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A Solution to Kashmir

Is Pakistan sensitive to plight of Azad Kashmiris or Balochistan. Look you got to be worrying about the ongoing Zarb E Azab and stop poking nose when you yourself not stable enough to stand clear of the Terrorism. I mean Mr Nawaz has all the time in the world to talk about Kashmiris plight but does he really sit back and think about Why Pakistan has so heavily guarded Azad Kashmir Borders and if you have then still why infiltration happens on LOC from your end...
Plight of Azad Kashmir?
Please tell me stuff abkyt my state i am unaware of
Only solution to Kashmir is plebiscite but its too late now, a lot of factors have changed. Even converting LoC into IB will have some cyclic unrest in Kashmir. Few elements started poisoning valley using religious sentiments and over the time it has spread in whole valley due to avalanche effect, a failure at Indian intelligence part. Now even if they try to catch those elements today, the whole village is on the streets. This new generation of 90s have never seen peace so its not surprising for them in believing that every problem around them is due to Indian Army. And these people will feed their children this same 'knowledge' in future. A lot has changed in Kashmir now, hijab is common, too much radicalization, etc but our very own smart media instead of helping de-radicalize the valley is parroting (for political gains) the opposite narrative using human rights issues while they clearly know that Indian army don't retaliate with any kind of force untill the situation goes out of hand and its certainly not helping the Indian cause.
Plight of Azad Kashmir?
Please tell me stuff abkyt my state i am unaware of
Perhaps, are you aware of Baloch Plight now you will be deaf !

And it is coming like a slap!

Another One !

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We only lost 1 out of the 4 wars but whatever lets you sleep at night.

But of course you lost only 1 out of 4 wars in your text books i.e.
See in the real world you lost all wars and are losing Kashmir slowly too.

But of course you lost only 1 out of 4 wars in your text books i.e.
See in the real world you lost all wars and are losing Kashmir slowly too.


No we only lost all wars in the minds of Indians, it's okay we know it's depressing you can't beat a country so much smaller than you.

As for Kashmir, if you think we are loosing it you need to crawl out of the rock your living under. Casualties don't mean much.
But of course you lost only 1 out of 4 wars in your text books i.e.
See in the real world you lost all wars and are losing Kashmir slowly too.


Does their books tells who broke Pakistan? I mean covertly...
No we only lost all wars in the minds of Indians, it's okay we know it's depressing you can't beat a country so much smaller than you.

Oh but see everyone except Pakistanis believe you lot never won a war.
Maybe in your collective imagination and doctored text books an economically lagging country with a smaller military can win, see because everyone in Pakistan knows "1 pakistani soldier = 10 Indian soldier".
I understand continuous defeat has been tough on you lot.

As for Kashmir, if you think we are loosing it you need to crawl out of the rock your living under. Casualties don't mean much.

Oh yes you are losing and Casualty figures are the direct result of this very fact, but then again the truth pill is too bitter for you lot so denial looks like a better option. Go on as you were.

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@Joe Shearer i see you have a fan ...... in #39

No woman like a spurned woman, eh???

@Shah01 start off with what you want to, we will chip in.

@Zibago its funny when people tell you about your state right?

Exactly like when I am told about Kashmir by outsiders who havent set a foot in srinagar
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@Joe Shearer
Why hesitating give me negative Please

U r pup gives me why papa DOG hesitating

These words you may use it to your household dearest people including the female version of the above used word .
This is a forum where civilized people communicate.

So dont tag me on silly issues.
@WAJsal tagging you to do the needful for personal insults by member here.. Member has been indulging in the same three days now. Have been reporting about it

@PARIKRAMA bro this member needs to be reddened. Had requested your indulgence in an Indian member's case, now if you may please. Have reported the statements and insults
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