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About 9/11

Wht about Trade center 7, as far as i remeber there were only 2 building tht were hit by the planes wich were, trade center 1 and 2, and WTC was far away to be damged, yet it still fell down, and the way it falls down is like a controlled demolition.
Wht about Trade center 7, as far as i remeber there were only 2 building tht were hit by the planes wich were, trade center 1 and 2, and WTC was far away to be damged, yet it still fell down, and the way it falls down is like a controlled demolition.

Ali farooq as I have said I have taken apart the the theories you are rehashing in detail here.......


And here.....


Most of the common nonsense spouted is on there. Frankly i can't be bothered to explain ONCE AGAIN! :lol:

I am probably wasting my time anyway as you want to believe it so you will ignore the facts and create some daft fantasy to feel good.
Ali farooq as I have said I have taken apart the the theories you are rehashing in detail here.......


And here.....


Most of the common nonsense spouted is on there. Frankly i can't be bothered to explain ONCE AGAIN! :lol:

I am probably wasting my time anyway as you want to believe it so you will ignore the facts and create some daft fantasy to feel good.

Thnks, ill look at it later lol, studyin for a exam.
thanxs i read it anyways, but there are still a lot of loop holes tht arnt being explained.
thanxs i read it anyways, but there are still a lot of loop holes tht arnt being explained.

Not really dude .........there is never going to be 100% transparency in such things but then thats basically real life....if you can explain something too easily then it is usually false.
Bend over and take it up the rear then.

Everyone has a right to ask questions.


I sent you an email not to be un-civil with me---you didnot have the courtsey or the courage to apologize and edit your post.

Hi admins and webby----this profane response has been on the board for 24 hours now---and is still there. Take it out please.

Souldn't the member be suspended for a comment like that!

Thankyou FATMAN for your support----surprised at no comments from other think tank members!!!
I agree this was done by AL-qaida, but there were differnet intentions behind these attacks and a lot of people took advantage of this. to me these attacks were not explained properly and there was a lot of cover up. I believe that there theres a lot more behind these attacks tht we kno of.
I agree this was done by AL-qaida, but there were differnet intentions behind these attacks and a lot of people took advantage of this. to me these attacks were not explained properly and there was a lot of cover up. I believe that there theres a lot more behind these attacks tht we kno of.

After doing all relavent research, you will come to conclusion of sheer hate for the United States and it's foreign policies.
After doing all relavent research, you will come to conclusion of sheer hate for the United States and it's foreign policies.

Eh, not really the United States directly, at least not any more than the rest of the world that does not follow their bloodthirsty interpretation of Islam. Merely the fact that the US happens to support governments in the middle east which do not all support the installation of an Islamic caliphate with a Wahhabi at the helm. Also, justifying the killing of infidels has just always been easier than justifying blowing up innocent civilians who look like you and worship the same god that you pretend to.
After doing all relavent research, you will come to conclusion of sheer hate for the United States and it's foreign policies.

Well looking at the USA media and television, all of america would come to hate islam. :tsk::tsk::tsk:
Well looking at the USA media and television, all of america would come to hate islam. :tsk::tsk::tsk:

Really, besides a few nuts on talk radio, who is spewing this Islam hate? If you want some solid data on how Americans feel about Islam, here you are:

Part 2: Views of Islam and Religion in the World: Americans Struggle with Religion's Role at Home and Abroad

About 50% of US citizens have a "Favorable" view of Islam, while 74% have "Favorable" views of Muslims in general. A significantly higher percentage of "favoritism" than US citizens enjoy abroad. The US has an ~ 60% unfavorable rating in "Muslim" countries as a whole.
Really, besides a few nuts on talk radio, who is spewing this Islam hate? If you want some solid data on how Americans feel about Islam, here you are:

Part 2: Views of Islam and Religion in the World: Americans Struggle with Religion's Role at Home and Abroad

About 50% of US citizens have a "Favorable" view of Islam, while 74% have "Favorable" views of Muslims in general. A significantly higher percentage of "favoritism" than US citizens enjoy abroad. The US has an ~ 60% unfavorable rating in "Muslim" countries as a whole.

Thnxs, but american media does degrade islam, all they show is terrorism. I agree with you also, America has about 20000 white americans converting to islam every year.
Too, too many U.S. military VOLUNTEERS that have given too much for you to anchor on such dubious sourcing as a sole reflection.

PULESE! For me ??? Photos are still available of what your VOLUNTEERS did in Iraq. I don't have amnesia! Bagram, Guantanamo abu Gharib are still up and running the only thing that changed is that no more photos get published.

Ask the Iraqis if they'd like Saddam resurrected or any of his kindred souls emplaced in his stead.

I wonder what would be the answer if you could ask your question to the Iraqis who are now dead ...

Thorosious, your numbers come from Iraq Body Count and are likely reasonably accurate. Not much research involved. More accurately, of course, would be to note the current acceleratingly downward trend in that nation.

The reduction is as a result of ghettoisation of different communities. (You probably believe its due to the "surge"). Are they gonna live their lives like this forever?

Yes, it's wikipedia, but I'd encourage you to read it's disputed content. The sourcing is actually good and details estimates which reach back to the Soviet-Afghan War. THAT, btw, permits a lovely comparison of then, the civil war, and now.

Here's more on deaths resulting from airstrikes, etc in Afghanistan-

Troops In Contact: Airstrikes and Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan- Human Rights Watch

The facts are that the TALIBAN kill Afghan civilians at a rate of 2.5/1, and do so by intent- to include shielding and targeted killing. Nobody yet has accused ISAF of deliberately targeting innocents. I'm certain that it won't even be done HERE. In any case, though, the total deaths of Afghanis by the combined violence of both sides neither REMOTELY approaches the deaths during the Afghan Civil War nor, worse, deaths during the Soviet-Afghan war.

Don't be too modest about the US kill rate.
BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Afghanistan's civilian deaths mount
If we set deaths resulting from 2 month US killing spree from 7th October 2001 to 7th december 2001 to 3800 ... should I do the rest o the math?

You probably missed this sentence from your Wikipedia source: "Overall, however, the number of direct civilian casualties that have been attributed to insurgent forces by the available estimates remains less than the number that have been attributed to U.S.-led airstrikes and groundfire since 2001." How is that for a comparison? US sure is winning something.

Carnage is a fact, but it's grossly skewed to achieve your narratives and not a reflection of ground-reality regardless of how fervantly you pray that it be so for your narrow and cynical purposes. Bluntly, we'd need a 1,000 years at the present pace to catch the MINIMAL estimates of lives lost during the Soviet-Afghan war.

Care to dispute the sources? Do so, but provide better and I doubt you can.
Seems like that is your real goal? :cheers:

NO they weren't............I don't know why people keep repeating lies.......the only thing they found was a standard SF operating setup.

Green Left - IRAQ: Basra incident exposes the real foreign terrorists
Flight AA 77 hit the Pentagon after performing an incredible flight manoever described by experts to be extra ordinary to perform for even highly experienced pilots, yet it was delivered successfully by a terrorist who failed to fly a Cessna! His instructer called his education "a waste of resource" just before the attack.

Thanks Neo for video sharing…

I have no intention to refute the whole 9/11 incident but would like to present few facts and discuss it purely from the aviation point of view and leave rest to the discussion...

Before any guy occupies the right hand seat of a Big Jet liner, the minimum he/she needs to have is a Commercial pilot licence that one usually gets after around 200 hours…then type rating on the particular jet (50 hours) followed by line training and so on…And even after doing all this he is still considered untouchable in the industry and isn’t allowed to land/take off or touch the controls before he/she manages to show his competence and control of the aircraft…

Now these rookies and loonies whose flying experience barely makes it to double figures on a Cessna 152 are controlling an airliner in a way that will put everybody in the business to shame…In first video they are almost going to a 45 degree bank with a minimum loss of height and before impact the accelerate to more than 400 kts and still manage to keep the nose of the aircraft exactly on the same spot…Its just unbelievable considering their experience in a situation like this…

In the second video while these armatures are diving down from an altitude of 25,000 feet, they are playing with different autopilot modes, navigating on the VORs, controlling the aircraft, monitoring FMS, holding 45 degree bank etc etc…It simply defies their experience…

9/11 incident in relation to the highjackers aircraft handling VS experience has been discussed to death in aviation circles and still remains vague…I even had chance to discuss it with American pilots while a visit to Dallas, TX and many believe that official version is quite cocked up and has too many loop holes…Its not only about controlling the aircraft but also hitting at the exact point that will make the two buildings collapse in tendom within few hours that were actually designed and claimed to take an impact from a Boeing 707 and still stand…

Whether it was an inside job or not, I am not sure BUT there are too many areas that have no logical explanation, even the official version hasn’t provided a rational justification to these….Until those areas don’t come with some reasonable explanation, the conspiracy theories will continue to flourish…
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9/11 attacks were audacious in their planning. i remember checking-in at the PC-Lahore and turned on the TV to CNN and saw the 2nd jet slam into the 2nd TT "Live". i picked up the phone and called my colleague to turn the TV on in his room or come over to mine. he came over and the very first comment he made to me on this incident was:

"sir! only a muslim can do this" !!!

By God's its the honest truth !!!

Recommended reading:

The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable, which argues
that we should never ignore the possibility or importance of rare, unpredictable
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