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A Momin is not stung at the same place more than once But Hey We Are Pakistanis

Irfan Baloch

Apr 12, 2009
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Mr Sharif’s latest decision to support the Saudi-backed Al Qaeda war in Syria is bound to strengthen the radical Sunni militant groups involved in sectarian killings and terrorist attacks on Pakistani security forces. There are already reports of Pakistani militants joining the new jihad theatre in the Middle East.

Hiding behind the army - DAWN.COM

And wait when the dogs of Hell will return home possibly equipped with POF weapons they have used to slaughter the Syrians. it has become clear what where the Saudi royal visits were meant for. cancellation of gas pipeline project with Iran, joining Israel and Saudis in the Syrian civil though POF weapons and TTP to assist fellow FSA and Al Qaeda "Muslims".

In other news our Interior minister decides to make a crude and tasteless joke on the entire nation by Inviting the TTP butchers for a cricket match. it just shows you how serious does he take his job title and what is his attitude and mindset relating to terror ravaged Pakistan.

some guests different talk shows and writers have lambasted the clueless & inept Sharif government for its statements recently. saying things like Army has the right to defend itself or launch a retaliatory attack after being attacked shows some basic lack of comprehension about the principle of state and constitution violation (effort remains dead focused on a former COAS though which is another story).

So Nawaz graciously "allows" the military to seek vengeance over the deaths of its soldiers but pray tell what about hundreds of civilians killed and maimed during the "peace talks"?

in short, the Hadith doesnt apply to us. even our faith for all its worth wont stand in the way of the laws of nature, the process of natural selection. time and again we have shot in our own foot. even Gen Zia kept himself out of the Iran -Iraq war although he is criticized for radicalising Pakistan but he flatly refused to be dragged into that war when all Arab monarchies flooded Sadam with weapons and money against Iran. no luck this time. Cancelling the gas project, Joining the Syrian mess and antagonizing Iran to a point where its threatening incursions to free its kidnapped soldiers will only exacerbate the Baloch militancy issue, there wont be any relief there with Iran and no Arab will loose his sleep over it.

@Irfan Baloch

Apart from the fact what GOP of NS doing currently with Taliban is 180 degree opposite of previous govts actions.

Pls enlighten forum goers exactly what you want GOP to do with regards to North Waziristan Operation.

I mean flaten it with carpet bombing, Nepalms or tectical N devices......what exactly pls elaborate??
@Irfan Baloch

Apart from the fact what GOP of NS doing currently with Taliban is 180 degree opposite of previous govts actions.

Pls enlighten forum goers exactly what you want GOP to do with regards to North Waziristan Operation.

I mean flaten it with carpet bombing, Nepalms or tectical N devices......what exactly pls elaborate??
my brother you are being emotional.
I have lost my best friends and family members to these dogs of hell
if you had asked this same question at the time of their funerals then i would have said YES all to above

I would definitely wont advocate a cricket match with them which our shameless interior minister is advocating.

the real enemy is inside our settled areas. targeted operations against them who move around in broad day light with their weapons and praise the butchers.

I would say we do exactly what any self respecting state does otherwise just get written off and dismissed in the sands of time.
I am not blinded by revenge and I am not ill informed arm chair warrior who thinks a blind Blitz of Waziristan will bring everlasting peace in Pakistan. FATA is just one venue but the real war is inside Karachi, Quetta, Khuzdar, Multan, Lahore, Islamabad and Jhang etc...
Adnan Sami is from Sawabi, fazlulla is from Sawat both are "settled" areas so the venue can be anywhere in Pakistan and even beyond that into Kunar and Nooristan.
@Irfan Baloch
Pls enlighten forum goers exactly what you want GOP to do with regards to North Waziristan Operation.

I mean flaten it with carpet bombing, Nepalms or tectical N devices......what exactly pls elaborate??
This thread isn't about North Waziristan at all. It's about Pakistan government's policy of meddling in the Middle East crisis which is dangerous as it could have grave repercussions for Pakistan.

In other words, Pakistan needs to stop fishing in troubled waters of the Middle East. It should instead concentrate on cleaning up the mess that the TTP and other terror organizations have created within Pakistan.
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In other words, Pakistan needs to stop fishing in troubled waters of the Middle East. It should instead concentrate on cleaning up the Mess that the TTP and other terror organizations have created within Pakistan.

Ah, how I wish it were that easy.
Actually we(ME & SAsia) are currently in the early stages of a powerfuly Vaccum about to create by the absence of world Sole Supoer power in our midst.....A lot of Govts trying thier best to fill this space with thier or their allies presence somehow. Its too early to comment or suggests anything concrete about future course of actions for Pakistan Alone.
This thread isn't about North Waziristan at all. It's about Pakistan government's policy of meddling in the Middle East crisis which is dangerous as it could have grave repercussions for Pakistan.

In other words, Pakistan needs to stop fishing in troubled waters of the Middle East. It should instead concentrate on cleaning up the Mess that the TTP and other terror organizations have created within Pakistan.
the British police has arrested Moazim Baig a British Pakistani who was in the past an inmate in camp exray. after his release he came back and then went to Syria and it appears that his training in "some" camps **** there caused a little bit of worry for the Brits.

every country that is covertly or overtly fanning the flames of sectarian and ethnic hatred in Syria will get its good share of blow back while the West might be able to successfully pre-empt and control the reprisals, the countries that are known to have chronically inept and corrupt governments will get the major share of chaos i.e. Pakistan

Ah, how I wish it were that easy.
it never was when we have the PM who is very much grateful for the Saudi Hospitality and the recent Saudi Royals visits were only to remind him of his debts.

I must not bail out the military here. our army chief also had meetings with the Saudis so Pak Military has its consent too. Imran Khan calls out army men fighting the TTP in FATA as America's paid mercenaries.. but he and others are silent over the news of Pakistani mercenaries who went to Bahrain to cull the uprising.
it never was when we have the PM who is very much grateful for the Saudi Hospitality and the recent Saudi Royals visits were only to remind him of his debts.
It's not that. If Pakistan does not support this revolution, they're not simply going against the wishes of Saudi Arabia, they're going against the wishes of the United States. Not only do we live off the donations of these countries, the influence they have over the world will allow them to swiftly depose of anyone who goes against their authority.
well well well

its realli very very alarming if its true that pakistan has okyed to saudi plan to use pakistani forces to "bring peace" (even if its peace of grave yard) to "shia controlled syria" reminder of chilling "black september" in jordan in 1970's

it will effect pakistan in many ways ... lets share a few

1. is statr the talibani/slafy/wahaby minded terroists & some covert PA men will be used as "bounty hunters" & "mercenarries" to soften "shia forces in syria" which will give pakistani people much needed reprive from endless acts of terrorism in pakistan

2. it will give pakistan much needed saudi "help" and will also make POF richer as POF maid wepons will be primlly used in the operation

3. it will be a grave mistake much much deadlier than it was after the pakistan faught US & saudi war in afghanistan against USSR and this time it will bring much more bagage that pakistanies had ever dreamt of in there wildest of "nighmares"

Good Luck Pakistan
3. it will be a grave mistake much much deadlier than it was after the pakistan faught US & saudi war in afghanistan against USSR and this time it will bring much more bagage that pakistanies had ever dreamt of in there wildest of "nighmares"

The Syria Issue is part of a massive proxy war between Russia and the US.The Russian supported Iranians who are defending one of their last fortresses in the ME while the US-supported Saudis are trying to "liberate" Syria. Pakistan will face dire consequences if they continue to poke their noses into this conflict.
I don't get it...why does Pakistan find the need to get involved into conflicts? - especially where it doesn't concern them. Involvement in Afghanistan could at least be justified as it being its neighbor. But Syria?
I don't get it...why does Pakistan find the need to get involved into conflicts? - especially where it doesn't concern them. Involvement in Afghanistan could at least be justified as it being its neighbor. But Syria?
Because we have become too dependent on countries like the US and Saudi Arabia for our daily allowance.
Because we have become too dependent on countries like the US and Saudi Arabia for our daily allowance.
my brother you are being emotional.
I have lost my best friends and family members to these dogs of hell
if you had asked this same question at the time of their funerals then i would have said YES all to above

I would definitely wont advocate a cricket match with them which our shameless interior minister is advocating.

the real enemy is inside our settled areas. targeted operations against them who move around in broad day light with their weapons and praise the butchers.

I would say we do exactly what any self respecting state does otherwise just get written off and dismissed in the sands of time.

This is a bit different and your enemy has a hiding place in NW and they also spreading in other parts of the country, you have to destroy their breeding nest at the same time go after the smaller cells in other cities, and while destroying their caves in North Waziristan Army must claim the territory with boots on the ground. This is a complex situation and just doing targetted operation is not enough
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