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A question to all Indian members regarding Indo-Pak water teaty

Isn't going to happen. The BJP isn't going to make a government. It has nothing to offer, and is losing ground - except on the Internet.

That's a little far-fetched. I think they have a good chance in the elections due to the massive corruption scandals by Congress :agree:
India already has full rights over Ravi,Beas and Satluj and is fully using them also.

You are contradicting yourself here.

There is no extra divertable water in these rivers.Only exploitable river is Tawi (even if we nullify IWT).Even Chenab could not be exploited as it defines border of Jammu and Pakistan.And any dam would submerge parts of pakistan.

That is not a definition but requoting.

in my old days i have patrolled a lot along Tawi from jammu to border, and the whole surrounding area, making a dam there will be very difficult, diversion off water even more, and there is very little water in that river to start such a project, so it will be highly uneconomical in my opinion. you can refer to satellite images from google of that area for a rough idea.
Wow don't equate me with Joe sahib, he is on a level of his own. His capability is distinguished by style and prose married to substance. Mine is amateurish with borrowed data and a smattering of eloquence. For my part I am a CA student, just turned 21. You?

Well, to my untrained mind, all of you seem quite similar.Your style of prose makes quite an enjoyable read.Should definitely try for IAS.YOur prose would give you a big advantage vis a vis 99.9% of other candidates.

As for me, I am medical Intern who is disillusioned with medical system in India.I previously dabbled with idea of IAS, but in the end decided not to pursue it because I feel more comfortable in an objective format.Currently thinking about writing USMLE but can't seem to make up my mind.

SO my question to you is, long have you been writing ? Did you use any aid to get better at writing or it just comes naturally to you ?
Well, to my untrained mind, all of you seem quite similar.Your style of prose makes quite an enjoyable read.Should definitely try for IAS.YOur prose would give you a big advantage vis a vis 99.9% of other candidates.

As for me, I am medical Intern who is disillusioned with medical system in India.I previously dabbled with idea of IAS, but in the end decided not to pursue it because I feel more comfortable in an objective format.Currently thinking about writing USMLE but can't seem to make up my mind.

SO my question to you is, long have you been writing ? Did you use any aid to get better at writing or it just comes naturally to you ?

It came naturally, the accolade for that goes to early 2000s cartoon network. Learnt the rudiments of the language while watching Swat Cats! :enjoy:

Disillusioned, why? Care to amplify upon that? We need doctors/para medics/medical professionals.

Been writing ever since I've been able to put pen to paper.
The World Bank and the adjudicators don't seem to think so. Pity.

But don't let that stop you. What do you think about the essential nature of the Holy Spirit? Are you for Homoousion or for Homoiousion?

What you think must always engage our undivided attention.

My new heroes, the young lions, @anonymus, @Dillinger, @Guynextdoor2, @janon, @Jade and others.

I think it is more to do with trust deficit and lack of proper communication channels that exist between the two countries than any violation of the water treaty. Pakistan too know that there has been no substantial violation of the treaty since 60's. If it were, water would have been the center of dispute between the two countries instead of Kashmir.
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Did we stop water in 1965----- No
Did we stop water in 1971------No
Did we Stop water during Kargil -----No
Did we Stop water during Attack on Parliament------No
Did we Stop water during Mumbai Attack---------No

moral of the story........Stop being Paranoid.:cheers:
It came naturally, the accolade for that goes to early 2000s cartoon network. Learnt the rudiments of the language while watching Swat Cats! :enjoy:

Disillusioned, why? Care to amplify upon that? We need doctors/para medics/medical professionals.

Been writing ever since I've been able to put pen to paper.

Dude its just not me but most medicos who disillusioned with our medical system.Why you ask ?
The answer is multi-factoral.I will try to touch upon all the points as briefly as I can.

Actually on second thoughts, I 'll just give you a link which does much better job of explaining this than I ever can.

Doctor or engineer?
Isn't going to happen. The BJP isn't going to make a government. It has nothing to offer, and is losing ground - except on the Internet.

The BJP is need of hour today in India and is heading towards a clean sweep victory in next general elections. Stay tuned.
It was a mistake to have this treaty in the first place. But it's a reality and we must act like a responsible nation.
The BJP is need of hour today in India and is heading towards a clean sweep victory in next general elections. Stay tuned.

You're back! I thought you were going to take time off for the wounds to heal.

Your predictions are as well-founded, no doubt, as your original proposition.

Perhaps you should stick to discussing a teaty.
You're back! I thought you were going to take time off for the wounds to heal.

Your predictions are as well-founded, no doubt, as your original proposition.

You're back! I thought you were going to take time off for the wounds to heal.

Your predictions are as well-founded, no doubt, as your original proposition.

Perhaps you should stick to discussing a teaty.

It was a mistake to have this treaty in the first place. But it's a reality and we must act like a responsible nation.

Yes. We signed away 80% water as an upper riparian state in perpetuity!

The only example of its kind in the world.

I am not sure the treaty, as it stands, can stand for very long. ;)
Yes. We signed away 80% water as an upper riparian state in perpetuity!

The only example of its kind in the world.

I am not sure the treaty, as it stands, can stand for very long. ;)

In return we got their interfere in every dam project considerably delaying the project even after they lose cases after cases in world bank. :angry:
In return we got their interfere in every dam project considerably delaying the project even after they lose cases after cases in world bank. :angry:

This treaty has no life bro. Lets wait for someone in government to take a note of this and scrap the treaty. This treaty is a burden for us.
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