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Ababeel SSM - Pakistan gains MIRV technology.

Pakistan Tests New Ballistic Missile Capable of Carrying Multiple Nuclear Warheads
Pakistan has completed the first flight test of the Ababeel surface-to-surface ballistic missile.


By Franz-Stefan Gady
January 25, 2017

The Pakistan military has reportedly conducted the first successful flight test of a new medium range ballistic missile (MRBM), according to the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR), the media arm of the Pakistan Armed Forces.

The test involved the successful launch of the surface-to-surface MRBM Ababeel, reportedly capable of carrying multiple warheads using Multiple Independent Re-entry Vehicle technology (MIRV). The new missile purportedly has a maximum range of 2,200 kilometers (1,367 miles).

The January 24 test of the Ababeel MRBM follows the first-ever test of a nuclear-capable Babur-3 submarine-launched cruise missile (SLCM) from a submerged platform off the Pakistani coast in early January.

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“The test flight was aimed at validating various design and technical parameters of the weapon system,” the ISPS statement reads. “Ababeel is capable of carrying nuclear warheads and has the capability to engage multiple targets with high precision, defeating the enemy’s hostile radars.”

Furthermore, the statement stresses that the new missile reinforces strategic deterrence vis-à-vis India and its growing ballistic missile defense capabilities. “Development of Ababeel Weapon System is aimed at ensuring survivability of Pakistan’s ballistic missiles in the growing regional Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) environment. This will further reinforce deterrence.”

It is impossible to independently verify the test results from open source data and ISPR has not released additional technical details surrounding the launch. Pakistani President Mamnoon Hussain and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif noted that the successful missile test was an important contribution to maintaining the balance of power in South Asia, Radio Pakistan reports.

The Ababeel MRBM appears to be based on the M-11 (also known as CSS-7), a Chinese-made road mobile short-range ballistic missile, although this is impossible to confirm independently. The other two operational MRBMs in Pakistan’s arsenal, the Shaheen-I and Shaheen-II, are purportedly also based on the M-11, featuring two-stage solid-fueled rocket motors that reduce the time it takes to launch the missiles.

A third MRBM, the Shaheen-III, a multi-stage fueled ballistic missile with an estimated range of 2,750 kilometers (1,700 miles) is currently still under development by the National Development Complex. It is possible that the Ababeel is a more robust and redesigned variant of the Shaheen-III fitted with an improved terminal guidance system, among other modifications. Indeed, in order to accommodate a MIRV warhead, the Shaheen-III would in all likelihood have undergone a complete redesign.

Based on the press release it is unclear, however, whether Pakistan has mastered MIRV technology given that it merely mentions that the missile is “capable” of being fitted with a MIRV warhead, rather than announcing that it has mastered the technology and developed MIRV payloads.

And while the test will cause alarm in New Delhi, Islamabad will need to further invest in and develop intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities including satellite technology (e.g., by adapting and refining China’s Beidou-II satellite navigation system for Pakistan’s sea- and land-based missile systems) to operationalize ballistic missiles capable of carrying multiple warheads and field a credible MIRV capability.

Nevertheless, the possible introduction of MIRV warheads is a clear sign that the nuclear arms race between India and Pakistan is escalating. The mentioning of MIRV technology in the press release announces a new and more dangerous stage in the nuclear arms competition in South Asia.
Ssshhh don't spoil the game my friend. Just like how India invested in BMD systems only for Pakistan to make MIRV capable ones, let them first spend billions on this satellite based BMD. Then Pak can barge in with a satellite missile and troll them some more. I love this never ending trolling game.

Also @Mrc is being extraordinarily silent on this thread now. I was expecting a non sense rebuttal that he would post quickly without thinking.

Had a great night sleep... whats up ?? Last i checked was randiyans were planning to use star wars (and game of thrones tech) to conquer pakistan....

I also coined a new term ... burnol version 2 BUTT-NOL for randiyans
Had a great night sleep... whats up ?? Last i checked was infians were planning to use star wars (and game of thrones tech) to conquer pakistan....
Yeah and then we unleashed warheads outta hewn hell on your dhottis turning you into burnt hole in the ground. Now go back to sleep!
The point's valid though. If your rocket can carry and deploy multiple objects like satellites, then with some guidance mods and a different bus, it could deploy multiple warheads too. India has the means, but has yet to demonstrate the validity of its MIRV capabilities.

I don't think you & I were talking something different if we ignore difference of wordings in our respective posts ....

The political will (& more importantly NEED) to demonstrate the already acquired dual use technology specially in case of India which have a very robust missile program in my opinion was the only hindrance in its conversion for military use, even then they were openly discussing it in literature even their top scientists & engineers associated with missile program.

Agni-VI reference was made as it it satisfy both political will & need against China, now I expect India to prepare this capability for Pakistan as well ....



http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/...th-multiple-warheads/articleshow/56191362.cms (plz read last paragraph)

Karachi to new delhi = 1100km
Shaheen top speed = 22000kmph

Time from launch in Karachi to new delhi turning into toast = 3 minutes

Do the math (the real math, not the indian kinda math)!

And I generously shaved off a lot of speed from the Shaheen as its speed is much greater than 22000kmph to account for launch to full speed and curvature and also increased the distance from Karachi to new delhi from the actual 1088km to 1100km and it STILL came out to be 3 minutes.
Yar even bbuttnol v2 can't help you, it's most probably made in CHINA (aur bhi mirchiyaan lagain gi)! :woot:
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Did u notice the thrust changes consistency? The color of smoke changes constantly showing change in water vapor percentage? Consistent with change in thrust pressure either due to vectoring or throttling ...i guess?
bhia chemistry shroo se meri dushman rahi hai .... can't comment about this

Karachi to new delhi = 1100km
Shaheen top speed = 22000kmph

Time from launch in Karachi to new delhi turning into toast = 3 minutes

Do the math (the real math, not the indian kinda math)!

Yar even bbuttnol v2 can't help you, it's most probably made in CHINA (aur bhi mirchiyaan lagain gi)! :woot:

Time come out to be 4.5 minutes... but if ypou fire it frpom lahore...it will be 3 minutes
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