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A discussion of the current political situation of Pakistan ....Which party do you support and why?

Which party do you support and why?

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what MQM does is not good, but there are many reasons and frustrations backing it
Results of frustrations are rarely good!

for 36 years MQM is still facing the same problems it faced long time ago, killings, violence, establishment, political revenge and political indifference, ignorant judiciary and LEAs
MQM is the product of this society, it reflects the same frustration pakistani society is facing, it is not at all justified to single out MQM on this
It is equally not justified for MQM to become a militant!
every other major political force has been provided a ground for level playing field, why is MQM's denied when it is gainging mandate for 30 years and is one of the most important parties of pakistan representing a huge vote bank and a mandate
MQM is every where which there is injustice, whether it is killing of innocent PAT workers, whether it is protect by jye sindh sindhi nationalists, it is because MQM knows the background frustration that leads to the anger and ground reaction to it, you need to start addressing the core issues rather crusading and attacking those who are the reactions not the source, you need to address the source of the problem first
the source is lack of cooperation, neglect of citizens, ignorance of needs of the everyday man...to summarize it: we are literally being ruled by someone under the banner of "public servants" who instead of serving the public ...want us to serve them ...the same people who are in the decision making area have never lived as an everyday man and are making decisions based on guesses of what an everyday man needs!

Not 1 decision maker has used public transport his whole life...so how does he know if Pakistanis need metro more or education

Not 1 has led a poor life so doesnt know the hardships of the poor

Not 1 has been denied education so how does he know the value of one?

Some have fake degrees again these people wont know the value of education if they purchased theirs?!

Not 1 has paid taxes so how do they know it is painful for a poor when it is increased and that the tax are exempted for people who are rich and can afford it!

Not 1 has ever gone hungry hence dont care about the ridiculous inflation

Not 1 has had any problems finding a job hence find no shame in blocking the job market by sending all the contracts overseas for their future benefits

The list is long! Not 1 knows the life of an everyday man!
Eventually everything is about voting but killings and all are not justified....if 1 tries to justify them then others will also do the same!
It is a surprise that MQM has to support those families...why so? They should pressurize the courts not MQM!
I have already addressed this...everyone is getting killed...from Shia to Sunni from Karachi walay to Kashmir walay to Pushtoon...who to blame? And if you blame the govt...go kill the govt people not ordinary people!
Go strike against the govt give them a loss not the country!

Why they blame MQM? because they found killings linked to MQM...no one is going to do heavy duty work to dig up the past...Do you think our system is that efficient? do you think people work that hard? NO!
Coz MQM also has blood on their hands...hence blame goes to them...being a political party MQM has more responsibility than an everyday nobody who might have started the killings...and again I repeat if govt is responsible then people should attack the govt not the common civilian...

Why they blame MQM? because they found killings linked to MQM...no one is going to do heavy duty work to dig up the past...Do you think our system is that efficient? do you think people work that hard? NO!
Coz MQM also has blood on their hands...hence blame goes to them...being a political party MQM has more responsibility than an everyday nobody who might have started the killings...and again I repeat if govt is responsible then people should attack the govt not the common civilian...

Have you ever questioned the corruption of PPP? where all the money went? Karachi is an important port no one can doubt it...It is also the largest city...It is also 1 of the most profitable! But it is also the most troubled because everyone wants to be the lawyer and give punishment!
I totally agree that govt should not get such a large share apart from CM house (which should not be bigger than an average 3 bedroom house/ apartment) and get 1 servant...no one else should get privileges from ppl's tax money!

Do you deny MQM retaliated? coz that would be a lie...they did retaliate that is why no one can tweeze out the wrong from the right...2 wrongs dont make a right! and no form of killing is justified until and unless a fair trial is given!

Bro that is not prove! Those actions cant be justified at all! The loss to the daily wage people is a personal loss not exactly the target when it is the daily wage person who is effected the most!
MQM is not the only people who are ignored...IDP, before that the Balochis, Kashmiris and lists of minorities also makes it to the list of ignored....The govt has failed to address unity!

this is a really shitty reply to the quality of post i made with facts and figures, you are just throwing left right and centre

i think i have already addressed the reasons in the most comprehensive way possible, there is no question beyond doubt now, i hope

as i said, before accusing MQM or anybody, you need to question the real reason for those shutter down protests, you can keep blaming MQM for killings but the reality is MQM has fought all the cases of so called killings, you can keep blaming but i have already answer you with facts and reality, MQM has successfuly fought hakeem saeed murder case, kaleem khan case and many many cases, who will address 15,000 MQM workers who were killed and dumped in margalla hills, again, if MQM has killed, it was a reaction not the actual evil spread by agencies and many other political forces

you can either be in lala land and be ignorant or embrace the reality

balochistan is a mess and balochs are rightly frustrated, i don't even blame them why they protest why they curse punjabis and pakistan, i blame pakistan not balochs, same should be understood in MQM's case, MQM is far more important and has a huge reason because they are a political force and they want to change the system, they don't require any help unlike balochs, but they are stopped and crucified and all the political hindrance keep them from implementing their own system,

the reservations of gilgit baltistanis is now slowly coming out, i don't blame FATA people for TTP because they have been ignored and misused for a long time

if Pakistanis are neglected you will see more shutter down strikes infact riots, and armed resistance, MQM is holding back the frustration the public in karachi is having, it is MQM which is controlling the anger, it is MQM who is stopping the common karachiites and pakistan to take laws under their hands, as i said MQM is the good guy here,

you can keep accusing MQM for bhatta, killings, MQM is ready to fight those charges in every court, MQM is already fighting those cases will a lot of success, if further cases come up, MQM will fight those as well
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this is a really shitty reply to the quality of post i made with facts and figures, you are just throwing left right and centre

i think i have already addressed the reasons in the most comprehensive way possible, there is no question beyond doubt now, i hope

as i said, before accusing MQM or anybody, you need to question the real reason for those shutter down protests, you can keep blaming MQM for killings but the reality is MQM has fought all the cases of so called killings, you can keep blaming but i have already answer you with facts and reality

you can either be in lala land and be ignorant or embrace the reality

balochistan is a me
ss and balochs are rightly frustrated, i don't even blame them why they protest why they curse punjabis and pakistan, i blame pakistan not balochs, same should be understood in MQM's case, MQM is far more important and has a huge reason because they are a political force and they want to change the system, they don't require any help unlike balochs, but they are stopped and crucified and all the political hindrance keep them from implementing their own system,

the reservations of gilgit baltistanis is now slowly coming out, i don't blame FATA people for TTP because they have been ignored and misused for a long time
Not throwing but countering!

Your posts were regarding MQM and previous govt!

Your posts were MQM is being targeted and blamed!

Your post was regarding MQM helping families of those who were attacked!

My question why people approach MQM? Why MQM tries to behave as the govt? Why MQM blames everyone else except itself for retaliating? I am not saying keep quiet but I am also saying dont retaliate with brutality involving people who are not involved...Just coz some random Punjabi attacked doesnt mean you get to close your eyes and pick any random Punjabi just based on their caste or origin!

I think you are in lala land with the people attack me card!!! IF everyone start doing this...who is right and who is wrong? How do we distinguish?

You blame Pakistan? Really...then you are most welcome to cross the border (whichever side) and live with whomever you are happy with, fair?

If MQM is important, so is the life of every Punjabi, Pushtun, Sindhi, Seraiki, Balochi and so on!

If they are a political force then you should understand politics is damn dirty eventually your hands get dirty...And again 2 wrongs does not make a right! But by using the victim card aint getting you anywhere by differentiating yourself from the other people of Pakistan like Punjabi, Balochi, Seraiki and so on isnt helpful and finally blaming the country is sickening you sound just like those Indians who think Pakistan was a mistake and hence the sacrifice of our ancestors!

I understand the plight! But the problem is people (like mohajirs) want to detain their identity instead of identifying as Pakistanis any day you will go as Mohajirs!
Not throwing but countering!

Your posts were regarding MQM and previous govt!

Your posts were MQM is being targeted and blamed!

Your post was regarding MQM helping families of those who were attacked!

My question why people approach MQM? Why MQM tries to behave as the govt? Why MQM blames everyone else except itself for retaliating? I am not saying keep quiet but I am also saying dont retaliate with brutality involving people who are not involved...Just coz some random Punjabi attacked doesnt mean you get to close your eyes and pick any random Punjabi just based on their caste or origin!

I think you are in lala land with the people attack me card!!! IF everyone start doing this...who is right and who is wrong? How do we distinguish?

You blame Pakistan? Really...then you are most welcome to cross the border (whichever side) and live with whomever you are happy with, fair?

If MQM is important, so is the life of every Punjabi, Pushtun, Sindhi, Seraiki, Balochi and so on!

If they are a political force then you should understand politics is damn dirty eventually your hands get dirty...And again 2 wrongs does not make a right! But by using the victim card aint getting you anywhere by differentiating yourself from the other people of Pakistan like Punjabi, Balochi, Seraiki and so on isnt helpful and finally blaming the country is sickening you sound just like those Indians who think Pakistan was a mistake and hence the sacrifice of our ancestors!

I understand the plight! But the problem is people (like mohajirs) want to detain their identity instead of identifying as Pakistanis any day you will go as Mohajirs!

oohh my dear lord, you are really not trying to comprehend, where did i ever discussed mohajirs, i duscussed karachiites, you now took this to ethnic direction, first you tried to divert this discussion to MQM killings, are you really that stupid?

looks like after my huge essay you still will never understand, it a total time waste to debate with you, your views are naive and your understanding of issues is near to zero, you have willingly ignored a huge chunk of my original post and now coming with irrational comments

but i don't blame you, the way idiots understand issues in pakistan, its completely understandable, i hope pakistanis get a matured view about whats really happening in their country

pakistanis will need to broaden their minds and try to understand whats really happening and whats the real issue, most of the political comprehension among pakistan is very naive, they will need to swallow the bitter pill eventually for sake of this country, pakistanis are presently living in a fantacy world where issues are little and can be fixed easily, the mess of 65 years is not so simple and can't be easily fixed and they are not so simple to tackle

as a thread starter you should have depth in your political understanding, even i had very naive views like a common pakistani idiot, but instead of bias, i tried to understand matters neutrally instead of bias

please read my first post in this thread and try to understand what i really mena, this is the actual problem of this country, everybody esp the PTI and PMLN have not even touched the main problems and their solutions, they have been very naive, here hardly anybody has given matured views

sorry to say
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oohh my dear lord, you are really not trying to comprehend, where did i ever discussed mohajirs, i duscussed karachiites, you now took this to ethnic direction, first you tried to divert this discussion to MQM killings, are you really that stupid?
When you are talking about MQM are you talking about people of Karachi or Mohajirs from your past history MQM = mohajirs all the time! Plus its not about stupidity but you fail to comprehend the whole story!

looks like after my huge essay you still will never understand, it a total time waste to debate with you, your views are naive and your understanding of issues is near to zero, you have willingly ignored a huge chunk of my original post and now coming with irrational comments
Thank you for your essay! I have not ignored anything but you have efficiently ignored all my questions ...you have also ignored my post regarding 2 wrongs doesnt make a right!

pakistanis will need to broaden their minds and try to understand whats really happening and whats the real issue, most of the political comprehension among pakistan is very naive
Interesting to see you dont count yourself as a Pakistani...that is what my post was about but as usual you went to down to calling me stupid, lack of comprehension skills and ignorance while you yourself proved my point!
When you are talking about MQM are you talking about people of Karachi or Mohajirs from your past history MQM = mohajirs all the time! Plus its not about stupidity but you fail to comprehend the whole story!

you don't have any knowledge about past history of MQM okay, i can educate you there as well, but its fruitless since you are not capable to understand, MQM have punjabis and balochs since 1980s MQM has done gatherings in Punjab in 1990 in punjab etc

i specifically used the word 'karachiites' and not mohajirs i dunno why you gave this discussion an ethnic colour, why is it MQM's fault if punjabis and pathans hate MQM, MQM has been raising voice for punjab, sindh and pathans since day one even though Punjabi and pathan hates MQM

MQM's mohajirs are not the people who are living under wadera and jaagirdars and in tribal areas, its punjabis and sindhis and pathans and balochs

in karachi a mohajir is living in a better condition than non mohajirs (this is a fact not my ethnic statement), its the pathans and balochs and sindhis and other ethnic people who are living in kutchi abadis who have made karachi a poor city, my heart goes out for everybody in the city whether it is mohajir or not because pain of any karachiite is anybody's pain living in the city and as MQM is responsible for karachi it is responsible for every race regardless, i dunno why after being involved in a professional life you are after very pity things like ethnicity, MQM calls a strike, hoooh it is a crime, regularly law and order situation costs karachi billions of rupees you don't have problem with it etc

you talked about how a daily wager doesn't get to earn due to MQM shutter down strike, my friend, what about those daily wagers who are getting killed on daily bases, bomb blasts, target killing, bhatta etc? because of law and order, how many daily wagers are jobless, ever thought about that

you see your mind is closed and not into comprehension for the real matter, you will keep discussing is a childish manner how MQM closes down the city, how MQM does this, does that, but your brain will refuse to accept the reality
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You think that is the only uturn PMLN took? :pop:

So national interest is not politics? man politics technically should be about national interest...It is because Pakistan separates the 2 we have been played by everyone!
Ok for this chunk let me ask you in all honesty...
Say you are from Karachi and drone attacks took place...Pry do tell me is there any chance that civilians will not be "accidentally" killed? Be it 1 man or 50 people a month---So his concern was for the 50...small number still significant coz they are Pakistanis...the day we equate each Pakistani life as sacred will be the day we are successful and peaceful! However we feel lives of elites and ministers as sacred (ya I am referring to the protocols each ministers - 1 person) gets!
So if his concern was genuine for his citizens I salute the man! Coz for me each Pakistani life no matter how small is sacred!
PMLN succeed in working on an idea a platform IK built from being insulted and taking all the blames of a cry baby...while all the credit landed in PMLN...yea he kept shut he didnt cry he didnt get credit when he took all the insults and criticisms!

IF PPP and PMLN cant take criticism simply stop doing crappy stuff...if he asked their workers to do something good and join a rally for Pakistan how is that wrong? Do you know what the problem with your understanding is? You do not stand for Pakistan but for a party..Your post clearly cant distinguish National interest, politics, for Pakistan and criticizing parties (which is not equal to criticizing Pakistan) ....You PMLN and PPP dont deserve and criticism? Well PPP 5 yrs and not 1 progress in whole of Pakistan not even Sindh! PMLN? well all contracts are exported and this is somehow for people's interest?!

You talk as though every PMLN supporter has a degree in political sciences or economics! And the meaning of the word slave is :

a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.
How is this NOT happening in Pakistan where questioning the govt is called UTURN? or criticizing the govt is a NO NO or laughable?

HOW is this not happening when people's tax is used to buy bullet proof cars and upgrade your own security without any advancements to the security of the population (slave)

How is this not happening when all contracts are going over seas and no one is supposed to question it?

How is this not happening when ex-CJ son is put at a post he is not qualified or should I say his very dad ruled against?

How is Pakistan not a slave of the current govt? When it cant even raise its concerns without becoming a mockery in the media? That is not democracy it is autocracy!
I have answered the international case which everyone overlooked: UNDP refutes Imran’s claim | Page 2 (post 30 and 33)
As for the rest things change....PPP and PMLN working together can never generate anything honest!
I never denied its freedom I ridiculed its ability to report!

Firstly, it is pry...Like I said I ridiculed its very ability to report and to use its brain to report what is report worthy and what is not!
What do you call peaceful? Rally is peaceful and happens all over the world...demonstration can be peaceful but it gets dirty later on by 1-2 hyper people!
He questions in the open is not peaceful enough? It takes courage to question a bully!
I have yet to see a PMLN supporter add 2 and 2----all they seem to do is take the report from where it starts not from what started it or how it started!

I'll post a detailed reply later but the term is 'pray tell'

> pray tell:

(archaic) Please explain (something the requester does not yet understand).

Pray tell us, how will they fare while you are away?

(idiomatic, usually sarcastic) Expressing incredulity, please explain (some claim or position the speaker doubts).

But how, pray tell, do you "notice" something that happens when you're asleep?
No one can eliminate terrorism in 90 days ...fair enough but since you dont like either of the 2 parties...why take out "keeray" only from PTI and not the other 2 parties?

Alot of things were different in 90s! Some of the good days of Pakistan...but inside it was slowly sinking!

I always take out other "keerays" from other parties ... Even I don't spare to MQM too ...............

I am talking about similar promises of other party leader...my question was if you question IK you should equally question the electricity promise and should to shoulder promise of PMLN and all the various promises of PPP...why single out IK? personal grudge? If that is the case then like in any court of law...this case will be dropped based on personal grudge! If no personal grudge then discuss each lie from each politician!

Admit you are not a neutral :D
I just answered to PTI supporter ... So it is obvious that I will talk on IK's promises ... This is common sense that I wouldn't remind promises of SS to a PTI supporter :lol:
1 year earlier I have discussed about promises of SS ... If you had missed it then you can see the thread on below link:

What should be next name of Shahbaz Sharif..???

Hope you will find your answer about my personal grudge :lol:
I always take out other "keerays" from other parties ... Even I don't spare to MQM too ...............

Admit you are not a neutral :D
I just answered to PTI supporter ... So it is obvious that I will talk on IK's promises ... This is common sense that I wouldn't remind promises of SS to a PTI supporter :lol:
1 year earlier I have discussed about promises of SS ... If you had missed it then you can see the thread on below link:

What should be next name of Shahbaz Sharif..???

Hope you will find your answer about my personal grudge :lol:
Ahh that was you...

I am no party supporter...I am not even politically active in real life...I just ask and want to know different problems faced by different people....why? coz I want to help ...I dont think politics would help anyone...

I once read somewhere (some news cutting) that some businessmen in sahiwal funded to build their own road since govt was taking forever....

As for your enquiry about PTI...I do not go to many of the threads the few I do ...I do ask what has IK done now (usually negative news on IK) and try to make sense if I cant I do codemn it like talks with Taliban ....I was really convinced that he wanted to save the regular people (termed collateral damage) from drones

I did question why on earth IK accepted those lotay in his party....

I did question the few bits of news we received on IK...but sicne overall I think PTI is a better party (coz other parties have their fair share of years worth of dirty laundry) IK has more of naive inexperienced approaches...rather than pure dirty laundry!

I'll post a detailed reply later but the term is 'pray tell'

> pray tell:

(archaic) Please explain (something the requester does not yet understand).

Pray tell us, how will they fare while you are away?

(idiomatic, usually sarcastic) Expressing incredulity, please explain (some claim or position the speaker doubts).

But how, pray tell, do you "notice" something that happens when you're asleep?
Ahh I always knew it as pry tell..sorry about that! :)
Ahh that was you...

I am no party supporter...I am not even politically active in real life...I just ask and want to know different problems faced by different people....why? coz I want to help ...I dont think politics would help anyone...

I once read somewhere (some news cutting) that some businessmen in sahiwal funded to build their own road since govt was taking forever....

As for your enquiry about PTI...I do not go to many of the threads the few I do ...I do ask what has IK done now (usually negative news on IK) and try to make sense if I cant I do codemn it like talks with Taliban ....I was really convinced that he wanted to save the regular people (termed collateral damage) from drones

I did question why on earth IK accepted those lotay in his party....

I did question the few bits of news we received on IK...but sicne overall I think PTI is a better party (coz other parties have their fair share of years worth of dirty laundry) IK has more of naive inexperienced approaches...rather than pure dirty laundry!

But unfortunately IK is a vision-less leader ... I would have been supported to him if he had some vision .............
But unfortunately IK is a vision-less leader ... I would have been supported to him if he had some vision .............
I beg to differ but everyone has their opinion... :)
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