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A ‘Muslim Union’ is the need of the hour

Unlikely. Pakistan's Army sustains its vice like grip on the Pakistani nation - not just by force and manipulation of polity but particularly on the hearts and minds of ordinary Pakistani's by portraying themselves as the only force capable of making Pakistan whole (by bringing Kashmir).

They have everything to lose if Pakistan makes peace with its land - their political and economic power in particular. Consequently they never allow the issue to die out a natural death. Entrenched interests there.

But eventually Pakistani people will realize their constant infatuation with Kashmir hasn't gotten them anywhere while the rest of the world has left them behind.

All they have to show for 60+ years of support to Kashmiri insurgents is an increasingly radicalized society in Pakistan.

Eventually Pakistan will become a normal country.But only after it has tried everything else.
But eventually Pakistani people will realize constant infatuation with Kashmir hasn't gotten them anywhere while the rest of the world has left them behind.
All they have to show for 60+ years of support to Kashmiri insurgents in an increasingly radicalized society in Pakistan.

Eventually Pakistan will become a normal country.But only after it has tried everything else.
Eventually yes - had a normal progression of life of a country followed.
But that has not been the case in Pakistan. Pakistan lurches from one crisis to the other. Its leaders use this to keep Pakistani's focused on these crises so that questions are not asked of them about what they have done.

So Kashmir becomes a scapegoat. Pakistan is willing to live in poverty for the 'noble cause of Kashmir'. Pakistanis are willing to eat grass to get a 'Muslim bomb'. Pakistani's are willing to endure problems for their 'Palestinian brothers'.

And so Pakistanis are okay with all the problems of Pakistan listed above, for these 'causes'. It keeps their focus on things outside of the country.

And the rulers keep Pakistani's less educated for precisely this purpose..so that they continue to remain in this cycle.

The only way to break this cycle is to make Pakistani's educated - do you see that happening? Pakistani govt probably spends the lowest on education in South Asia.
Eventually yes - had a normal progression of life of a country followed.
But that has not been the case in Pakistan. Pakistan lurches from one crisis to the other. Its leaders use this to keep Pakistani's focused on these crises so that questions are not asked of them about what they have done.

So Kashmir becomes a scapegoat. Pakistan is willing to live in poverty for the 'noble cause of Kashmir'. Pakistanis are willing to eat grass to get a 'Muslim bomb'. Pakistani's are willing to endure problems for their 'Palestinian brothers'.

And so Pakistanis are okay with all the problems of Pakistan listed above, for these 'causes'. It keeps their focus on things outside of the country.

And the rulers keep Pakistani's less educated for precisely this purpose..so that they continue to remain in this cycle.

The only way to break this cycle is to make Pakistani's educated - do you see that happening? Pakistani govt probably spends the lowest on education in South Asia.

But this cycle can not go on indefinitely.
If this crap goes on for just 30 more years, the gap will between Pakistan and rest of the subcontinent will become so gaping that that no amount of misdirection will be able be to hide Pakistani state's failures.

In such a scenario the only outcome will be a revolution.
You can't fool all the people all the time.
One thing we bloody fools have always desired but failed to achieve is unity which will lead to union. Reasons: not following the Holy Quo'ran and Sunnah. Just lip service. We don't learn Arabic language as seriously as we learn English, French, Russia,etc. In the Arabic language is embedded our history, heritage and objectives as the Ummat. This language has the potential to truly unite us. Yes, Arabic speaking peoples are themselves disunited.Never-the-less, nothing like a language to unite people.
But this cycle can not go on indefinitely.
If this crap goes on for just 30 more years, the gap will between Pakistan and rest of the subcontinent will become so gaping that that no amount of misdirection will be able be to hide Pakistani state's failures.

In such a scenario the only outcome will be a revolution.
You can't fool all the people all the time.
Why do you think there are constant military coups in Pakistan. It acts as a pressure outlet/valve for the people.

The cycle will keep going on till a critical mass of Pakistani's become educated. What that critical mass is, I donot know.

Lastly, I dont think Pakistan will ever remain behind that the gap between Pakistan and India in terms of development will become a chasm. Pakistan is simply in too strategic a location on earth to not be able to secure massive funds from time to time - this has been evident. There will be a gap - yes, will there be a massive/gigantic gap - no.
Why do you think there are constant military coups in Pakistan. It acts as a pressure outlet/valve for the people.
The cycle will keep going on till a critical mass of Pakistani's become educated. What that critical mass is, I donot know.
Lastly, I dont think Pakistan will ever remain behind that the gap between Pakistan and India in terms of development will become a chasm. Pakistan is simply in too strategic a location on earth to not be able to secure massive funds from time to time - this has been evident. There will be
Yes, you are right.Pakistani elite will give just enough development to the common masses so as to keep them from rebelling.

But still, things are only moving in the right direction, even if the pace is kept deliberately slow.
I am optimist that one day Pakistan will become a normal country.
Yes, you are right.Pakistani elite will give just enough development to the common masses so as to keep them from rebelling.

But still, things are only moving in the right direction, even if the pace is kept deliberately slow.
I am optimist that one day Pakistan will become a normal country.
They will, when India becomes one.
Do you seriously think that India is a normal country?
Pakistan is by far more normal in all aspects than India, keeping things in context.
They ate grass (that is normal for humans to suvive on) to achieve their Bomb, but you ate Sh**t (which is not normal to survive on ) to realize yours and sold your souls to the ones who encouraged you and gave you the tech and know how, not to talk about whole nuclear reactors and bomb design from some commonwealth acolytes.
Did they help you feed the 600 million hungry Indians? no, so you are a proxy without knowing it.
Some Indian wannabe super-powerful talks about Indonesia recognizing of two islands as Indian ones and that should be a lesson for Pakistan. I tell him simply that if anyone should take a lesson, it is Indian provocateurs.
Do you know that Indonesia has thousands of Islands of its own, you really picked the wrong example. It just shows that you are trying to manipulate news for you own moral boosting, and some ill conceived propaganda.
Lets just say...hypothetically Iran- ksa becomes friends, Shia - Sunnis resolve their differences,All Musilm dominated nation agree on a comman interpretation of quran....can then a muslim Union possible...No.Regional complications are far greater that religious requirements.Add the fact that as soon as such a union forms , it will be looked upon with hostility.
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