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Abilities & Limitations of Iran Space Program

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Under Developing :coffee:

Iran is not exactly developing cryogenic rocket engines. Instead, gas kick motors are being developed to transfer a satellite in the 1000 km orbit to GEO. But this is going to be done when Safir-3 (The one which is going to place 1000 kg satellites in 1000 km orbit) is ready. So we have plenty of time.
Iran is not exactly developing cryogenic rocket engines. Instead, gas kick motors are being developed to transfer a satellite in the 1000 km orbit to GEO. But this is going to be done when Safir-3 (The one which is going to place 1000 kg satellites in 1000 km orbit) is ready. So we have plenty of time.

برادر دستور ساخت موتور کرایوژنیک از طرف معاونت رئیس جمهور ابلاغ شده

ما که نمی تونیم یه کاوشگر چند تنی رو با پیشرانش گاز سرد بفرستیم به ماموریت لونار
Iran is not exactly developing cryogenic rocket engines. Instead, gas kick motors are being developed to transfer a satellite in the 1000 km orbit to GEO. But this is going to be done when Safir-3 (The one which is going to place 1000 kg satellites in 1000 km orbit) is ready. So we have plenty of time.
Share some link and more info about this process....BTW i don't think these limitations will hold back Iran for long coz of the pace of their progress...
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