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AAP government delivers free water supply in Delhi

667 litres of water a day is not enough for you? You and your family bathes and shits in a tub??

BJP fanboy Idiots!!

You must be kejrival's Chutiya fanboy.
Guess u don't know other uses of water other than bathing and shitting. Maiyava fuddu :D
We have much cheaper ways to prevent that. Heard of nukes?? The same strategy adopted by Russia till date which is working like a charm. Will China risk a nuclear war and put its economy in jeopardy?

Nahi yar, nuke naam ki chidiya ke baare mein pta hi nahi tha. Thanks for reminding. So next time they finally decide to occupy ladakh/arunachal, we will just nuke them right. No need for conventional weapons. Oh by the way India has a no first use nuke policy.
You clearly have no idea how much showers, washing machines, etc take. You can use upwards of 30l/min in a shower.
Then stop using a shower and grab a bucket and a mug. If you are going to have the luxury of a shower then PAY!!!
Only those people will get the free water who have meter connections. Delhi has 30 lakh households. Only 9 lakh have meters. Remaining are not eligible. Poor guy gets nothing while people who can actually afford to pay are getting it free. Ise kehte hain total chutiyapa, economics fail.
And the media will do circles reporting same crap as some sort of reality show. Hope they don't turn khejriwal into the kim kardashian of media.
Then stop using a shower and grab a bucket and a mug. If you are going to have the luxury of a shower then PAY!!!

Oh so in other words, if you want to have a shower, and you know not live in the 20th century, you don't deserve your promised free water.
India has a no first use nuke policy by the way.
Then its time we abandoned that. No First use policy is a stupid Congress self-goal which calls for retaliation after millions and millions of our people get killed. No wonder congress is anti-India.

We should follow the russian example.
Oh so in other words, if you want to have a shower, and you know not live in the 20th century, you don't deserve your promised free water.
If you are going to deprive the other people of water because you like to waste water in a shower then like other 20th century luxury oriented people, PAY!
I am glad to see people are happy that AAP kept their poll promise, but can someone help me understand as to how much of a burden is this going to cost to the state treasury and can we sustain it?

Since independence we have been giving out freebies which has made most of the people in India lazy. In my opinion we already have well defined programs if implemented correctly will be more than sufficient enough to tackle all the problems we are facing. All we need to do is make sure that right people are getting the benefits of a program, not the cheaters who show wrong documents or pay bribes and get in. This is what we need to pay more attention to. If we can handle this properly we can progress very well.

If 66 years of such ideas haven't worked well a new one will not make much of a difference in next couple of years or so. Implementation is where we need to focus rather than coming up with new programs and wasting more money in planning. History as evidence, at this rate we will not make much of a progress.

If you want to give benefits do it in defense sector. Provide scientists and Military personal with free water, electricity and any other goodies so that they stay longer in govt jobs and work efficiently. Day in day out we loose highly skilled people in key sectors because of the pay they make. If we can avoid stupid programs we can pay our scientists well and reap good.

I don't want my tax money or for that matter any one elses tax money being wasted in bringing up and supporting the lazy people. I would rather have the government spend on security, health care and infrastructure. That way I don't have to worry about my family while working in office

AAP is the more clean party at the moment. Hope they stay that way and don't let the system corrupt them. I seriously wish that they take wise decisions which are in the favor of the country. Not an individual nor a group but the country as a whole.

- npm

Dude - India has lot of money, no tension.
Why AAP’s Delhi water charade is careless populism

Delhi has a serious water problem. But the problem is not that consumers pay too much for water. It's the fact that consumers receive too little of a vital resource, not more than two hours a day even in the most affluent parts of the city. It's an issue serious enough to dominate an election campaign. A pity then that the Aam Aadmi Party opted for the administratively easy (but fiscally tough or should one say irresponsible?) option of offering to reduce water tariffs rather than the administratively harder (and fiscally easier) offer of ensuring 24x7 water supply to all the capital's residents.

For Arvind Kejriwal, keeping the promise of 700 litres of free water (it is going to be 670 litres per day) was always going to be easy. It only needed the stroke of his pen and a slight alteration in the Delhi Jal Board's water bill calculations. Fulfilling the promise of 24x7 water supply to every household in Delhi would have tested Kejriwal. For a start, it would have meant providing connections to the 7 lakh households (or 20 percent of Delhi’s households) which are not linked to the water grid. It would have also meant thinking hard about how to increase the overall water supply in Delhi. It would have meant clamping down on theft. It would have meant thinking about water conservation strategies. It would have meant finding an appropriate price for water so that people valued the water they consumed, and not wasted it. But all of that may have been too complicated for the Aam Kejriwal. Careless populism pays off in the short run in electoral politics.

But in the end, nothing is free. Someone has to pay the price for free water. After all, supplying water costs money — the physical infrastructure and the human resources at the least. If not consumers, then taxpayers must foot the bill. It's a folly to argue that only the rich pay taxes. The poor do too. Everyone who buys even basic commodities or buys a basic service pays a Value Added Tax or Service Tax. Indirect taxes are not progressive (the rich don’t pay extra) and they form the revenue base of a state Government like Delhi’s. So for "free" services like water, the poor without piped connections will end up paying a subsidy for the rich. Is that a pro-aam aadmi policy?

Careless populism has graver consequences. The government can only provide free services as long as it has the revenue to pay for it. At some stage, careless populism means a busting of the fisc which necessitates a rise in tax rates or a cut in government expenditure, which will eventually mean the necessary reversal of populism. Freebies are not sustainable, not in a poor country like India, not in a rich country like the UK.

Make no mistake. The AAP’s Delhi water policy is careless populism. At 670 litres per household per day, the AAP government is basically giving every individual the right to consume around 170 litres of water a day free. As the economist Surjit Bhalla points out in his article in The Indian Express, that threshold is well above the per capita consumption level in Western countries like Germany and Denmark. AAP’s decision to charge consumers for the entire amount consumed should they go even one litre above 670 a month will only encourage the manipulation of water meters on a gigantic scale, rather than rationalise consumption.

If the AAP had cared to look around for role model case studies in how to manage water, they would have found them right here in India. In 2012, Isher Judge Ahluwalia, who chaired a High level Government Committee on Urban Infrastructure wrote an article in The Indian Express in which she documented in some detail how the local authorities in Amravati, in Maharashtra’s Vidarbha region, had ensured 24x7 water supply to 20 percent of their 7 lakh residents (they were scaling it up at the time she wrote) in rapid time by using technology, sophisticated data gathering, restoration of piping systems and the imposition of differential tariffs depending on how much water was consumed. Amravati was following the example of Malkapur (also in Maharashtra) which had used similar methods to provide 24x7 water ti its 40,000 residents.

Now, if Malkapur and Amravati can deliver 24x7 water supply to their residents why cannot the Government of Delhi? If the residents of Malkapur and Amravati are happy to pay for their water (tariffs go up as people consume more, but nobody gets it free) why won’t Delhiites who are, on average, more prosperous? Why should the Aam Aadmi Party be allowed to fritter away the Rs 446 crore profit the Delhi Jal Board made in 2012-13 in subsidies to the middle class and rich when that money would be better used connecting the 7 lakh poorest households who are not getting any water at all, and who are at the mercy of the water tanker mafia which charges them several times the multiple of the average water tariff in Delhi?

The middle class euphoria over not paying water bills is clouding over the reality that the AAP is implementing a regressive policy measure, which helps the middle class more than the poor. There are better role models for water management and supply in India. AAP needs to work harder at its policies if it doesn’t want to bankrupt the capital, and then rob itself of credibility.

Read more at: Why AAP’s Delhi water charade is careless populism | Firstpost
We have much cheaper ways to prevent that. Heard of nukes?? The same strategy adopted by Russia till date which is working like a charm. Will China risk a nuclear war and put its economy in jeopardy?

Are you a teenage faggot? Were you around during Vajpayee rule you dumbass fanboy?

No but if you had even the smallest iota of macroeconomics knowledge, you would know what they did in that time is pretty much the only reason why India ever even had the chance in the big leagues.
You clearly have no idea how much showers, washing machines, etc take. You can use upwards of 30l/min in a shower.

He's a fan boy he won't understand.

cooking, Washing, cleaning, bathing, etc requires lots of water.
If you are going to deprive the other people of water because you like to waste water in a shower then like other 20th century luxury oriented people, PAY!

Hey why live in 20th century standards? We could save even more money if we all lived in caves!?

If you are going to deprive the other people of water because you like to waste water in a shower then like other 20th century luxury oriented people, PAY!

These Modi lover are getting jealous and afraid, they know that AAP will clean sweep modi wave.
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