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A letter from Quetta

بلوچستان میں ہزارہ مزدوروں کا قتل: ’میرا اکلوتا بھائی چھ بہنوں، اپنی اہلیہ، دو بیٹیوں اور بوڑھے والد کا واحد کفیل تھا‘
اگر کسی کو کربلا کا منظر دیکھنا ہے تو وہ میرے خاندان کو دیکھ لے۔ ہمارے خاندان میں جنازہ اٹھانے والا کوئی مرد نہیں بچا۔ جس کے بعد ہم چھ بہنوں نے فیصلہ کیا ہے کہ ہم اپنے بھائی اور اپنے رشتہ داروں کے جنازے خود اٹھائیں گے۔‘
یہ کہنا ہے ہے معصومہ یعقوب علی کا جن کا اکلوتا بھائی محمد صادق اور چار دیگر رشتہ دار ہفتے کی شب صوبہ بلوچستان کے ضلع مچھ میں مبینہ طور پر شدت پسند تنظیم نام نہاد دولتِ اسلامیہ کے ہاتھوں ذبح ہونے والے دس کان کنوں میں شامل ہیں۔معصومہ کا بھائی چھ بہنوں کے اکلوتے بھائی اور دو بچوں کے والد تھے۔ جبکہ ان کے دیگر ذبح ہونے والے رشتہ داروں میں اٹھارہ سالہ بھانجا احمد شاہ، دو ماموں 20 سالہ شیر محمد اور 30 سالہ محمد انوار اور ان کی خالہ کا بیٹا محمد احسن شامل ہیں
معصومہ تھرڈ ایئر کی طالبہ ہیں۔ ’میں ریاست مدینہ سے پوچھنا چاہتی ہوں کہ یہ کیسی ریاست مدینہ ہے جس میں دن دہاڑے بے گناہ خاندانوں کے سہاروں کو اس بے دردی سے قتل کر دیا گیا ہے اور اس کے بعد صرف میڈیا پر تعزیتی بیانات کے علاوہ کچھ بھی نہیں ہو رہا ہے۔‘
’میں کہتی ہوں کہ اگر یہ واقعی انصاف کی ریاست ہے۔۔۔ اگر یہ واقعی مسلمانوں کی ریاست ہے۔۔۔ اگر یہ واقعی ریاست مدینہ ہے تو ہمارے مجرموں کو فی الفور قانون کے مطابق سزا دی جائے۔ انھیں سامنے لایا جائے۔ آخر ہم کب تک اپنے لوگوں کی لاشیں اٹھاتے رہیں گے۔‘
معصومہ نے اپنے بھائی محمد صادق کے حوالے سے بات کرتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ ’میرے والد ضعیف ہیں۔ میرا بھائی ہم چھ بہنوں، بوڑھے والد، اپنی اہلیہ اور اپنی دو بیٹیوں کا واحد کفیل تھا۔ وہ تو محنت مزدوری اور رزق حلال کمانے کے لیے اپنے شہر سے میلوں دور گیا تھا۔‘
میرے بھائی، میرے رشتہ داروں اور سارے مارے جانے والوں کا سیاست سے کوئی تعلق نہیں تھا۔ ان لوگوں کو تو سرنگوں میں مزدوریاں کرتے ہوئے یہ بھی پتا نہیں چلتا تھا کہ دن ہے کہ رات۔ کئی مرتبہ اس طرح ہوا ہے کہ بھائی مزدوری کرنے کے بعد فارغ ہو کر فون کرتے تو کہتے کہ مغرب کا وقت ہوا ہے۔ مغرب کی نماز پڑھ لوں، تو اصل میں اس وقت رات کا کافی حصہ بھی گزر چکا ہوتا ہے۔'
'میری بڑی بہنیں اکثر اپنے بھائی سے کہتیں کہ ہم نے کافی پڑھ لیا ہے اب ہمین اجازت دو کہ ہم بھی کام کریں، تو وہ کہتا کہ نہیں ابھی تم لوگ اچھے سے پڑھائی کرو تاکہ تم لوگوں کا مستقبل محفوظ ہو۔ بہنیں اس سے کہتیں کہ تم اس مزدوری سے آخر کتنا کام کر سکتے ہو تو وہ کہتا کہ میرے بازوں میں بہت دم ہے۔ میں اتنا کام کروں گا جتنی ہمیں ضرورت ہے۔'
معصومہ یعقوب علی کا کہنا تھا کہ ان کا بھائی مزدور تھا، کان کن تھا مگر وہ اتنی محنت کرتا تھا کہ ہماری تعلیم سمیت تمام ضرورتیں پوری ہوتیں تھیں، ہمارے بھائی اور والد کا کوئی بینک اکاوئنٹ نہیں ہے مگر ہمارے تمام مسائل حل ہوتے تھے۔
انھوں نے بتایا کہ اسی طرح میرے خالہ زاد، ماموں زاد، میرا کم عمر بھانجا یہ سب اپنے خاندانوں کے کئی کئی افراد کے لیے امیدیں اور سہارا تھے۔ ان کے قتل ہونے سے کئی گھروں کے چراغ اور کئی گھروں کے چولہے بجھ چکے ہیں۔

View attachment 703393

Please respect there feelings. These people are constantly under attacked by extremist groups . They are Paksitani.

a systamatic/planned ethnic cleansing is being done here,.
and our so called, vision, leader calls it terrorism!

... imran khans childrens are safe and sound in uk-----pm
sheik rasheeds does not have any childrens.( the ones we dont know)-interior minister.

COAS......... I DONT wnt to write anything here

but all of them promise us,
that your childrens are safe with us.........

Buddy drop this charade and go ask the Shia community of Parachinar, Quetta or Karachi who do they fear? Everyone will tell you it's Jhangvi and Sipah Sahaba group.

Keep your head in the sand. There are still tons of these offshoot organisations all over the country. If not LeJ then ASWJ or SSP. Aurangzeb Farooqui was taking out anti Shia rallies in Karachi in July. Blaming Iran, BLA or India will not do anything. The culprits are inside.
the truth is some where in the middle. Indians use the locals for terrorism.
blaming hostile agencies has its justification but I agree that we are becoming very self sufficient in brutality without foreign support and wont reject any offer of help from outside.

side note. please avoid personal fight with fellow members. some posts between you and @Areesh were unfortunately uncivilized.
What nonsense

DG ISPR doesn't do tweet for other civilian deaths too

Why you love to create an issue out of something which doesn't exist?

The real problem is terrorism in Balochistan in various forms and you made it Balochistani vs Punjabi out of nowhere

the real problem is balochistan , is unequal rights -
they get treatment of step sons.

..all our policys are for self enrichment, not collectie prosperity,

this was going to happen sooner or latter.......

some other parts of pakistan has also been changed , with there demography,
population, and composition,

a lot here might not like it,

no- one dares to say the truth to papa..
the truth is some where in the middle. Indians use the locals for terrorism.
blaming hostile agencies has its justification but I agree that we are becoming very self sufficient in brutality without foreign support and wont reject any offer of help from outside.

side note. please avoid personal fight with fellow members. some posts between you and @Areesh were unfortunately uncivilized.

It's too early. People are in grief but those banners in Karachi don't make sense.

Economy excuse (reserves, debt, FATF, etc.) used to justify criminal inaction.

All sensible patriots know the solutions --- the establishment needs the capability and balls to carry them out.

William Shakespeare: “What a terrible era in which idiots govern the blind
the truth is some where in the middle. Indians use the locals for terrorism.
blaming hostile agencies has its justification but I agree that we are becoming very self sufficient in brutality without foreign support and wont reject any offer of help from outside.

side note. please avoid personal fight with fellow members. some posts between you and @Areesh were unfortunately uncivilized.

if u dont feed ur people some one else will!---------

, hit the enemy where it hurts the most.

but we are still silent after modi,s kashmir take over,

it was give occupied kashmir

take gilgit baltistan......deal

Last week discussion with Iranian PDFers included strange bit of references between Punjab vs Pashtun vs Afghan ethnic tensions in an Afghanistan related topic.
it was give occupied kashmir

take gilgit baltistan......deal
Are Pakistanis willing to give Gilgit Baltistan for Occupied Kashmir?

I'm just thinking out loud....if it came to the two territories, GB is more valuable strategically. Even considering losing GB for occupied Kashmir should NEVER be an option. GB connects us to China and Central Asia.
Are Pakistanis willing to give Gilgit Baltistan for Occupied Kashmir?

I'm just thinking out loud....if it came to the two territories, GB is more valuable strategically. Even considering losing GB for occupied Kashmir should NEVER be an option. GB connects us to China and Central Asia.

and u still are asking the same question, even when the deal is done!
بلوچستان میں ہزارہ مزدوروں کا قتل: ’میرا اکلوتا بھائی چھ بہنوں، اپنی اہلیہ، دو بیٹیوں اور بوڑھے والد کا واحد کفیل تھا‘
اگر کسی کو کربلا کا منظر دیکھنا ہے تو وہ میرے خاندان کو دیکھ لے۔ ہمارے خاندان میں جنازہ اٹھانے والا کوئی مرد نہیں بچا۔ جس کے بعد ہم چھ بہنوں نے فیصلہ کیا ہے کہ ہم اپنے بھائی اور اپنے رشتہ داروں کے جنازے خود اٹھائیں گے۔‘
یہ کہنا ہے ہے معصومہ یعقوب علی کا جن کا اکلوتا بھائی محمد صادق اور چار دیگر رشتہ دار ہفتے کی شب صوبہ بلوچستان کے ضلع مچھ میں مبینہ طور پر شدت پسند تنظیم نام نہاد دولتِ اسلامیہ کے ہاتھوں ذبح ہونے والے دس کان کنوں میں شامل ہیں۔معصومہ کا بھائی چھ بہنوں کے اکلوتے بھائی اور دو بچوں کے والد تھے۔ جبکہ ان کے دیگر ذبح ہونے والے رشتہ داروں میں اٹھارہ سالہ بھانجا احمد شاہ، دو ماموں 20 سالہ شیر محمد اور 30 سالہ محمد انوار اور ان کی خالہ کا بیٹا محمد احسن شامل ہیں
معصومہ تھرڈ ایئر کی طالبہ ہیں۔ ’میں ریاست مدینہ سے پوچھنا چاہتی ہوں کہ یہ کیسی ریاست مدینہ ہے جس میں دن دہاڑے بے گناہ خاندانوں کے سہاروں کو اس بے دردی سے قتل کر دیا گیا ہے اور اس کے بعد صرف میڈیا پر تعزیتی بیانات کے علاوہ کچھ بھی نہیں ہو رہا ہے۔‘
’میں کہتی ہوں کہ اگر یہ واقعی انصاف کی ریاست ہے۔۔۔ اگر یہ واقعی مسلمانوں کی ریاست ہے۔۔۔ اگر یہ واقعی ریاست مدینہ ہے تو ہمارے مجرموں کو فی الفور قانون کے مطابق سزا دی جائے۔ انھیں سامنے لایا جائے۔ آخر ہم کب تک اپنے لوگوں کی لاشیں اٹھاتے رہیں گے۔‘
معصومہ نے اپنے بھائی محمد صادق کے حوالے سے بات کرتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ ’میرے والد ضعیف ہیں۔ میرا بھائی ہم چھ بہنوں، بوڑھے والد، اپنی اہلیہ اور اپنی دو بیٹیوں کا واحد کفیل تھا۔ وہ تو محنت مزدوری اور رزق حلال کمانے کے لیے اپنے شہر سے میلوں دور گیا تھا۔‘
میرے بھائی، میرے رشتہ داروں اور سارے مارے جانے والوں کا سیاست سے کوئی تعلق نہیں تھا۔ ان لوگوں کو تو سرنگوں میں مزدوریاں کرتے ہوئے یہ بھی پتا نہیں چلتا تھا کہ دن ہے کہ رات۔ کئی مرتبہ اس طرح ہوا ہے کہ بھائی مزدوری کرنے کے بعد فارغ ہو کر فون کرتے تو کہتے کہ مغرب کا وقت ہوا ہے۔ مغرب کی نماز پڑھ لوں، تو اصل میں اس وقت رات کا کافی حصہ بھی گزر چکا ہوتا ہے۔'
'میری بڑی بہنیں اکثر اپنے بھائی سے کہتیں کہ ہم نے کافی پڑھ لیا ہے اب ہمین اجازت دو کہ ہم بھی کام کریں، تو وہ کہتا کہ نہیں ابھی تم لوگ اچھے سے پڑھائی کرو تاکہ تم لوگوں کا مستقبل محفوظ ہو۔ بہنیں اس سے کہتیں کہ تم اس مزدوری سے آخر کتنا کام کر سکتے ہو تو وہ کہتا کہ میرے بازوں میں بہت دم ہے۔ میں اتنا کام کروں گا جتنی ہمیں ضرورت ہے۔'
معصومہ یعقوب علی کا کہنا تھا کہ ان کا بھائی مزدور تھا، کان کن تھا مگر وہ اتنی محنت کرتا تھا کہ ہماری تعلیم سمیت تمام ضرورتیں پوری ہوتیں تھیں، ہمارے بھائی اور والد کا کوئی بینک اکاوئنٹ نہیں ہے مگر ہمارے تمام مسائل حل ہوتے تھے۔
انھوں نے بتایا کہ اسی طرح میرے خالہ زاد، ماموں زاد، میرا کم عمر بھانجا یہ سب اپنے خاندانوں کے کئی کئی افراد کے لیے امیدیں اور سہارا تھے۔ ان کے قتل ہونے سے کئی گھروں کے چراغ اور کئی گھروں کے چولہے بجھ چکے ہیں۔

View attachment 703393

Please respect there feelings. These people are constantly under attacked by extremist groups . They are Paksitani.

The Hazara community has tried all possible means to make their demands for justice, protection, and security heard: from sit-ins in the cold and heat to worldwide protests; from knocking on government doors to searing hunger strikes. Sad to say, however, none of these efforts have borne fruit – even the international community has turned blind eyes to their plight. In May 2018, Chief Justice Mian Saqib Nisar declared that Hazaras were effectively undergoing “ethnic cleansing” at the hands of extremist groups and called for serious actions. Later that year Pakistan’s chief of army staff, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, paid a personal visit to meet the leaders of the community, promising them protection and security. In practice, however, they have defaulted on those promises. That implies either incapability, indifference, or possible complicity with the extremists.
Hindustan has accepted culpability through its agents e.g. Kulbushan. It is a stated strategy of the Indian intelligence agencies to destabilise Balochistan and attack CPEC. It is known that Indian IT cells pose as various parties to create instability and invent a narrative of restlessness in balochistan. We know that Delhi would like to do exactly what it did in Bangladesh via mukhti bahini in balochistan with BLA.

These are known knowns, not unsolved mysteries.

The Indian GUTTER FILTH ON THIS FORUM (you know who you are with your "I am secular/agnostic/progressive when white people are watching" lapel badges) routinely spout the shitt faced lie that "we are actually peace loving and want Pakistan to develop itself peacefully and stop fighting us with violence". When we try to develop peacefully, improving our economy via CPEC, uplifting our brethren throughout our nation and showing tangible results of our steady progress, the two-faced aman ki asha filth strike us through these proxies and the "peace loving Indians" fall ominously silent.

I don't think Iran is messing with us this time, though they may be guilty of allowing Indians a free hand - difficult to say.

The Kabul regime certainly is involved in the Indian great game.

The first thing we must do is expose these lying two faced saffron frauds who have eternally given us the moun peh ram bhugal mein churee treatment.

Any Indian who appears to sympathise and state anything along the lines of "but but but if Pakistanis gave up aggression against India, we would respect and support Pakistan in developing peacefully and economically" b.s. The truth is laid bare. They oppose Pakistan's progress full-Stop, whether it be by the sword OR peacefully.

Not one single Pakistani patriot can feel any suggestion of antipathy or indifference towards the suffering of the Hazaras. Not one single patriotic Pakistani would fail to shed real tears at the news of turmoil in balochistan costing the lives of our Pak civilians. On the contrary, it is the archetypal, textbook conniving Indian who will feign concern and shed a crocodile tear on days like these, while privately laughing and sneering at Pakistan's pain. This particular Indian will seek anti-Pakistan capital on a day like this.

There - my dear brothers - lies all the evidence you need.
Parsiyon ko Iran se khatam kar dia

U.S.S.R and communism ko Afghanistan se khatam kar dia

bas humey nahi ukhad paye.. lagai raho, chottay.. hamari bhi sehat bani rehti hai is kushti mein.

What the heck does that even mean?

Sounds like you are describing some self created Indian fantasy.
It's too early. People are in grief but those banners in Karachi don't make sense.
I would never judge the families of the victims. let them express their frustrations and anger at the state institutions. just like before they are refusing to bury their dead but given the indifference of our state institutions and the government they will eventually bury them as the temperatures continue to fall in the bitter cold of Balochistan.

I don't have much information about banners in Karachi.
and I am sure it wont be anything pleasant.
I would never judge the families of the victims. let them express their frustrations and anger at the state institutions. just like before they are refusing to bury their dead but given the indifference of our state institutions and the government they will eventually bury them as the temperatures continue to fall in the bitter cold of Balochistan.

I don't have much information about banners in Karachi.
and I am sure it wont be anything pleasant.

I would request the president to go over there for the burial ceremony. take the Afghan ambassador with him.

Government and PEMRA should really think through the content written on the placards.
I know what you are saying.
I dont know what was the wisdom of providing ISI vehicles to Lashkar Jaghvi leadership who even used those vehicles in their show of power when the same organisation was busy killing our soldiers too and had made videos of such executions.

Indian link is not wrong either because Jadev also mentioned that killing shias was also a part of strategy as is killing punjabis in Balochistan
Indian intelligence will support anyone that brings misery to Pakistanis.
be greatful that people dont justify and celebrate openly like they did once for red mosque and TTP.

LeJ represents IS and Al Qaida in Pakistan.
and despite releasing video of Colonnel Imam before his execution it continues to enjoy some support of intelligence elements that comes from General Zia time.

dont go wondering in that part of Pakistan you will be killed. people got killed for having Ali or Hussain in their name or shah even Sunni Syeds because taqfiris reject idea of sunni Syed. According to them all syeds are shia and must be wiped off the faceof the earth.

True. Indian link is there but it is the estb that made the groups so powerful that now enjoying less support, they slipped to the Indians. But their aim remains same.

Irfan Sir it's actually us who think in a normal way. Our hearts are soft, it grieves and feels. The heart of political elite of Gernails doesn't work like us. FC getting slaughtered is like a chess pawn getting off for them. Shia Hazaras getting killed is like part of the greater plan for them. Even I agree on that they kill Sunni Syeds too because they all come from the same line. Estb plays on both sides, the officers of Zia's mentality and even the new ones are having horrible ideology.

You shall remember Mullah Tariq Masood. He tends to be moderate but he has made takfiri claims targeting Shiites and putting a tohmat on Imam Hassan about making 120 weddings etc. He and all his clan was invited by navy on regular basis. Even the induction of religious officers of navy paid a visit to Dar ul Ulloom Deobandi, Binori town. Nothing against deobandis but all of that damn batch didn't have an officer from a sect other than Deoband which was serious violation of constitution.
I would never judge the families of the victims. let them express their frustrations and anger at the state institutions. just like before they are refusing to bury their dead but given the indifference of our state institutions and the government they will eventually bury them as the temperatures continue to fall in the bitter cold of Balochistan.

I don't have much information about banners in Karachi.
and I am sure it wont be anything pleasant.

They're having protests here. 2 of them.
and u still are asking the same question, even when the deal is done!

The Hazara community has tried all possible means to make their demands for justice, protection, and security heard: from sit-ins in the cold and heat to worldwide protests; from knocking on government doors to searing hunger strikes. Sad to say, however, none of these efforts have borne fruit – even the international community has turned blind eyes to their plight. In May 2018, Chief Justice Mian Saqib Nisar declared that Hazaras were effectively undergoing “ethnic cleansing” at the hands of extremist groups and called for serious actions. Later that year Pakistan’s chief of army staff, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, paid a personal visit to meet the leaders of the community, promising them protection and security. In practice, however, they have defaulted on those promises. That implies either incapability, indifference, or possible complicity with the extremists.
its a given that they will never get any justice in Pakistan. this state is a hell hole for poor and weak people. whatever the ethnicity, sect or political affiliation.
only a bully, miscreant and mighty gets the attention of the state institutions who will call them their brothers, provide them protocols and other VIP perks calling them brothers and going out of the way to meet them even out of the country.

Hazaras last time demanding Gen Kyani to visit them which he refused to do. this time they didnt even ask army leadership to visit them because they are weak, poor and peaceful. this is a curse in Pakistan.

few years ago, in front of London High commission of Pakistan I saw their quiet protest and I went over to them and introduced myself. no other Pakistani visiting the high commission even paid any attention, they were there with the pictures of their slain victims standing across the road by the footpath, they mentioned ISI escorting LeJ terrorists and being complicit in their killing as well as Pakistan army and FC. I tried my best to correct them siting my unit officers and personnel who were from their shia faith and also some Hazara officers but the protesters were not sold.
True. Indian link is there but it is the estb that made the groups so powerful that now enjoying less support, they slipped to the Indians. But their aim remains same.

Irfan Sir it's actually us who think in a normal way. Our hearts are soft, it grieves and feels. The heart of political elite of Gernails doesn't work like us. FC getting slaughtered is like a chess pawn getting off for them. Shia Hazaras getting killed is like part of the greater plan for them. Even I agree on that they kill Sunni Syeds too because they all come from the same line. Estb plays on both sides, the officers of Zia's mentality and even the new ones are having horrible ideology.

You shall remember Mullah Tariq Masood. He tends to be moderate but he has made takfiri claims targeting Shiites and putting a tohmat on Imam Hassan about making 120 weddings etc. He and all his clan was invited by navy on regular basis. Even the induction of religious officers of navy paid a visit to Dar ul Ulloom Deobandi, Binori town. Nothing against deobandis but all of that damn batch didn't have an officer from a sect other than Deoband which was serious violation of constitution.

They're having protests here. 2 of them.
I think this was because of the commanding officer and he might have got a nod from his seniors too.
I have attended religious sermons too but they were always very cordial, inspiring and pleasant. more on moral character and commitment to the country and upholding values.

I know what you are saying. Pakistan airforce has its own super star in the shape of Adnan Rashid who was helped in escaping 2 times after his capture from the Air force base. last time he was provided a uniform of an airman and he simply walked out of the base from this so called high security cell. He specializes on planning big raids on Pakistan airbases. All successful attacks on air bases from Kamra to Badabair have been planned by him.

Pakistan Navy is also fcked. specially some of its batch of junior officers looked like graduates of Lal Masjid Madrassah. 2 of its officers defected back in mid 200s and one was killed by Americans in Afghanistan when he joined Al Qaeda. another one was captured by Naval intelligence in Pindi after the foiled attempt to hijack a Naval warship in karachi and use it to attack American vessels and trigger an American invasion of Pakistan.
the TTP even claimed to have videos of its personnel infiltrating into Pakistan Navy with the video clips of inside the Pakistani Naval Vessels. Pakistan army has its own trojans. as the propheys goes the he

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