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Acts of Terrorism in pakistan I

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This is so sad!!!! RIP ...burn in hell to the suicide bombers.
I hope god gives strength to families of the dead for their untimely and unjust death.

People are nuts, and they should be hunted and killed, cant believe they could do something like this
Hmmmm thanks for proving my point.......:disagree:

I've always tried to get out of this high-school level of 'proving' each others points in a forum. It is better to educate oneself. You can keep your gratitude, Sir. Thanks, but no thanks.

I actually locked that thread before and only re-opened it at the behest of the original poster who was trying to make a (positive) point about how we are actually all similar

An Islamic Evangelists third grade propaganda material is something positive from when ? :lol:

Unfortunately YOU got there first and turned it into a personal war between you and others...hence it got closed again.

Yeah, it was I who called others pagans and their beliefs some imaginary things not worth my respect. :rofl: And it was me who went about asking another members caste eh ?

Hypocrisy drips in every assertion of yours. You came running in to help your friends after they were caught pants down posting something they did not even understand straight from google! And straight you go to support another thread with exactly the same bullshyt posted in the old thread! Personal war my foot!

When a mild mannered member tells you to stop preaching and taking a "holier than thou" attitude it is not just my perception.

You can bring half the world to share your opinion and I still ain't impressed. That is how everybody feels when facing some uncomfortable truth.
Its a strange war.

The ones who are killing are muslims.
Ones being killed are muslims.
All those who think that they are right are muslims.
All those who are blamed for wrongdoings are muslims.
And,All this is happening in an independent country that is muslim .

God bless us all.
Its a strange war.

The ones who are killing are muslims.
Ones being killed are muslims.
All those who think that they are right are muslims.
All those who are blamed for wrongdoings are muslims.
And,All this is happening in an independent country that is muslim .

God bless us all.

Europe did that in WW2

Its not strange x-man its pathetic
Whats getting to me are more killings of Chiness workers which China are also helping us
technology I guess those Mullah will love it to be bombed back to the stone age by the Infidels have mosque blown and Islam humilated completely by western media !

What Muslims !

“Operation Silence,” as the final action by security forces against the Lal Masjid brigade on July 11 was apparently titled, appears to have silenced only a very small number of extremists, as a violent backlash is being witnessed across the country. Daily Times reviews the sound and fury that has erupted since.

On July 12: Eight paramilitary personnel are wounded in a rocket attack on a Bajaur Scouts’ fort in Bajaur Agency.

On July 13: Local Taliban threaten suicide attacks in retaliation against the Lal Masjid operation. Four policemen and three militants are killed in a suicide blast in Takhtabad, Swat. Troops surround Khabal town in Swat amid fears of a military operation, and one person is wounded in a blast near Khabal police station in the same locality. Three suicide bombers are arrested in Dera Ismail Khan, explosive-strapped belts are seized.

On July 14: Militants target a military convoy with a remote-controlled device, wounding two soldiers in Bannu. Militants ram an explosives-laden car into a military convoy in the Dosall area near Miranshah, killing 24 paramilitary personnel and injuring several others. Local Taliban launch a ‘Shariah implementation drive’ in Bajaur Agency. Militants fire two rockets at a makeshift security forces’ camp in Malakand University, wounding two security officials. Nine people are killed in clashes between supporters of two radical clerics in Khyber Agency’s Bara Tehsil. Police recover two anti-tank mines from a car in Peshawar. Militants attack a Frontier Constabulary vehicle in Turbat, Balochistan, killing one and injuring another.

July 15: Twenty-five people are killed in a suicide attack on a police recruitment centre in Dera Ismail Khan. Eleven security personnel are killed in a suicide attack on a military convoy in Swat. Local Taliban withdraw a peace accord, agreed with the authorities in September, reacting to the redeployment of troops in North Waziristan. A tribal jirga in Swat strongly opposes military operations in Malakand.

July 16: The NWFP government announces that its opposition to military operations in Swat after a 100-member jirga meets with Chief Minister Akram Khan Durrani to express their opposition to the use of force in Malakand Agency.

July 17: At least ten people are killed in a suicide attack and an armed clash in the Khyber and North Waziristan Agencies, respectively. A lawyer’s rally which the suspended chief justice of Pakistan is about to address is hit by a suicide bomber, killing at least 13 and injuring more than 43 in Islamabad, as the wave of violence moves from the remote northwest to the symbolic centre of the country, its capital. Meanwhile, the backlash shows no signs of abating in the periphery as militants hurl rockets at a security convoy in Miranshah, killing 17 soldiers and wounding several others.

add to them those happened today

7 killed from July 19 attack in Hangu city

The less said about today is better .

My God, that is some serious S.H.I.T. man
RIYADH: Saudi Arabia's Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdulaziz Al-Shaikh has urged the Muslim youth to be aware of those elements that are launching fake jihad.

In an interview to Saudi daily, the Grand Mufti said that there are large number of elements, which are giving lessons of fake jihad to the youth and misguiding common man. They are launching a drive to detract Muslims from the path of faith.

Shaikh Abdul Aziz said that Jihad in present time is to shun evils and follow the teachings of Islam.

He added that there are two schools of thoughts in this connection. The one is on an erroneous path and the other one is the group, which consider itself on the correct path and declare non-Muslims all those persons who belonged to another school of thought.

Saudi Grand Mufti advised young men not to follow such teachings and consult with authentic religious scholars to get rid of such malicious thoughts.

I've always tried to get out of this high-school level of 'proving' each others points in a forum. It is better to educate oneself. You can keep your gratitude, Sir. Thanks, but no thanks.
Hmm seems like you spend quite a bit of time on this forum "proving" things......As for gratitude, sarcasm obviously goes over your head......you should be a limbo dancer :lol:
Education is a two way street and I damn well know you don't know as much as you like to think you do.

An Islamic Evangelists third grade propaganda material is something positive from when ? :lol:
Ask the original poster. Since you have a over inflated sense of your intelligence, maybe you could have "educated him without the arrogant overtone (but I guess it is beyond you.):lol:

Yeah, it was I who called others pagans and their beliefs some imaginary things not worth my respect. :rofl: And it was me who went about asking another members caste eh ?

Hypocrisy drips in every assertion of yours. You came running in to help your friends after they were caught pants down posting something they did not even understand straight from google! And straight you go to support another thread with exactly the same bullshyt posted in the old thread! Personal war my foot!
I closed the thread in question because it had descended into name calling and other stupidity. Frankly I have better things to do than constantly babysit threads. If they bother you so much try the ignore function unless you feel compelled to prove something.....

You can bring half the world to share your opinion and I still ain't impressed.
That would be your arrogance rearing it's ugly head again.;)

That is how everybody feels when facing some uncomfortable truth.
Ahh now you have a handle upon "truth" huh........:rofl:
I closed the thread in question because it had descended into name calling and other stupidity. Frankly I have better things to do than constantly babysit threads. If they bother you so much try the ignore function unless you feel compelled to prove something.....

Why dont you just carry on doing those important things and leave us alone!!! Did anybody beg you to be here eh?
This is so sad!!!! RIP ...burn in hell to the suicide bombers.
I hope god gives strength to families of the dead for their untimely and unjust death.

People are nuts, and they should be hunted and killed, cant believe they could do something like this

Are you surprised at whats happening? Im not.

They are getting bombed everywhere, Isl'd, Karachi, Baluch, NEFP..now you know this shyt is present in all nook and corners. Isolated incidents are seen. But such a widescale attack on a nation;s assets including Army and Civilians in such a widescale manner....!!!

The cost of ' freedom fight '. I think the bloodiest ' freedom fight ' has just started.
Ok here is the battleplan for insurgenicies that I created in a thread in the army section based on one from a tv program I saw:

1) Objectives to include long term political goals as well as short term military strategies

2) Civil support from the local population to win hearts and minds

3) Build up of military forces and political wings

4) Attrition Phase of wearing down the enemy

5) Transition of guerilla fighting to conventional warfare

6) Takeover phase politically by the guerillas or destruction of ideology by counter forces.

So in the context of what is going on right now:

1) The long term political goal of the militants is the establishment of A taliban like regime in Pakistan and the short term goals would be securing a base in the tribal areas from which to enforce this.

2) the requirement of civil support can and has been met considerably and the militants have links to many madrassas for recruits and amongst the local tribes. This will have been reinforced by the lal masjid episode as many students came from NWFP.

3) The militant forces are considerably built up and well equiped from conflicts in Afghanistan. There is also the illegal black market at Dera Adam Khel which they also get weapons. As for political wings there are again the madrassas and Mullahs.

4) Attrition phase of the battleplan appears to be well under way.

5) The program I saw actually reffered to the Afghan war during the Soviet invasion and commented how there was no transition to conventional tactics.

6) Takeover phase politically would lead to a Taliban regime in Pakistan and heres to hoping that does not happen.

During my visit last year to Pakistan a bomb went off in Hangu in a market and when the army sent in some forces to prevent the usual sectarian violence I was shocked to see about a platoons worth of men in two Hino 5 tonners all without ballistic protection of any kind.

I have commented before also on how a photo in Jason Burkes book Al Qaeda shows a pakistani soldier in Waziristan wearing a steel helmet used by the British in WW2 and armed with a AK 47.
Other photos of the troops being sent in at the moment show them driving around in open topped pick up trucks.

This has given me the impression that Pakistani forces are woefully ill equiped to deal with this Jihad.
On the basis that so far all the places I visited last year on Holiday have been attacked it appears to me that Lahore would be next.
Education is a two way street

Only with people willing to learn.

and I damn well know you don't know as much as you like to think you do.

I've told you to stop assuming and imagining things about me.

you should be a limbo dancer

Cut the crap.

Since you have a over inflated sense of your intelligence,

Nonsense. Stop imagining things.

maybe you could have "educated him without the arrogant overtone

Yes, ofcourse. To idiots who copy-pasting utter nonsense without understanding not so much as word out of it -I must go around lecturing with utmost respect and humility after which you shall promptly arrive to save their faces with a thread lock.

I closed the thread in question because it had descended into name calling and other stupidity.

Don't come to me complaining about that. It was not my fault - you should go tell your friends who engaged in name calling.

After having Hinduism labelled as a pagan concotion, 'a disgusting religion', 'all Indian are 'typical', 'what caste are you Samudra?'...you don't have time to baby sit threads and would come around complaining about how I engage in passing derogatory remarks eh?

Frankly I have better things to do than constantly babysit threads

Please attend to better things then. Don't bother about the forum and it being converted into one of those other kind of forums full of fundamentalist idiots copy-pasting third grade bile from the internet. And go around warning users at the receiving end of derogatory remarks with about half a dozen personal remarks for your share. Please attend to the better things.

If they bother you so much try the ignore function

It appears that is the only way preventing a moderator from 'telling you' things when you're being called names. Cool.

Have fun.
Why dont you just carry on doing those important things and leave us alone!!! Did anybody beg you to be here eh?

No one asked you to come on here and start whining either. Didn't stop you did it?:lol:
Only with people willing to learn.

I've told you to stop assuming and imagining things about me.

Cut the crap.

Nonsense. Stop imagining things.

Yes, ofcourse. To idiots who copy-pasting utter nonsense without understanding not so much as word out of it -I must go around lecturing with utmost respect and humility after which you shall promptly arrive to save their faces with a thread lock.

Don't come to me complaining about that. It was not my fault - you should go tell your friends who engaged in name calling.

After having Hinduism labelled as a pagan concotion, 'a disgusting religion', 'all Indian are 'typical', 'what caste are you Samudra?'...you don't have time to baby sit threads and would come around complaining about how I engage in passing derogatory remarks eh?

Please attend to better things then. Don't bother about the forum and it being converted into one of those other kind of forums full of fundamentalist idiots copy-pasting third grade bile from the internet. And go around warning users at the receiving end of derogatory remarks with about half a dozen personal remarks for your share. Please attend to the better things.

It appears that is the only way preventing a moderator from 'telling you' things when you're being called names. Cool.

Have fun.

Yes you are right you have me figured out........:disagree:
It's all a conspiracy on my part to defame you and your religion.

Now you can stop whining...........:tup:
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