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Ababeel SSM - Pakistan gains MIRV technology.

Agreed detection is possible but what about the reaction time...Missile shields are designed to intercept MIRV's that fly well above 100 km and then separate multiple war heads upon re-entry. This gives enough time for the defence shield to adequately select the targets for interception. Please remember, you’re trying to catch a good-sized rocket headed for Low Earth Orbit within 60-300 seconds. The re-entry phase is a poor option because the missile is already on-target — blowing up a nuclear or chemical rocket might just drop the warhead slightly outside of town as opposed to on the city center.

Each ICBM contains a bunch of Multiple Independently targetable Reentry Vehicles, some containing genuine warheads, some dummies to confuse defense systems.

This means the closer the target area the lower chance of interception.
View attachment 371758

Yes the reaction time is low but because of the close proximity the detection can be quicker and similarly the launch of anti missile.

during the ascending phase into atmosphere, the missile path is predictable and can be shot down.
1. Negative. Contrary to the popular belief, MIRV deployment begins during ascent after termination of boost phase.
2. True that the difference Ababeel brings to the table is only 3 times more RVs, however S-400's terminal exo/endo-atmospheric interception envelope can not intercept ballistic targets with speeds over 4800m/s (~Mach 15).
1. Thank you for correcting
2. So, the IRV delivered by Ababeel will have that much speed?

Flight time for shaheen 3 on lofted trajectory from.easterm border to delhi is 3 minutes...

Descend speed is mac 20... terminal velocity around mac 6...
Forgot to say reentry vehicle can change trajectory several times to out any calculations off
Intercept that before mirv..

U guys google and read... but have no idea about challenges involved... making fools of your selves
That descend speed is almost same for any ballistic missile..
Yes distance is the factor but S400s is made to intercept almost anything but ICBMs..Although it's impossible to intercept after reentry ..
India has ability to detect & intercept even before it goes out of atmosphere..
That descend speed is almost same for any ballistic missile..
Yes distance is the factor but S400s is made to intercept almost anything but ICBMs..
India has ability to detect & intercept even before it goes out of atmosphere..

There is a maximum speed at which any radar can track an object...
Speed of shaheen series is greater than speed that can be tracked by s 400

As for indian abilities to intercept things before they go out of atmosphere....

I rather not say what i am thinking...

Take some rest ... a bit more reading
There is a maximum speed at which any radar can track an object...
Speed of shaheen series is greater than speed that can be tracked by s 400

As for indian abilities to intercept things before they go out of atmosphere....

I rather not say what i am thinking...

Take some rest ... a bit more reading
It's almost impossible for any air defense to intercept after reentry...S500 might have that capability but for now it's impossible...
Also India has Green pine,swordfish to detect your any launch..
It's almost impossible for any air defense to intercept after reentry...S500 might have that capability but for now it's impossible...
Also India has Green pine,swordfish to detect your any launch..

U do realise that seeing and tracking are two entirely different things??
After getting tracked it can be intercepted during boost phase before separation of warheads..

Theoratically ..yes. u have 90 seconfs to detect track and get an interceptor on target
And target may be flying faster than interceptor
Here is a web page where you can calculate how many small circles of certain Diameter a Bigger circle can hold.

If i put The bigger circle Dia as 1.8 meters as calculated earlier to be the Dia of Payload fairing of Ababeel missile and 0.76m for smaller circles as calculated earlier for the warhead Dia of Shaheen-3,presumably used on Ababeel as MIRV. Then it gives result as 3 can be held.
But if i reduce the Dia of inner circles by just 4 Cm to 0.72 M then it says the circle of 1.8m can hold 4 smalled circles of 0.72 Meters dia.
I am assuming 0.72 as MIRV size of Ababeel as the 0.76 M figure we calculated on Shaheen 3 was with Warhead canopy. However the MIRV won't have that warhead canopy individually . So it must be smaller? @JamD

I would still stick to my original analysis of 3 for the following reasons:
1-There is no "canopy" on the nose cone of any of our missiles before Ababeel. What you see IS the reentry vehicle. Hints to this are the thrusters that can often be seen at the bottom of the RV (probably for spin up or maybe even post separation maneuvering). These can be seen even in the picture in your post. Don't go by the paraded systems those are mockups and omit a lot of the detail.
2- There has to be some clearance between the individual warheads and the fairing.
3- The fairing isn't 0 thickness, it has some thickness of its own.
4- Warheads also have significant weight, it's not only a matter of space but weight and range as well.
5- It would make sense that a commonality of RV would be pursued and they would use Shaheen 3s RV in ababeel.

I don't have reliable numbers for the measurements of Shaheen 1A but I strongly suspect it is the same warhead on S1a S3 and Ababeel.
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