As a people, our threshold for what counts as bad is pretty high. We are willing to put up with a lot of things so that we don't rock the boat. This is something I have observed relative to other peoples of the world. We like to call it perseverance. I could argue it is a form of submissiveness (beghairatee). It is perhaps a function of our history. Once that threshold is crossed, like other rational people, we are capable of solving problems. For example, the COVID pandemic crossed our "bad threshold" and NCOC did pretty well, to the surprise of many of us.
Unfortunately, when it comes to extremist thought our threshold is very very high. Recall how much we let things go bad with TTP before the nation decided this is too much. At every one of these increasingly problematic lynching incidents I think to myself, "this must be our threshold," but I am proven wrong every time. I am afraid we have a lot more that we are willing to live with. Things will get increasingly worse until the point where we decide as a nation that this is not us, or maybe it will be and it will be too late. We needed an APS to realize that TTP was bad and even that we've started to go soft on. God knows what it will take to wake us out of this slumber. I shudder to think what.