabi/Muhajir etc. You guys even yet to learn how to live in others neighbourhood. I even saw Pashtun and Pakthun differences amongst you. If nationality comes second then why not you merge with Iran or Afhganistan?? Why whole world had to fight for Kuwait when saddam invaded it? Why Yemen still called Yemen and not the Saudi Kingdom despite their abject poverty.

WE are United for the sake of Two Nation Theory we believe in, and for your information one day all Muslim lands will united under the banner of Imam Mehdi and Muslims all across world are waiting for that moment to happened didn't You?

Saying so, sure we could have a united pakistan as everybody belived that Muslim in sub continent are all same. But after 1947, it was evident that West Pakistanis are the most intolerant society to live with. Bengalis did accept Urdu as a national language as we thought you are comfortable with it and we expected that you will do the same by accepting Bangla as national language as well. But you never taken that in your heart neither you incorporated that in your curriculam except printing currency and on postal stamp.

Urdu is not our langauage as well, we accept it on the basis of its diversity and acceptance to majority of Muslim of the subcontinent, so you should accept it as well, didn't you?

You are wrong again. Urdu did not have any influence in Bengali Muslim whatsoever. And why not Pashtu/Punjabi because Most people spoke Bengali in United Pakistan so Majority must be granted.

Again Majority of the Muslim Population of the subcontinent want to talk in Urdu than why only the bengali's objects? As a matter of fact the whole Muslim population of India are the constituancy of Muslim League in the first place.

Let me tell you one thing. If you dont know your peer then you better leave him. To you Bengal is just a strangers land and you did have very little knowledge about Bengalis sensitivity. What you guys think silly we take it seriously. For that simple reason its east india now bengal ruled whole India including Afhganistan for 2 millenium. We are just different.

Yes, I know the first british vessels on the soils of Indian subcontinents are your great people not for just trade but to back stab in the Muslim empire of Mughals, I agree you are Tr***s right from the begining. Congratulations.
All the talk of forcing a diverse country to accept one 'National Language' and imposing that language is bullshit, and will end in a bad way. India has more than 1000 languages, out of which 15 are official languages in the Indian constitution. Each state conducts business in its own language such as Bengali, Kannada, Marathi, etc. If the government would have attempted to force one single language down everyone's throats, India would have split into 15-20 parts by today.

Again Majority of the Muslim Population of the subcontinent want to talk in Urdu than why only the bengali's objects?

Statements like this are primitive and dangerous. Just because a majority of around 70% people want to talk one particular language, you cannot impose that language on people who have a culture, language and history of their own. What is wrong with having two states, one Urdu speaking and one Bengali speaking, with things which involve lot of interaction with local people like law and order, Public works, etc. being under the state government, and things like defence, national communication systems, etc. being under the central government?
Again Majority of the Muslim Population of the subcontinent want to talk in Urdu than why only the bengali's objects? As a matter of fact the whole Muslim population of India are the constituancy of Muslim League in the first place.

lol what ignorance! :D

Go to South India and force anyone to speak Urdu, you will be smacked before you say Urd! :D

Or South Indian Muslims are not included to your definition of subcontinents Muslims! ;-)
Yes, I know the first british vessels on the soils of Indian subcontinents are your great people not for just trade but to
back stab in the Muslim empire of Mughals
, I agree you are Tr***s right from the begining. Congratulations.

Bro, that empire at the time was completely disintegrating from Maratha attacks and revolts from rajputs,sikhs,etc. Mughals themselves became the puppets of the British later. Can you blame the Bengalis? And the emperors of the Mughal empire wasnt the greatest Muslims BTW.
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