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AC-313 Helicopter Assembly Plant

No body claimed it is 100% China made, but then again... never mind, you just got banned by the mods.

My fellow was speaking right and absolute a positive post in this thread.

But yours is the non sense and non value which descried your speechless caused by my fellow point of views.

Again if not having something mean to tell then avoid speak is better!

AC 313 is designed to perform at high-altitude area. that is what distinguish it from Z-8 and french frelon.

Finally I have heard a true confession from a Chinese.

Better than hearing from China's fan boys here!
My fellow was speaking right and absolute a positive post in this thread.

But yours is the non sense and non value which descried your speechless caused by my fellow point of views.

Again if not having something mean to tell then avoid speak is better!

Getting upset your friend get banned? :cheesy:
So it is not the Chinese made 100%?

LOL How thick face the Chinese come up and claim to World that they are home-ground product? :lol:
Boeing plane's many component are made by other country, Does it mean Boeing is not USA grown plane?
So what, what can you produce? BABYSITE? you do it for more than 40 years, till now, so you are, Don't you be shameful for non-chang in 40 yes, You can here to troll china, Keep on, Under the table, Do you think American think you are somebody??? Idiot.!
Asia's largest helicopter to hit the market


"The 13-ton AC313 civilian helicopter, independently made by Aviation Industry Corporation of China, was licensed last week by Civil Aviation Administration of China."


The interior view of China's AC313 helicopter cockpit.

Asia's largest helicopter to hit the market - People's Daily Online

"Asia's largest helicopter to hit the market
By Tu Lufang (Beijing Daily)
16:18, January 09, 2012

The 13-ton AC313 civilian helicopter, independently made by Aviation Industry Corporation of China, was licensed last week by Civil Aviation Administration of China.

The AC313 is expected to play a big role in rescue, forest fire prevention, transportation, offshore operation, medical aid, sightseeing and other public purposes.

Currently, the company has received a total of 32 orders and the first one is due in the third quarter.

The AC313, China's first self-made large civilian helicopter, achieves world-class level of the third generation of helicopters; confirming China’s comparability in large helicopter research and development with Europe, America and Russia.

Meanwhile, the AC313 is also China's first plateau helicopter; promising marked improvement in aviation emergency rescue capability.

China's geographical environment is so special that up to 25 percent of the country's total land area is plateau in the west, over 3,000 meters above sea level. The West Development and the national emergency rescue system cry out for plateau helicopters.


[Note: Thank you to Greyboy2 for the newslink and pictures.]
Chinese AC313 receives certification

05 January 2012 - 10:39 by Tony Osborne in London

The Avicopter AC313 has been certified by the Chinese Civil Aviation Authority (CAAC), paving the way for the aircraft’s introduction to operational service with civilian operators in China.

In issuing the certification on 5 January for the 13-tonne helicopter, the authorities said the AC313 meets the regulations in accordance with the requirements of CCAR-29R1, allowing the aircraft to play a role in disaster relief activities, forest fire prevention and offshore operations.

Details released by the Xinhua News Agency said that the AC313 went through a strict airworthiness test regime for certification, including 200 hours of flight testing with a particular emphasis on high altitude performance with flights in Tibet and up to the Everest base camp.

With a full-load of 13 tons the AC313 can fly to an altitude of 3,000 m (9,800 ft). Test flights also concluded that with ten rescue personnel onboard and operating from the Everest base camp the AC313 would be able operate out to 350 km, allowing the aircraft to cover a major part of the 'vast Tibetan Plateau'.

Development of the type has taken four years, and reports suggest that Chinese operators have ordered some 32 AC313s.

The type is powered by three Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6B-67A turboshafts and despite being hailed as an indigenous design, the aircraft bears a strong resemblance to the Aerospatiale Super Frelon, examples of which were exported to China in the late 1970s.






AC313 went through a strict airworthiness test regime for certification, including 200 hours of flight testing with a particular emphasis on high altitude performance with flights over 4000 metres above sea level in Tibet

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