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Active denial system - illuminati weapon against blacks and negros, latins, asian civilians


Mar 3, 2014
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Russian Federation

95 ghz microwaves.

0-5 seconds no harm.

5-10 seconds burnings of second and third degree

over 10 seconds absolute deadly. insurgent will be cooked like a roasted beef.

this weapon will be used against US CIVILIANS from National guards.

I have predicted a year ago and members like @KAL-EL made fun of my prediction. Now it is beginning you dumbies.

In less than ten years from now on, your country will turn into a police state with brute force against poor civilians.
look at the second video. US police shooting a negro live on camera!
If you're going to call me (or anyone else out) for saying something a year ago. Might be a good idea to have some post proof. Until then, it's just your sour grapes. Post the proof, and I'll come back here and will stand corrected.

if not, please don't troll tag me again.
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Sorry, I've dropped my bag of illuminati
I first saw a documentary on non lethal crowd control devices, including active denial system way back in 2005-06. So your prediction, and warning to @KAL-EL should predate that time frame.
Lol,ads is the future weapon for mass control..you prefer one or more broken bones or serious injuries,go ahead.
ADS is a preparation for the turmoils that will follow mass unemployement in the us, when war with china brakes out in less than ten years.

China wan´t to destroy american hegemony. cause of that it is an own created enemy from the western elite aka "illuminati" how they call themselfs proudly.

illuminati is latin word for "the enlightened ones"
. .
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