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Featured A Powerful explosion rocks Beirut.

Lebanon was super fine in 1950-es and 1960-es beside Israel without any Hezbies. Beirut was a Paris of Middle East.
since when Israel come to exist in mid east, the whole region is tumorized.
u massacared a whole nation.
Ammonium nitrate that devastated Beirut was manufactured in Georgia

Deadly Beirut blast 'gift' from God, ex-Israel MK says

ormer Israeli Member of the Knesset (Israel's parliament) Moshe Feiglin hailed Tuesday's massive explosion in Lebanon's capital city, Beirut as a “gift” from God.

“Today is Tu B’Av, a day of joy, and a true and huge thank you to G-d and all the geniuses and heroes really (!) who organized for us this wonderful celebration in honor of the day of love," Feiglin posted on Facebook, claiming that the blast was just in time for the Jewish festival.

Death toll in the huge blast that ripped through Lebanon's capital Beirut has risen to 113, the country's health minister said Wednesday. Nearly 4,000 victims were injured and dozens of them are still missing.

The blast appeared to have been triggered by a fire that touched off a cargo of ammonium nitrate that had been stored at the port for years, though it was unclear what sparked the fire.

It was the worst single explosion to strike Lebanon, a country whose history is filled with destruction – from a 1975-1990 civil war, conflicts with Israel and periodic terrorist attacks.


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This is very sad and tragic indecent!
It came in the worst time, when Lebanon's economy was struggling to stand on it's feet.
May God give them strength to endure this pain.

Which is more powerful, MOAB or Beirut explosion?
Which is more powerful, MOAB or Beirut explosion?

Moab is 11 tons of explosive
Beirut was 2750 tons of explosive

so the Beirut explosion of 250 times larger
Yeah maybe. Personally, I don't buy the Israeli crap that they're behind it and all these crazy conspiracy theories. No offense. I just don't give them that kind of evil genius credit when most of everything points at complete negligence of a very dangerous material and substance horribly and carelessly stored in a dilapitaded building for several years without any type of safeguards or measures to insure it's safely stored from exactly what happened.

You look at the way these chemicals and volatile and dangerous substances are stored by majority of countries who deal with them, they build special buildings that are temperature controlled, secured from just anyone having access to them with special security and all types of safeguards like monitoring their conditions, especially in long-term storage and upkeeping the wrapping materials etc. etc. They take this kind of thing seriously and if you look at that building and the likes of people who had access to it and the terribly unsafe conditions, it's no wonder this didn't happen sooner.

You have to consider all the circumstances surrounding the event. This stuff has been sitting there for a while, the conditions in Lebanon in the last year and a half in particular have been dreadful, economically and as a result of covid-19. Neglect has run rampid where it was always barely at a satisfactory level anyway. All that easily leads to an event like this a lot more likely than some devious, master-minded plan to get rid of that material because all of a sudden it presented some danger to the zionists? Nah. It just went up because all the conditions were on track for such an unfortunate mishap.

Trumps 1st reaction:

When asked if this was an attack Trumps initial response was:
And I quote "I spoke to some of our great General's and they seem to feel that it was (an attack) this was NOT... some sort of manufacturing accident"

And then less than 24hours later he is pressured to change his statement!

So you honestly have to be a closed minded moron not to see the truth!

The explosion it's self was so massive that it was likely caused by a relatively advance ground penetrator...

Was there an ammo facility there? YES! And that's why it was targeted!

So the only ppl spreading conspiracies are the Zionist media

Fact is if you wanted to get the Lebanese people who support Hezbullah to stop backing them and get them to disarm how would you go about it?

Just look at what they have done so far:

- A direct attack that was blamed on Hezbollah backfired in 2006 so that didn't work
- Offering Lebanon money to distance it's self from Iran didn't work
- Spending money on anti Hezbollah and anti Iran propaganda hasn't work
- Privately threatening Lebanese officials and holding their officials hostage didn't work
- Sanctions hasn't worked
- Trying to foment unrest and trying portray every protest as some kind of anti Hezbollah movement hasn't worked

So what else can we do to get the Lebanese themselves to want to disarm Hezbullah???? I think that answer is rather obvious!
Trumps 1st reaction:

And that idiot's super idiotic first reaction that had no truth or merit to it is supposed to mean something?!?!?! Do you realize that those are all phantom generals? And not only that, but that ALL presidents get their info about things like this from the intelligence services, not some made-up generals that don't exist!? lol. This has to be the funniest thing I've seen here in a while.

So you honestly have to be a closed minded moron not to see the truth!

I think it's the other way around, actually. You have to have one hell of an imaginative mind, a simpleton's mind because of some surrounding pressure to think that way all the time, or a hallucinate mind, maybe on drugs or some high powered hallucinogenics to start making up all kinds of fantasy scenarios to please a simple and bored mind with nothing better to do about some devious scheme that this was all a planned attack because that's much better and funner than the boring reality of things. Just like you did in the rest of that post. You gave yourself right up. You concocted an entire scenario right here:

Fact is if you wanted to get the Lebanese people who support Hezbullah to stop backing them and get them to disarm how would you go about it?

Just look at what they have done so far:

- A direct attack that was blamed on Hezbollah backfired in 2006 so that didn't work
- Offering Lebanon money to distance it's self from Iran didn't work
- Spending money on anti Hezbollah and anti Iran propaganda hasn't work
- Privately threatening Lebanese officials and holding their officials hostage didn't work
- Sanctions hasn't worked
- Trying to foment unrest and trying portray every protest as some kind of anti Hezbollah movement hasn't worked

So what else can we do to get the Lebanese themselves to want to disarm Hezbullah???? I think that answer is rather obvious!

looool! Genius!! For some reason or the other, your mind is pressured to concoct that entire scenario without a single shred of evidence for the exact reasons I just mentioned. Congratulations, you win the PDF award for the best creative mind of the day!

Was it a drone in the shape of a bird? Or was it a missile fired from nowhere exactly? This is fun, actually, keep going. Tell us more. Was it a trained dolphin that carried a detonator while a group of mossad paid derelicts that left a small bomb in the warehouse? Or was it a whale that blew out some specific sonar frequency out of its blowhole that sent the right wavelengths to a predetermined mossad pack of TNT? I like the dolphin better because the Russians already did that.

Maybe it was the dolphin that did everything? Planned the attack and carried it out with a back-strapped RPG?

If it was a mossad dolphin, maybe they tried honoring the one-eyed bandit moshe dayan by strapping it with an eye patch? That's probably more realistic.



Wait, I sees a laser beam there!!! I got it, it was sharks with lazer beams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



That's what it was!
This thermal video is showing it was a missile attack . Does any other news channel publish this type of video ?
Can watch the missile clearly .
I've gone speechless .. Lebanon had already faced many problems prior to this tragedy and now it's got to whole another level ... RIP and fast recovery for injured ...
Trumps 1st reaction:

When asked if this was an attack Trumps initial response was:
And I quote "I spoke to some of our great General's and they seem to feel that it was (an attack) this was NOT... some sort of manufacturing accident"

And then less than 24hours later he is pressured to change his statement!

So you honestly have to be a closed minded moron not to see the truth!

The explosion it's self was so massive that it was likely caused by a relatively advance ground penetrator...

Was there an ammo facility there? YES! And that's why it was targeted!

So the only ppl spreading conspiracies are the Zionist media

Fact is if you wanted to get the Lebanese people who support Hezbullah to stop backing them and get them to disarm how would you go about it?

Just look at what they have done so far:

- A direct attack that was blamed on Hezbollah backfired in 2006 so that didn't work
- Offering Lebanon money to distance it's self from Iran didn't work
- Spending money on anti Hezbollah and anti Iran propaganda hasn't work
- Privately threatening Lebanese officials and holding their officials hostage didn't work
- Sanctions hasn't worked
- Trying to foment unrest and trying portray every protest as some kind of anti Hezbollah movement hasn't worked

So what else can we do to get the Lebanese themselves to want to disarm Hezbullah???? I think that answer is rather obvious!

& Macron was there too calling for changes ... Pomepo sent his condolences to Hariri ... besides their sheer haromzadegi the current government has been in power for 8 months while those materials were there since 2014 ... so either they are exploiting the situation in a disgusting way to serve their agenda or have hands in it ...
What are they pointing to before ducking:

@waz @Eagle didnt mean to post the video with the children, only wanted to post the second street one, but dont know how to post videos from twitter correctly
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