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A discussion of the current political situation of Pakistan ....Which party do you support and why?

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Define his area !!? So it was ok using 80k Pakistanis as collateral damage than and we should continue with mazk raat than , yes MQM formed in those times let me also remind you that those once upon a time state assets the jihadis also started pouring into khi in those times do the math again
Who used 80k as collateral damage?

Well, in such a case a normal person would ask...Coincidence? How sure are we they were state assets?

It could be agenda or it could be a foolish understanding of facts no matter what it was my point is just because of his stance khi and the rest of Pakistan paid heavily in blood and still is paying every day. More thanks to him as now the militants have spread their tenticals deep into the city and we are yet to see the blow back of zarbe Azab
So it was all his fault...there was nothing happening before he took a stand for his people? Seriously? On other threads we have people blaming a mand dead for 20 yrs (Zia era) for all these Jihadi mess...then we have the efficient people blaming US for their training for use in their cold war and suddenly leaving without reversing the damage! and then we have people blaming India....everyone is to blame except the retarded people themselves who chose this path? or the retarded molvis whom no one bothers checking! or the retarded laws where molvies are not registered nor are masjids monitored? How about blaming that system before blaming the only guy who stood for his people (yea it wasnt just Altaf who stood for his Mohajirs!)

It means he can just perform if he becomes PM ... Wow
Then why would people blame to MQM that they are in government but they did nothing .............
Even MQM doesn't have CMship of Sindh ... MQM doesn't have home ministry of Sindh ... But you expect from MQM more than their authority ... But someone talk about PTI you excuse that they don't have federal govt ...........
Coz MQM does have more authority recently Karachi was shut down and every now and then there are more threats about it being broken off! So if such a threat can be made...it just shows how much underground "authority" we are talking about without being in office!
Could you answer the claim of IK that he will revive the system in 90 days ... Forget federal govt he can change KPK as per his claims because now provinces have provincial autonomy .................
1) Eliminate terrorism in 90 days .......... But his formula of peace talk has failed after conducting 8 months of talks .......
2) Change the system in 90 days ............. Where is change in KPK except few things .............
3) Hold local govt elections in 90 days .............. Where is election of local govt in KPK ...............
4) End corruption in 90 days ......... Can you claim about it ............

1) Eliminate terrorism in 90 days? really something which people are blaming a man dead for 20 yrs ...for 20 yrs no one bothered to wake up and check where Pakistan is headed and you want it to be reversed in 90 days?

2) system is changing slowly they have introduced more stuff legislatively than Punjab or Sindh has in the same amount of time!
3) ok that one is fishy

4) Corruption is on a low in KPK as compared to Sindh and Pujab where mind you monarchies and dynasties have fossilized themselves!
Coz MQM does have more authority recently Karachi was shut down and every now and then there are more threats about it being broken off! So if such a threat can be made...it just shows how much underground "authority" we are talking about without being in office!
Tell me in simple words ... Does MQM have official authority....?????? Because shutting down the city doesn't have mean that MQM could become the city idealistic ... This is government job ... MQM did this while they have home ministry in Musharraf time ... You couldn't find bad situation of law n order during 2002 to 2007 ................

1) Eliminate terrorism in 90 days? really something which people are blaming a man dead for 20 yrs ...for 20 yrs no one bothered to wake up and check where Pakistan is headed and you want it to be reversed in 90 days?
Which man you are talking about ... Anyways IK had promised that he will eliminate terrorism within 90 days ...........

2) system is changing slowly they have introduced more stuff legislatively than Punjab or Sindh has in the same amount of time!
Its ok that it will take time but he claimed that he will change the system within 90 days and Sindh/Punjab didn't claim like this ............

4) Corruption is on a low in KPK as compared to Sindh and Pujab where mind you monarchies and dynasties have fossilized themselves!
Question is this could he end the corruption within 90 days ... Whereas Sindh/Punjab didn't claim so .............
Tell me in simple words ... Does MQM have official authority....?????? Because shutting down the city doesn't have mean that MQM could become the city idealistic ... This is government job ... MQM did this while they have home ministry in Musharraf time ... You couldn't find bad situation of law n order during 2002 to 2007 ...............
Well if they can go as far as that am sure they can push in other ideas! Shutting a city koi bachoun ka khayl nai!
I didnt really understand the rest of the stuff you wrote...

Which man you are talking about ... Anyways IK had promised that he will eliminate terrorism within 90 days ..
NS also promised alot...I was talking about Zia and Butto senior...

Its ok that it will take time but he claimed that he will change the system within 90 days and Sindh/Punjab didn't claim like this ............
Shabaz Shariff claimed to end electricity in 3mths...thats 90 days....and the same party (NS) also claimed they wont be locked up in Raiwand but will stand shoulder to shoulder with an everyday man...Its been what more than 1 yr and we havent seen this happen either! So IK isnt the only 1 claiming things...Do you want me to list what PPP roti Kapra and makan claimed? nothing happened in all the yrs they were in power! As for MQM am not sure of their claims I rarely hear the speeches coz I cant tolerate Altaf's singing!
i do not agree all of these parties. All politition of pakistan are Bullshit.....:D

i do not agree all of these parties. All politition of pakistan are Bullshit...
. . .
Well if they can go as far as that am sure they can push in other ideas! Shutting a city koi bachoun ka khayl nai!
I didnt really understand the rest of the stuff you wrote...
I am also against to shutting down the city for personal interest by any party whether its religious or political ..........
If you couldn't understand rest of post ... It can be your comprehension problem :)

NS also promised alot...I was talking about Zia and Butto senior...
First of all I don't like PMLN & PPP both ... Second thing we are talking about here 90 days promise by IK ... After Zia both parties which were ruling on Pakistan during 90's are responsible of this terrorism ... But nobody claimed to eliminate terrorism within 90 days ................

Shabaz Shariff claimed to end electricity in 3mths...thats 90 days....and the same party (NS) also claimed they wont be locked up in Raiwand but will stand shoulder to shoulder with an everyday man...Its been what more than 1 yr and we havent seen this happen either! So IK isnt the only 1 claiming things...Do you want me to list what PPP roti Kapra and makan claimed? nothing happened in all the yrs they were in power! As for MQM am not sure of their claims I rarely hear the speeches coz I cant tolerate Altaf's singing!
Again I would say that I am not an advocate of PMLN & PPP ... But here we are talking about changing the system within 90 days but you are talking about electricity promises ... I think SS is worst orator which NS said Josh-e-Khitabat :lol:
If you couldn't understand rest of post ... It can be your comprehension problem
Yes, that can be a possibility were the sentences constructed properly!

Because shutting down the city doesn't have mean that MQM could become the city idealistic ... This is government job ... MQM did this while they have home ministry in Musharraf time ... You couldn't find bad situation of law n order during 2002 to 2007 ................

First of all I don't like PMLN & PPP both ... Second thing we are talking about here 90 days promise by IK ... After Zia both parties which were ruling on Pakistan during 90's are responsible of this terrorism ... But nobody claimed to eliminate terrorism within 90 days ................
No one can eliminate terrorism in 90 days ...fair enough but since you dont like either of the 2 parties...why take out "keeray" only from PTI and not the other 2 parties?

Alot of things were different in 90s! Some of the good days of Pakistan...but inside it was slowly sinking!

Again I would say that I am not an advocate of PMLN & PPP ... But here we are talking about changing the system within 90 days but you are talking about electricity promises ... I think SS is worst orator which NS said Josh-e-Khitabat
I am talking about similar promises of other party leader...my question was if you question IK you should equally question the electricity promise and should to shoulder promise of PMLN and all the various promises of PPP...why single out IK? personal grudge? If that is the case then like in any court of law...this case will be dropped based on personal grudge! If no personal grudge then discuss each lie from each politician!
Well if they can go as far as that am sure they can push in other ideas! Shutting a city koi bachoun ka khayl nai!

i fully agree that its not a nice tactic and that it costs karachi financial damage, but you need to answer me few questions

1) during the nineties MQM 15,000 workers were killed, it pleaded to the government, to the judiciary, to the establishment but nobody listened to them, they had no control over police, where should they have gone to plead their case then?

2) today as well MQM workers are getting killed in the most brutal way possible, they have submitted petitions gone to the court, they are already in the govt so PPP is obviously not listening to them, supreme court takes no sup moto, the diseased belong not only to the MQM but they are common karachiites who have no party affiliations (maybe only supporters) and the families reside in MQM's vote bank areas are pleading to MQM to do something, what should MQM do, their hands are tied

3) after age long years to get PPP who holds the sindh to give MQM more authority to try to bring peace and stability in karachi, the PPP is observing totalitarian rule and monarch rule where there is no authority delegated even from CM house to the lower level even ministers here is the proof, you said MQM has authority i have now provided you evidence that CM house is observing a totalitarian rule where power is not even delegated to their own ministers so how MQM try to force PPP to take notice of the various problems of their own and of the city? result is shutter down strike

cm house.jpg

4) MQM is not the only party who has observed shutter down strike it has been jamaat islami and many parties even traders union in the past as well, so why MQM is always blamed, this is because law enforcement fail to address their issues, and fail to solve them

here the parties like jamaat islami, JUIF etc observe shutter down strike against repealing blasphemy laws in the whole country not just karachi

one guy in this video even says that shutter down strike is justified so why is it not justified in MQM's case alone when nobody is listening to MQM for the extra judicial killing of its workers?

even out of frustration once imran khan claimed he will shut down entire country if demands not met here is the source

if we don't get justice, we will close down the entire country: Imran Khan

5) after extra judicial killing it all comes down to cost MQM's vote bank and MQM is under pressure to look out and support the families of the ones who got killed, MQM is not a rich party where do they get money to support these families? so do you think MQM keeps letting govt kill its workers and other karachiites extra judicial killing and MQM doesn't do anything while no government, no judiciary takes their case of killings and missing workers and take a blind eye approach?

6) MQM has repeatedly warned that there is talibanisation in karachi, MQM is the worst effected party, TTP was used as a political tool to eliminate MQM in 2008-20013, then the PPP supports lyari gangsters, even today rangers blamed MQM was the cause of all troubles in karachi infront o the biggest meeting which had prime minister nawaz, chief of army staff raheel shareef and all the ministers, governor and CM was present and the highlight was MQM was the reason of all troubles, no taliban was blamed and the result was karachi airport attack. there are so many criminal and terror hideout all across karachi because of shanty areas and kutchi abadis, no operation was done there while every sector, unit of MQM was raided, isn't it all politics how rangers and police try to crush MQM instead of going for the real criminal and culprits? establishment has also turned a blind eye to it, where does MQM take this case? what should MQM do, if MQM takes out its frustration as a result of protest can you really blame MQM?

7) for years PPP doesn't give any development package for karachi, even the local body has no money to clean gutters, Karachi which earns 70% of the revenue for the country is suffering, naturally MQM gets blamed for not doing enough, its vote bank gets effected, when MQM talks about separating karachi from sindh it is criticised, it has already given matter to supreme court 1 year ago but supreme court delays hearing for local government , out of deserving 150 billion budget Karachi gets 42 billion and then only 28 billion are actually given for the city, out of this even the maintainance of governor house, CM house sindh secretariat is separated out which costs 6 billion only from Karachi budget not sindh's budget, the cuty practically gets nothing, what should MQM do? do you really blame MQM for venting out anger and frustration in the form of shutter down strike?

8) because of karachi law and order not because of MQM but PPP and PMLN< Karachi is daily suffering for a lot more amount of money in the form of extortion, land mafia, parking mafia, police mafia etc, do you really blame MQM for closing down the city one days in years? i don't think so


so please before criticising MQM take these factors into account first
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1) during the nineties MQM 15,000 workers were killed, it pleaded to the government, to the judiciary, to the establishment but nobody listened to them, they had no control over police, where should they have gone to plead their case then?
You have to also understand the govt is different now as compared to the 90s....so you cant stick in those days!

2) today as well MQM workers are getting killed in the most brutal way possible, they have submitted petitions gone to the court, they are already in the govt so PPP is obviously not listening to them, supreme court takes no sup moto, the diseased belong not only to the MQM but they are common karachiites who have no party affiliations (maybe only supporters) and the families reside in MQM's vote bank areas are pleading to MQM to do something, what should MQM do, their hands are tied
Its not just MQM workers...its literally everyone Shia or Sunni you are being killed...then there are people in Wazirstan and then Kashmir, minorities...literally everyone no one is spared now tell me if someone "targets" everyone who is to blame?

3) after age long years to get PPP who holds the sindh to give MQM more authority to try to bring peace and stability in karachi, the PPP is observing totalitarian rule and monarch rule where there is no authority delegated even from CM house to the lower level even ministers here is the proof, you said MQM has authority i have now provided you evidence that CM house is observing a totalitarian rule where power is not even delegated to their own ministers so how MQM try to force PPP to take notice of the various problems of their own and of the city? result is shutter down strike
Everyone knows this yet people still vote for these monarchs! But 2 wrongs does not equal to a right!

4) MQM is not the only party who has observed shutter down strike it has been jamaat islami and many parties even traders union in the past as well, so why MQM is always blamed, this is because law enforcement fail to address their issues, and fail to solve them
So you want to compare yourself to JI? Why is MQM blamed coz they claim to be doing good...how is shutting a city good?
You have to also understand the govt is different now as compared to the 90s....so you cant stick in those days!

Its not just MQM workers...its literally everyone Shia or Sunni you are being killed...then there are people in Wazirstan and then Kashmir, minorities...literally everyone no one is spared now tell me if someone "targets" everyone who is to blame?

Everyone knows this yet people still vote for these monarchs! But 2 wrongs does not equal to a right!

So you want to compare yourself to JI? Why is MQM blamed coz they claim to be doing good...how is shutting a city good?

lol this is really cruel, how you answer such a long post with few sentences, i have already proved you how MQM's shutter down strikes have reasons behind it, MQM is not a bad guy here, MQM is infact the good guy, you need to stop blaming MQM and ask the better questions like why reservations of karachiites and MQM not addressed

what MQM does is not good, but there are many reasons and frustrations backing it

for 36 years MQM is still facing the same problems it faced long time ago, killings, violence, establishment, political revenge and political indifference, ignorant judiciary and LEAs

MQM is the product of this society, it reflects the same frustration pakistani society is facing, it is not at all justified to single out MQM on this

every other major political force has been provided a ground for level playing field, why is MQM's denied when it is gainging mandate for 30 years and is one of the most important parties of pakistan representing a huge vote bank and a mandate

MQM is every where which there is injustice, whether it is killing of innocent PAT workers, whether it is protect by jye sindh sindhi nationalists, it is because MQM knows the background frustration that leads to the anger and ground reaction to it, you need to start addressing the core issues rather crusading and attacking those who are the reactions not the source, you need to address the source of the problem first
lol this is really cruel, how you answer such a long post with few sentences, i have already proved you how MQM's shutter down strikes have reasons behind it, MQM is not a bad guy here, MQM is infact the good guy, you need to stop blaming MQM and ask the better questions like why reservations of karachiites and MQM not addressed

what MQM does is not good, but there are many reasons and frustrations backing it

for 36 years MQM is still facing the same problems it faced long time ago, killings, violence, establishment, political revenge and political indifference, ignorant judiciary and LEAs

MQM is the product of this society, it reflects the same frustration pakistani society is facing, it is not at all justified to single out MQM on this

every other major political force has been provided a ground for level playing field, why is MQM's denied when it is gainging mandate for 30 years and is one of the most important parties of pakistan representing a huge vote bank and a mandate

MQM is every where which there is injustice, whether it is killing of innocent PAT workers, whether it is protect by jye sindh sindhi nationalists, it is because MQM knows the background frustration that leads to the anger and ground reaction to it, you need to start addressing the core issues rather crusading and attacking those who are the reactions not the source, you need to address the source of the problem first
Sorry bro...I am not in the mood for serious reading so I was answering you in bits and pieces...I will get back to you in a bit....

5) after extra judicial killing it all comes down to cost MQM's vote bank and MQM is under pressure to look out and support the families of the ones who got killed, MQM is not a rich party where do they get money to support these families? so do you think MQM keeps letting govt kill its workers and other karachiites extra judicial killing and MQM doesn't do anything while no government, no judiciary takes their case of killings and missing workers and take a blind eye approach?
Eventually everything is about voting but killings and all are not justified....if 1 tries to justify them then others will also do the same!

It is a surprise that MQM has to support those families...why so? They should pressurize the courts not MQM!

I have already addressed this...everyone is getting killed...from Shia to Sunni from Karachi walay to Kashmir walay to Pushtoon...who to blame? And if you blame the govt...go kill the govt people not ordinary people!

Go strike against the govt give them a loss not the country!
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6) MQM has repeatedly warned that there is talibanisation in karachi, MQM is the worst effected party, TTP was used as a political tool to eliminate MQM in 2008-20013, then the PPP supports lyari gangsters, even today rangers blamed MQM was the cause of all troubles in karachi infront o the biggest meeting which had prime minister nawaz, chief of army staff raheel shareef and all the ministers, governor and CM was present and the highlight was MQM was the reason of all troubles, no taliban was blamed and the result was karachi airport attack. there are so many criminal and terror hideout all across karachi because of shanty areas and kutchi abadis, no operation was done there while every sector, unit of MQM was raided, isn't it all politics how rangers and police try to crush MQM instead of going for the real criminal and culprits? establishment has also turned a blind eye to it, where does MQM take this case? what should MQM do, if MQM takes out its frustration as a result of protest can you really blame MQM?
Why they blame MQM? because they found killings linked to MQM...no one is going to do heavy duty work to dig up the past...Do you think our system is that efficient? do you think people work that hard? NO!

Coz MQM also has blood on their hands...hence blame goes to them...being a political party MQM has more responsibility than an everyday nobody who might have started the killings...and again I repeat if govt is responsible then people should attack the govt not the common civilian...

7) for years PPP doesn't give any development package for karachi, even the local body has no money to clean gutters, Karachi which earns 70% of the revenue for the country is suffering, naturally MQM gets blamed for not doing enough, its vote bank gets effected, when MQM talks about separating karachi from sindh it is criticised, it has already given matter to supreme court 1 year ago but supreme court delays hearing for local government , out of deserving 150 billion budget Karachi gets 42 billion and then only 28 billion are actually given for the city, out of this even the maintainance of governor house, CM house sindh secretariat is separated out which costs 6 billion only from Karachi budget not sindh's budget, the cuty practically gets nothing, what should MQM do? do you really blame MQM for venting out anger and frustration in the form of shutter down strike?
Have you ever questioned the corruption of PPP? where all the money went? Karachi is an important port no one can doubt it...It is also the largest city...It is also 1 of the most profitable! But it is also the most troubled because everyone wants to be the lawyer and give punishment!

I totally agree that govt should not get such a large share apart from CM house (which should not be bigger than an average 3 bedroom house/ apartment) and get 1 servant...no one else should get privileges from ppl's tax money!

8) because of karachi law and order not because of MQM but PPP and PMLN< Karachi is daily suffering for a lot more amount of money in the form of extortion, land mafia, parking mafia, police mafia etc, do you really blame MQM for closing down the city one days in years? i don't think so
Do you deny MQM retaliated? coz that would be a lie...they did retaliate that is why no one can tweeze out the wrong from the right...2 wrongs dont make a right! and no form of killing is justified until and unless a fair trial is given!

lol this is really cruel, how you answer such a long post with few sentences, i have already proved you how MQM's shutter down strikes have reasons behind it, MQM is not a bad guy here, MQM is infact the good guy, you need to stop blaming MQM and ask the better questions like why reservations of karachiites and MQM not addressed
Bro that is not prove! Those actions cant be justified at all! The loss to the daily wage people is a personal loss not exactly the target when it is the daily wage person who is effected the most!

MQM is not the only people who are ignored...IDP, before that the Balochis, Kashmiris and lists of minorities also makes it to the list of ignored....The govt has failed to address unity!
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